motivation to workout at home or the gym

What do you do to make sure you workout no excuses... It's hard to be motivated to workout at home or to even go to the gym so what do you do??

When I went to the gym I changed into my gym clothes at the office and went straight to the gym or picked the kids up then went straight to the gym. If I didn't change clothes at work then my chances of going to the gym were slim.
Now that I workout at home as soon as I get home while dinner is cooking I change into my workout gear even though I'm not going to workout until later I am in my clothes so I have no excuse.

What do you do???


  • takethepieces
    I like to come on here and get myself into a motivated, exercise state of mind. I think about all the reasons I want to be thin and why exercise is important or I like to watch things like a music video so I can look at the girls and imagine looking like them. I find motivation to exercise so hard though! I find a good playlist on my iphone is a good motivator too.
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    I do the same...bring my work out gear with me to work. I also "front load" my food and exercise diary for the day...this helps me eat just the right amount and hit my nutrient targets but also motivates me to stick to my plan, after all, I've already announced to the world what my plan was!

    Might sound a bit crazy, but there are some classes at the gym I love more than the run I have scheduled for that day. To make sure I get my training run in I run from the office to the gym...I time it so my run ends just before class starts, so I stay on my pace target too!
  • sgssmile
    I do better with classes, that way they are on set days and times. Plus I enjoy them and the people, I find it more motivating. You need to find what works best for you. I also found working out at lunch time was OK but not great. Good luck!
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    My workouts are scheduled daily and are NON-negotiable. I'm a teacher, so I rarely stay after 3:00 anymore (I used to be there until 4:30 every night) because my fitness is my priority. I'm home by 3:30, have a snack, and I have a deal with myself...4:30 is THE time to lace up the sneakers and get started. Not 4:40, not 4:35, not even 4:31. Most days, I've started by 4:15...

    You honestly have to schedule it. Write in your day planner or put it on your 'to list' on your smart phone. Make sure everyone in your life knows that your workout time is not negotiable to anything. My husband finally gets that, and he knows when it's workout time, it's workout time. Period.
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    I take my gym clothes in the car with me to work, and then after work I just make myself go to the gym before going home. Once I'm home, I'm sunk...... But if I'm not planning to go to the gym, then I just use the excess calories I ate that day as motivation to work out before I go to bed.
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    I bike to work each day. I have to get to work and I have to get home, so I have to bike 10miles a day. I also have to walk the dog if I'm working so I get another little bonus walk in to boot. Works great. And I get to bike along the beach right now. You can't ask for better then that.
  • lilmom1
    Know you need to do it for you! You are worth being around for your children and grands!!! Do it for your health!! You can do it!!!!!
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I really enjoy working out- Even the times I'm dragging I know I will feel better afterwards. it may sound sadistic but I like being sore. I push myself hard. As of right now I'm doing P90x because i can't get to the gym because of my schedule I also don't want a slack 20-30 minute workout and feel rushed in getting everything in so p90x is great for that. My neighbors know it's my workout time cause they see me in my gym clothes and they think im crazy lol. I really enjoy it though. Before p90x I did insanity, the only time I will miss a workout is because something comes up that keeps me from it but there has been a time that at midnight I did a workout (not on a workday though :p)

    I'm a night out so working out at night is perfect for me I sleep great I get sleepy after workouts my energy boost doesn't come until the next day- I'm weird like that.

    You all keep doing what keeps you working out! I was just curious what it takes others to be motivated because everyone is different..

    More power to the people that workout in the morning!
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I like to run or go to the gym. I hate to workout at home. My neighbor is the she and I often are. She finds the gym to be a place where she is concerned about her appearance and she doesn't like having to make it a part of her day... I like that people might see me slacking so I stay motivated to keep working hard and I never care if I have makeup on ...LOL..also I find it too easy to keep putting off the DVD workout until later until it just doesn't the gym I have to go during the hours in which there is child care available.

    I find training goals helpful as well. It would have been easy to skip my run on Sunday. My kids finally went back to school last week and we are in the adjusting back to school year schedule time. It takes me longer to adjust to earlier wake ups than it does them. I am so flipping tired for the first 2 weeks. I was the same way when I taught. I didn't skip my run on Sunday however as it is a part of my marathon training and I would pay for it. I didn't skip yoga yesterday as when I skip yoga my knee hurts later in the week when I run ....It doesn't have to be a marathon you are training for, my opposite friend is doing a charity stair climbing event in the near future because running is stupid and boring...arghh...anyway.

    If you are finding it tough on a daily basis to get the workout in, find a goal to strive for and it might help get you to the gym or pop the DVD in the player.
  • asallen7
    My workouts are scheduled daily and are NON-negotiable. I'm a teacher, so I rarely stay after 3:00 anymore (I used to be there until 4:30 every night) because my fitness is my priority. I'm home by 3:30, have a snack, and I have a deal with myself...4:30 is THE time to lace up the sneakers and get started. Not 4:40, not 4:35, not even 4:31. Most days, I've started by 4:15...

    You honestly have to schedule it. Write in your day planner or put it on your 'to list' on your smart phone. Make sure everyone in your life knows that your workout time is not negotiable to anything. My husband finally gets that, and he knows when it's workout time, it's workout time. Period.

    I guess that is what I need to do because I feel like teaching has taken over my life. The fact is, if I die teaching my heart out, they will replace me with the next warm body that comes along. I've struggled this year with doing my workouts when I come home. I think I might have to get up and workout before I go to work (cringe), but I'm so burned out when I get home that I sometimes put my workouts on the backburner.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Don't make it optional. If you say "I'm going to workout 3 times this week", then you have options. Options are bad. Instead, make a schedule and choose which exact days you will workout. Then just follow the schedule. If energy is the problem, then you need to look at what you eat and when, and also look into supplements to get what you need. I use a pre-workout supplement to hype me up and it's great for getting focussed on the task at hand.

    Another way to motviate yourself is pictures. Gather a couple pictures online of what you want to look like, then put them around here and there to remind you of why you're doing this in the first place.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    I also find it the best to set a time as I exercise at home too. I set a time and then just get up and do it. Once I have put my shoes on I am ok to go.....
  • jenni185
    I do it right after I'm done working. I work from home so the minute I shut my computer down, the workout clothes go on. If I give myself "a few minutes to relax" it turns into a half hour on Facebook or my down time has to come after some calories are burned. And since I workout in the evening I can see where I am with my calories.