I know that this topic is talked about to death, but I am SO FRUSTRATED with not being able to lose weight!!!!! I'm beginning my 3rd week of Insanity and have GAINED 2 pounds. This makes me want to totally give up! I am working my butt off with those workouts, and going for long walks for exercise daily for WEIGHT GAIN?!?!?!? I am about to give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never took my measurements at the beginning of the program, so I don't have that to look at. I am so upset..


  • emilycarr71404
    emilycarr71404 Posts: 176 Member
    It is called GAINING MUSCLE! Duh.
  • SadFaerie
    SadFaerie Posts: 243 Member
    Do you have any clothes that were too tight before? Try them on and see.
  • Caribou2u
    Caribou2u Posts: 31 Member
    Me too. up 2ish pounds. Maybe it's PMS. I am 4 weeks in. :mad: I mean 4 weeks in with MFP... not doing Insanity....just walking 5 days/week for at least 40 minutes. Pretty discouraged.
  • _xXJennXx_
    _xXJennXx_ Posts: 3,290 Member
    It takes time and patience, and dedication. Just stick with it you'll get there!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,147 Member
    It is called GAINING MUSCLE! Duh.


    No, it's not. It's likely water retention and your body dealing with healing up sore muscles.

    OP, make sure you're eating enough to fuel your workouts. Opening your diary might help.
  • rkasper22
    rkasper22 Posts: 61 Member
    how tall are you? 130-135 pounds is not a lot unless you are on the shorter side... are you cutting down the last few pounds? that's a slow process unfortunately. and are you eating ENOUGH? sometimes not eating enough can slow your progress or not eating enough nutrient-dense food. good luck!
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    stop weighing and measure with a tape measure instead- you are probably physically smaller due to muscle gain and fat loss, but this also makes the weight look like it is going up or staying the same, it will eventually start to go down again but measuring is just way more accurate way to gauge progress
  • llfretwell
    llfretwell Posts: 218 Member
    It is called GAINING MUSCLE! Duh.


    No, it's not. It's likely water retention and your body dealing with healing up sore muscles.

    OP, make sure you're eating enough to fuel your workouts. Opening your diary might help.

    I am eating around 1500-1600 calories a day. The main reason why I don't have an open diary is because I usually just enter "quick calories" all day instead of actually naming the things that I'm eating for my meals. Maybe I should change that? Could it really still be water retention in the 3rd week? I haven't been sore since the first week..
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    1) Take measurements and use them instead of the scale.
    2) Make sure you are eating enough. You don't have much weight to lose, so it will be coming off slowly. Your goal should probably be .5 lb. per week.
    3) Track sodium and make sure you are drinking enough water.
    4) Never give up!
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    It is called GAINING MUSCLE! Duh.


    No, it's not. It's likely water retention and your body dealing with healing up sore muscles.

    OP, make sure you're eating enough to fuel your workouts. Opening your diary might help.

    I am eating around 1500-1600 calories a day. The main reason why I don't have an open diary is because I usually just enter "quick calories" all day instead of actually naming the things that I'm eating for my meals. Maybe I should change that? Could it really still be water retention in the 3rd week? I haven't been sore since the first week..

    You should definitely be tracking actual foods instead of using quick added calories. Also, is that 1500-1600 calories NET, or is that the total amount you are eating?
  • llfretwell
    llfretwell Posts: 218 Member
    how tall are you? 130-135 pounds is not a lot unless you are on the shorter side... are you cutting down the last few pounds? that's a slow process unfortunately. and are you eating ENOUGH? sometimes not eating enough can slow your progress or not eating enough nutrient-dense food. good luck!

    I am 5'7 , 139 lbs. I am a little obsessed with counting calories, and afraid to go over 1500-1600 a day. Do you think that's what may be my issue?
  • llfretwell
    llfretwell Posts: 218 Member
    It is called GAINING MUSCLE! Duh.


    No, it's not. It's likely water retention and your body dealing with healing up sore muscles.

    OP, make sure you're eating enough to fuel your workouts. Opening your diary might help.

    I am eating around 1500-1600 calories a day. The main reason why I don't have an open diary is because I usually just enter "quick calories" all day instead of actually naming the things that I'm eating for my meals. Maybe I should change that? Could it really still be water retention in the 3rd week? I haven't been sore since the first week..

    You should definitely be tracking actual foods instead of using quick added calories. Also, is that 1500-1600 calories NET, or is that the total amount you are eating?

