Newbie looking to lose 100+

Greeting all,
Just was wanting to say HI. I've been working on losing weight this year. First weighed in on Jan 11 2010 @ 444 lbs. I last weighed in on Monday Sept. 13 2010 @ 387 lbs. I'm looking to get down to 260 lbs. I don't know what many of you think but according to the charts I'm suppose to be around 170 -190 lbs I think that is to thin for a person of like build to me. I know a guy who's around that weight and is 6' 5" and I think he needs to bulk up some. My wife and I are both heavy have always been heavy But not this heavy before. I don't think being ultra thin is good and I prefer people with some health (so to speak) about them. Any-way just my opinion. So anyway Hello every body.



  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Wow... great job on the loss you have achieved so far! I have no doubt you will reach your goals.

    I agree... I dont like stick skinny either. I think it depends on the persons frame. Im 6' and my dr told me to aim for 200 and "see how I feel". I have pretty broad shoulders and a large frame, so too thin just doesnt look good.

    Anyways.... Welcome to MFP and best of luck on reaching your goal. It sounds like you have made a GREAT start!! Congratulations!
  • k2charmed4u
    Hi Welcome to the site and congrats on the weight loss. I know what you mean about the charts and I had the same issue. I'm 5.11 and i'm told I need to weigh about 11st which would look ridiculous on me as I have a very broad frame (shoulders and hips) which is why i'm aiming for around 13st - 13 1/2 st and seeing how I feel at that. If I look ok I might lose more but I'd be happy to get to that as it would mean i'd lost 88lbs.
    I suggest you do the same go to a weight you feel healthy and comfortable rather than by the standard charts as they are really inaccurate when it comes to individuals.
    Good Luck :smile:
  • brockly25
    nice man :) happy you on this site and hope you hit your goal :)
  • srobert510
    Great job on the weight loss man. I wouldn't worry about the charts too much now. Just keep a mental picture of what you want to look like. When you hit it - YOU ARE DONE!
  • saychzzz
    saychzzz Posts: 69 Member
    Congratulations on your success so far!! Keep up the good work. Sounds like you definitely are on the right track and very motivated. I agree that the charts don't always match the body. I have a very large build also and have not set a goal as low as the charts say I should. I am a nurse and I know that Dr.'s will tell you that even a 10% reduction in weight will bring out healthy outcomes. Hang in there and keep your eye on the prize!!
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    canonoch, welcome . Im kinda tall too, and that dam BMI scale says I should weight 175........yeah, right, I havent weighed that little since high school

    Good luck, you can do it........My Dr told me that BMI , the body/mass/index scale is a joke, that its just another chart the government can use to judge us all.......the tax payer

    hey, good luck to you. Its great you re donig that for your wife too. We need to be around for years, esp for the people we love.

    Stay focused and you ll do great...........Lloyd
  • Canonoch
    Thanks all, I'm glad you are all very encouraging. And Congrats to you all as well for taking the steps your taking to get into the shape/health you want to get into. I've tried diet plans and other efforts at working out but for some reason I've stuck better to it this year than any other time. I've had my moments of oh-well. But I figure hey I've already done it. I just need to get back to doing it.:happy: