Egg Cups - ideas, keeping them and who actually makes them

Egg cups. Breakfast muffins. Whatever you want to call them those pre-made breakfast snacks that people seem to mention and you always see on pinterest have got me thinking.

I'm really interested if anyone on here makes them - specifically what do you put in them and how long do they keep? Especially interested in how long they keep, if they are freezable and how you would reheat them? There are only two of us at home right now and I dont fancy making a tray full if they never get eaten.

they seem like an ideal quick way of getting some high protein in the mornings. I do scrambled eggs right now but as with anything it might be nice to have some variety. I am happy to post some of my recipes after some experimentation - just wondering if they are actually any good!

Thank you all for your help. Very curious.


  • CeeBee88
    CeeBee88 Posts: 33
    Since I posted I did a quick google, turns out they are good for freezeing and microwave reheating!

    I like the idea I can send the OH off to work with one of these from the freezer for reheating once he gets to the office. Also now I dont have to worry about them spoiling! Expect recipe updates in the near future :)
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I don't know if this is what you mean, but I cut the crust off 6 pieces of multigrain bread, use them to line 6 muffin tins, half fill them with ham, mushroom, asparagus, herbs, whatever I have to hand, really, then crack and egg over the top and bake them until the egg is cooked. They freeze well, travel well and taste great!
  • athenasurrenders
    athenasurrenders Posts: 278 Member
    I've made similar before - I chopped some (cooked) bacon, sausage and potato waffles and threw them in a deep square baking tin, then poured over some beaten eggs and added dots of cheese. Baked in the oven and then cut into smaller squares, just the right size and shape for a sandwich. Warmed them up in the microwave each morning. Very satisfying.
  • guidothecat
    guidothecat Posts: 141 Member
    Throw pretty much what needs to be used out of the fridge in them, tomatoes, onion, parsley, spinach, basil, zucchini, squash, asparagus, whatnot, throw some bacon, ham, sausage, etc in them and bake (I have used leftover steak, black beans, cheese, onions, Mexican shredded beef, leftover bbq pork, rotel, etc in them, bits of cheese, leftover baked potato, shredded potatoes, bread cubes etc.) options are pretty much endless.

    I freeze mine in individual serving sandwich bags and then into a larger gallon zippy bag. One batch saves about 3-4 weeks in the freezer this way and just nuke them in the morning at the office. (make sure you squeeze all the air out)

    I do find that if I take them out the evening before and stick them in the fridge for a thaw, the consistency is better the next day. (sometimes things can get a bit 'watery' when you reheat them)

    I put in whatever needs to be used up out of the crisper. Total time saver and only takes a few minutes on Sunday when I am cooking my bacon and such for the week in the oven. You can do them in the muffin tins (fits perfect on an English muffin) or can do them in the 9 x 13 pan and cut squares out for on top of toast. Depends on the mood and what is on sale that week?

    And normally (since I live alone) I make double batches of most things and separate them out into 'my size' serving portions into little sandwich zippy bags and then throw the whole lot of it into a larger labeled gallon zippy bag and throw that into the freezer. That way I have a variety for the month, and no freezer burn.

    And I use the recipe calculator and log it in as a personal recipe, so I can log it accurately when I grab it out of the freezer and toss in my lunch bag. I normally edit the recipe calculator once I figure out how many "my size" portions I got out of the batch.

    Think like a breakfast burrito, you an throw pretty much anything into it if you put some cheese on top?
  • CeeBee88
    CeeBee88 Posts: 33
    Thanks for your responses guys! Especially the tips on reheating/storage. I've decided to give it a go - I have some sweet potato and bacon left over that I think would make a good breakfast combo :)