    It's my total calories for the day, and that's with the Insanity workout. Does that sound like too little?
  • PheonixRizing
    PheonixRizing Posts: 131 Member

    I am eating around 1500-1600 calories a day. The main reason why I don't have an open diary is because I usually just enter "quick calories" all day instead of actually naming the things that I'm eating for my meals. Maybe I should change that? Could it really still be water retention in the 3rd week? I haven't been sore since the first week..

    This is just my opinion but you should log exactly what you're eating. The food log is there to provide you guidance throughout your day and also as a reference point so you can go back and decide what you need to tweak to continue your weight loss journey. If you quick add everything its not calculating anything besides calories and if you've been at it for 3 weeks and aren't seeing any results it could be because you are eating within your calories but overdoing sugars or sodium. Yes you could still be retaining water if you are eating things loaded with sodium everyday. I know it seems like a pain to log everything but it's really necessary.

    Good luck to you ^_^
  • llfretwell
    llfretwell Posts: 218 Member

    I am eating around 1500-1600 calories a day. The main reason why I don't have an open diary is because I usually just enter "quick calories" all day instead of actually naming the things that I'm eating for my meals. Maybe I should change that? Could it really still be water retention in the 3rd week? I haven't been sore since the first week..

    This is just my opinion but you should log exactly what you're eating. The food log is there to provide you guidance throughout your day and also as a reference point so you can go back and decide what you need to tweak to continue your weight loss journey. If you quick add everything its not calculating anything besides calories and if you've been at it for 3 weeks and aren't seeing any results it could be because you are eating within your calories but overdoing sugars or sodium. Yes you could still be retaining water if you are eating things loaded with sodium everyday. I know it seems like a pain to log everything but it's really necessary.

    Good luck to you ^_^

    Thank you for this. I will take your advice and begin logging everything. :)
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I agree, log everything honestly and faithfully. Weigh your food. You'd be surprised by how off a serving is with just eyeballing it.
    Think about investing in a heart rate monitor to give you more accurate calorie burns, and eat back those calories. I always tend to say this, but you can't expect a car to go without gas, it's the same for your body. It needs fuel, otherwise it will hold on to the fat for dear life.
  • paleobacon
    paleobacon Posts: 38 Member
    I can sympathize with you, the same thing is happening to me and I'm doing T25. I've since gained 5 lbs but my measurements are going down.

    I'd say take your measurements immediately and start using them for reference. Even though you didn't take them in the beginning that's okay, they will still be a good reference point.

    What do your typical meals look like? How many days are you eating 100% healthy and clean and how many days or meals per week are you using as 'cheat' meals? A common mistake people make is thinking that if you burn more calories than you eat you'll automatically lose weight, however *what* you eat plays a huge role. You could theoretically eat 1500 calories a day but if those calories are coming from Big Macs and fries then you probably won't be seeing much weight loss. Make sense?
  • Kirsten2304
    Kirsten2304 Posts: 27 Member
    I know how you feel! I have exactly the same problem and feel very frustrated. Btw, we are the same height and weight. ;)
    I don't think that you are eating a too little amount of calories, but I would start tracking your macros, especially carbs. Also, at what time of the day do you eat most of your calories? Spread evenly throughout the day or do you eat most of your calories at night? (which might also be a reason for not losing weight)
  • mdubs76
    mdubs76 Posts: 17 Member
    It is called GAINING MUSCLE! Duh.

    A pound weighs the same if it's fat or muscle. Muscle takes up less space in your body than fat. It's probably water, but make sure you are keeping track of everything going in your mouth. And relax! Trust the process. Don't give up.
  • llfretwell
    llfretwell Posts: 218 Member
    I can sympathize with you, the same thing is happening to me and I'm doing T25. I've since gained 5 lbs but my measurements are going down.

    I'd say take your measurements immediately and start using them for reference. Even though you didn't take them in the beginning that's okay, they will still be a good reference point.

    What do your typical meals look like? How many days are you eating 100% healthy and clean and how many days or meals per week are you using as 'cheat' meals? A common mistake people make is thinking that if you burn more calories than you eat you'll automatically lose weight, however *what* you eat plays a huge role. You could theoretically eat 1500 calories a day but if those calories are coming from Big Macs and fries then you probably won't be seeing much weight loss. Make sense?

