Getting Started Is Frustrating as Hell!

I am a fatty now. I am 5 3 and 227lbs. Worst it has ever been. Not happy about it, but at the point where I am not gonna care if it takes being a rocket scientest to figure out how to lose it.

I started doing research. I understand why fad diets don't work, and why reducing caloric intake and excersing does.

However, I can't seem to find ANY agreement WHAT SO EVER on how much someone my height and size should intake. Every site and every calculator says something completely different. If I listen to one I will be eating twice as much as do now. If I listened to others I would be stark ravingly famished.

Also not a single site seems to want to agree on nutrition facts. Having to input a half an hour's worth of data after figuring out which site seems more on target about the calories in every componant of a sandwich or salad is ridiculous.

Since I have been following a restricted calorie diet for a month and have only lost 3 pounds, which i am not even sure was really lost or was just a regular fluxuation in weight, I can't imagine eating less than 1600 a day at this point, and I am getting sick and tired of not REALLY knowing what is the in food I eat.


  • amijay77
    amijay77 Posts: 13
    I am a fatty now. I am 5 3 and 227lbs. Worst it has ever been. Not happy about it, but at the point where I am not gonna care if it takes being a rocket scientest to figure out how to lose it.

    I started doing research. I understand why fad diets don't work, and why reducing caloric intake and excersing does.

    However, I can't seem to find ANY agreement WHAT SO EVER on how much someone my height and size should intake. Every site and every calculator says something completely different. If I listen to one I will be eating twice as much as do now. If I listened to others I would be stark ravingly famished.

    Also not a single site seems to want to agree on nutrition facts. Having to input a half an hour's worth of data after figuring out which site seems more on target about the calories in every componant of a sandwich or salad is ridiculous.

    Since I have been following a restricted calorie diet for a month and have only lost 3 pounds, which i am not even sure was really lost or was just a regular fluxuation in weight, I can't imagine eating less than 1600 a day at this point, and I am getting sick and tired of not REALLY knowing what is the in food I eat.
  • pack533
    pack533 Posts: 224
    Did you feel in the goals on the my home page? That should tell you how many calories you need in a day.
  • sftbutterflykiss
    sftbutterflykiss Posts: 223 Member
    the best book for me.. was dr phils.. ultimate weight loss... i recommend it.. do i live by it... no.. but it was a true eye opener.. ive learned a lot about myself... i was the same weight you are.. and im 5 1 soo i know how you feel.. take a look at my pic.. that was just a 13 pound weight loss.. tonight im posting my up to day at.. 18 pounds.. so ... stick with me.. it only took me 2 months for my 18 pound.. thats great!... come on you can doooooo ittttt!!!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    The best advice I can give you is to talk to a naturopath. They have the same extent of medical training as MDs but a much more holistic approach and can really really help you figure out the right formula for YOU. It is also possible to run tests to determine your actual caloric requirements and thus what to reduce by in order to lose. I must say that when I started here a month ago I was assigned 1700 calories and couldn't IMAGINE only eating 1700 so it was a good thing I had loads of exercise calories. I'm amazed to see that now with only about 500 exercise cals a day I can't imagine eating much more than the 1330 I'm now assigned. The body is amazing at adapting. And I've never once felt hungry or deprived this month.

    It can be frustrating but I'm confident you'll sort it out. Talking to a Naturopath may prove REALLY helpful though and skip some of the trial and error ground work for you!

    Best! :flowerforyou:
  • amijay77
    amijay77 Posts: 13
    Did you feel in the goals on the my home page? That should tell you how many calories you need in a day.

    I did and it is telling me to intake 1640 calories a day. Which is what I have been doing so far to little avail. It is just annoying to have spend an entire month of making yourself uncomfortable and hungry to find out what you are doing isn't even working.

    I guess I will see how it pans out after another month. But if I had to even less, I really don't think it would be worth it. I already get intense hunger pains and headaches from sticking to 1600.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Your particular body type may require you to see a nutrionist and your doctor and get some personalized goals set up. If you have health insurance you may have coverage to see a nutritionist and that would be someone you could lean on to help figure out what works for just you!
  • amijay77
    amijay77 Posts: 13
    Thanks, i will look into this.
  • pack533
    pack533 Posts: 224
    How often are you eating?
  • amijay77
    amijay77 Posts: 13
    I have started trying to stick to breakfast lunch and dinner as the main calorie intakes and then have small snacks like apples, or mini-wheats, or grapes through out the day.

    The thing is I am fine pretty much all day until around 7pm. That is when the true hunger kicks and i am ready to drive to Wendy's order everything on the menu and flip off the world lol.

    I am not comfort eater nor a bored eater nor a junk food eater. I don't lust after sweets or cakes or pies. Doritos would prolly be the only junk food i crave but even that I have maybe once a month. I think my tastes are more conventional meat and potatoes like.

    I guess I also view meals as: If I eat this am I gonna be hungry again in an hour. And if I answer yes to myself I go for things that i know the answer will be no to. Like between a Grilled Chick Sand or Salad. I will go for the sandwich cause I know i will last longer than with the salad.
  • hearts3134
    hearts3134 Posts: 19
    I know what you mean amijay about being hungry. I don't have as far to go as you do, but when I first started my goal was 1640 too, and I was STARVING! It was hit or miss every day as to whether I would be under my goal. Then after a couple or 3 weeks, suddenly I was under all the time and looking around for a snack to meet my goal! I didn't really notice it. Then I changed my goal to lose 1 pound instead of 1/2 pound, so my calorie goal was 1340. And I was starving again. I stuck it out for 3 weeks, but I was getting too hungry and didn't have any energy so I switched back. It's taken me two and a half months to lose 9 pounds, but that's ok, because I feel like I can maintain this level now. Before it was unthinkable and it just seems easy now.

    I guess I'm saying, just hang in there, your body will adjust itself! Keep it up! Those first 3 pounds are just the first step, you CAN keep doing it!
  • pecksun8
    pecksun8 Posts: 570
    I was right where you were at a few weeks ago. I am also 5'3" and it takes a little bit of getting used too, but once you start changing how you eat and exercising, things will fall in place.

    A really good thing to do, is eat foods that are lower in calories but that you can eat a lot of. There are so many great recipe books and sites out there on how to make your normal meals healthier. but it takes a little bit of time and frustration to figure this stuff out,

    Life isn't easy, if it was we would all be thin and happy.