    It definitely does make sense, and this is what I need to work on. I eat healthy for the most part, but have a hard time with binging on sweets. And by binging, I mean...BINGING. I try my hardest to keep them out of the house, but I have a husband who I hate to deprive. Other than the occasional cheat meal every once in a while (and my binging issue), I think I need to work on my sodium intake. I enjoy frozen lean cuisines and veggie patties. I guess my diet needs a lot of tweaking..
  • llfretwell
    llfretwell Posts: 218 Member
    I know how you feel! I have exactly the same problem and feel very frustrated. Btw, we are the same height and weight. ;)
    I don't think that you are eating a too little amount of calories, but I would start tracking your macros, especially carbs. Also, at what time of the day do you eat most of your calories? Spread evenly throughout the day or do you eat most of your calories at night? (which might also be a reason for not losing weight)

    I tend to try to save my calories for the end of the day, and so by that time, I'm starving. Nighttime is definitely when I make the most mistakes with my diet. I just opened my diary so I could start tracking everything better and hopefully that will hold me accountable. Are you doing any kind of workout like Insanity?
  • angel2783
    angel2783 Posts: 11 Member
    You should try the Master Cleanse Detox for 7 days, it really works when dedicated.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    It is called GAINING MUSCLE! Duh.

    Yeah no.. lol

    2 weeks is not nearly enough to gain from muscle.

    OP, as others said make sure you track everything, and not quick add calories. Also, i'd recalculate your calorie needs. 1500 seems low considering you are 5'7.

    Also, eating at night doesn't have any impact on your weight loss. Your body doesn't care what or when you eat your calories, it cares that you get all the nutrients it needs according to your mass.

    Don't let these myths fool you hun ;)
  • llfretwell
    llfretwell Posts: 218 Member
    Ive never heard of master cleanse detox. What exactly is that?
  • llfretwell
    llfretwell Posts: 218 Member
    It is called GAINING MUSCLE! Duh.

    Yeah no.. lol

    2 weeks is not nearly enough to gain from muscle.

    OP, as others said make sure you track everything, and not quick add calories. Also, i'd recalculate your calorie needs. 1500 seems low considering you are 5'7.

    Also, eating at night doesn't have any impact on your weight loss. Your body doesn't care what or when you eat your calories, it cares that you get all the nutrients it needs according to your mass.

    Don't let these myths fool you hun ;)

    Thank you for your kindness. :) I think it's suggested that I eat more calories since I'm doing Insanity as well. I guess I will just face my fear of calories and try to add some and see how that works.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    Ive never heard of master cleanse detox. What exactly is that?

    Don't, just don't try any silly detox. Trust me you don't wanna get into that. Eating a balanced diet and exercise is the way to go.

    As for your fear of calories, I lost 20lbs eating between 1800 - 1950 calories. I could never drop a pound eating 1200-1500.

    Also, I was wondering, at 5'7 and 139lbs are you sure what you want is to lose weight and not reshape your body?
    Most people think they want to drop weight when in fact they aren't satisfied with the way their body looks, not the weight itself. Does that make any sense?
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    It is called GAINING MUSCLE! Duh.

    2 pounds of muscle in 2 weeks ... I don't think so.

    OP, like most others said, no quick cals, start logging. A food scale might help too.
  • gera368
    gera368 Posts: 26 Member
    It's not true that it doesn't matter when you eat!
    If you eat at night and you go to bed, than your metabolism rest as well and the food will change in fat.
    Try to eat breakfast as a king, lunch as a prince and diner as a beggar.
    This way your metabolism will start high in the morning and helps you the whole day to burn your calories
  • llfretwell
    llfretwell Posts: 218 Member
    Ive never heard of master cleanse detox. What exactly is that?

    Don't, just don't try any silly detox. Trust me you don't wanna get into that. Eating a balanced diet and exercise is the way to go.

    As for your fear of calories, I lost 20lbs eating between 1800 - 1950 calories. I could never drop a pound eating 1200-1500.

    Also, I was wondering, at 5'7 and 139lbs are you sure what you want is to lose weight and not reshape your body?
    Most people think they want to drop weight when in fact they aren't satisfied with the way their body looks, not the weight itself. Does that make any sense?

    I was 131 pounds a couple of years ago before I got pregnant, and I loved my body. This is why I feel like I would like to be that weight again. I keep hearing to increase my calories. I am thinking I may do that. Its just scary for me
  • missymakayla
    missymakayla Posts: 309 Member
    Don't give up, keep going, it will get better.. I know it's frustrating, we all feel that way from time to time ,but keep going...Finish what you have started!!!
  • cutchro
    cutchro Posts: 396 Member
    It takes time and patience, and dedication. Just stick with it you'll get there!

    ^^This. :wink: