What does lifting "heavy" mean to women?



  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    I deadlift and squat 185lbs, press 50lb barbell, 20-25lb dumbbells. I rarely ever curl...last time I did I think I used 15lb dumbbells.

    Interesting...you are the 2nd person to say you don't curl. Any particular reason why? I love some bicep curls. Are there other exercises you prefer?

    And it is refreshing to see you deadlift and squat the same weight. I wasn't sure that was how it should be! I feel like they are completely different things, so how am I doing the same weight. Deadlifting should be way more than squatting in my eyes.

    How long did it take to get that high squatting?
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    I think people aren't giving specific numbers because a lot of people see "lifting heavy" not as an amount of pounds, but lifting as much weight as you can for a smaller number of reps, instead of the proverbial "more reps, less weight"

    Fair enough point. I am just curious to see where other women are. I can't really compare to the other women at my gym because they don't focus on lifting like I do.
  • SirBonerFart
    SirBonerFart Posts: 1,185 Member
    I think people aren't giving specific numbers because a lot of people see "lifting heavy" not as an amount of pounds, but lifting as much weight as you can for a smaller number of reps, instead of the proverbial "more reps, less weight"

    Fair enough point. I am just curious to see where other women are. I can't really compare to the other women at my gym because they don't focus on lifting like I do.

    You want to whip it out and compare sizes?
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    I think people aren't giving specific numbers because a lot of people see "lifting heavy" not as an amount of pounds, but lifting as much weight as you can for a smaller number of reps, instead of the proverbial "more reps, less weight"

    Fair enough point. I am just curious to see where other women are. I can't really compare to the other women at my gym because they don't focus on lifting like I do.

    You want to whip it out and compare sizes?

    :blushing: lol...no!
  • deathdozer927
    deathdozer927 Posts: 3 Member
    I don't want to make a fool out of myself with my upper body numbers but between 50-100 depending on if I'm doing drop sets or just lifting (curls, skull crushers, tricep pulldowns etc.), definitely need to work on my upper body strength. I can leg press a comfortable 520 now, leg extensions= 150, leg curls= 120. I have horrible knees that make squats difficult, so I only do about 130.

    I try not to compare myself to the other girls. or guys for that matter, in the gym or on here. As long as I am doing better than I was a week ago, I am happy. :) However, it would be nice to know an average weight because sometimes I feel like a wussy.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    oh... you wanted actual numbers

    160 (ish- floats between 155/160 but I'm generous and never underestimate)

    My last PR was 250 Dead lift- I"m doing reps at 205 (so it might be higher- at the time of that max I was around 185/190)

    Squat is stalled for ****- I maxed 200 and have been repping 150 and not climbing at ALL. (switched to drop sets- high volumn vs 5 x 5 lately)

    Bench is utter crap- I have a bad shoulder and now a bad elbow- but I can put up 175 and rep 135. I don't care as much about bench- I do care about my arnold presses- which I can put up the 40's...yeah- I <3 arnold presses- sue me.

    I do curl occasionally- when I'm feeling saucy- which is repping around 70 lbs. (normally I do bicep-centric pull ups to target them rather than curl- but I do curl bb weight occasionally)

    I'm more proud of my weighted pull ups- 10 lbs added with sets of 5 pull ups.
  • jdaley90
    jdaley90 Posts: 259 Member
    everyone varies but for me personally.. i am about 5'5, 120lbs.

    Deadlift: 150lbs x 1 (6/11/13)
    Squats: 130lbs x 6 (1/23/13)
    Bench Press: 65lbs x 6 (6/03/13)
    OHP: 45lbs x 10 (4/30/13)

    I haven't maxed myself out recently but have been working out strength training 5x/week...
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    Squat: 65lbs (bad knees)
    Deadlift: 90lbs
    Bench: 85lbs

    working on lifting heavier..my goal is to squat and deadlift 200lbs and to bench 100lbs
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    No one is giving me numbers. I want numbers.

    I am asking specifically....what do you deadlift? Squat? Shoulder press? Curl?

    Squat - 130# 5x5
    Bench - 85# 3x5
    Deadlift - 125# 5x5
    OHP - 65# 3x5
    Row - 75# 5x5
    Curl - haven't done these in a while, but I was curling 20# dumbbells for 3x8.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Last week I squatted 130 for 6 or 7 reps. I top out around 65 for bench and 50 or 55 for OHP. I am not currently deadlifting heavy, but I have pulled 120 in the past, maybe 130, I can't remember. I am doing higher rep, lower weight for my deadlifts right now, and I did 65xx2, 75x8x2. I am running Wendler's 5/3/1 and just switched to the boring but big option for accessory work, so no curls for me, really, although I do a Fitness Blender upper body video after doing my bench and OHP and sometimes those have curls. When I was running a different accessory scheme, (doing circuits) I did do curls, but was doing higher reps, lower weight there, so I was curling my 30 pound bar for 8 for 3 sets. I don't really know my 1RMs at this point, I work out at home without a spotter, so I don't push it to my absolute limit.

    But, because it bears repeating, there's not, imho, a magic number that = HEAVY! It's all relative to the person. If someone is benching 30 pounds and is fatigued at 5 reps, then that's heavy lifting, to me, even though the number isn't "impressive".

    edit: I'm 5'4.75" and roughly 133-135 pounds. I was around 117-120 when I deadlifted my heaviest, though, I believe.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Just like time and space heavy is relative

    Duuuude.... totally... and why are they called fingers? Do they fing?
    Really deep thought....just think about it.
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    I don't want to make a fool out of myself with my upper body numbers but between 50-100 depending on if I'm doing drop sets or just lifting (curls, skull crushers, tricep pulldowns etc.), definitely need to work on my upper body strength. I can leg press a comfortable 520 now, leg extensions= 150, leg curls= 120. I have horrible knees that make squats difficult, so I only do about 130.

    I try not to compare myself to the other girls. or guys for that matter, in the gym or on here. As long as I am doing better than I was a week ago, I am happy. :) However, it would be nice to know an average weight because sometimes I feel like a wussy.

    Amazing numbers!

    I feel the same way. Sometimes I feel so strong, but then I can't help but to wonder...wait....can everyone else do this weight too? Am I not special/strong/in shape? :sad:
  • cmay89
    cmay89 Posts: 337 Member
    I think people aren't giving specific numbers because a lot of people see "lifting heavy" not as an amount of pounds, but lifting as much weight as you can for a smaller number of reps, instead of the proverbial "more reps, less weight"

    Fair enough point. I am just curious to see where other women are. I can't really compare to the other women at my gym because they don't focus on lifting like I do.

    ok, I'll bite

    bear in mind I have somehow neglected to max out for the last year so, these might not be accurate (hoping they haven't gone down at the very least!)

    all in lbs

    DL: 325
    Back squat: 250
    Front Squat: 185
    Shoulder press: 120
    Squat clean: 180
    Squat Snatch: 135

    any others you would like to know? I only work with free weights, no machines.
  • WandaVonDunajew
    WandaVonDunajew Posts: 183 Member
    As heavy as I can. Im 174 cm (I think thats five six or seven) and weigh 62 kgs or 136 pounds. My average lifts are deadlifts 65 kg or 143 pounds x 8 reps today for example (PR 160 lbs), bench press around 40 kg or 88 pounds x 8 reps, squats 60 kg or 132 pounds x 6 reps. I dont do over the head stuff because I have a lumbar hernia and I dont like the movement. Other lifts: bent over rows 40 kg x 7 reps, one arm dumbbell rows 12.5 kg or 27.5 pounds x 6 reps, dumbbell bench press 12.5 kg x 8 reps, around 6 chin ups, 3 pull ups (on a good day), weighted dips (with a ten kg plate).... and many more. Now u have numbers :))
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    everyone varies but for me personally.. i am about 5'5, 120lbs.

    Deadlift: 150lbs x 1 (6/11/13)
    Squats: 130lbs x 6 (1/23/13)
    Bench Press: 65lbs x 6 (6/03/13)
    OHP: 45lbs x 10 (4/30/13)

    I haven't maxed myself out recently but have been working out strength training 5x/week...

    You are right around my weights. Good to see! Keep up the effort! It isn't easy getting up to those weights, but it sure is fun to get higher and higher each week once you get over that threshold of torture/pain after doing the exercises and you can just build up weight!
  • TXBecki
    TXBecki Posts: 40
    I agree there can be many definitions to "heavy" as others have pointed out, but if you want straight numbers, my 1RM's (1 rep maxes) from the last time I did them (3 months ago) are: deadlift - 308lbs, strict press - 100 lbs, back squat - 209 lbs. I know these have gone up significantly in the last few months, but haven't formally reassessed my 1RMs with my trainer yet. For example, I can do 8 reps at 90% of my back squat 1RM now, so I'm really expecting to see that jump up when we reassess at the end of this month.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    I don't focus soley on strength so my rep ranges vary; as in I don't follow the 5x5 standard or believe heavy lifting is only defined by those working in the rep range under 5. I'm looking for aesthetics, mass building and strength so my reps range on the day from sets of 4-6 to even 8-12.

    Here's my max numbers on the main compounds but gasp! Yes I do isolation work too...:)
    Squat 170lbs 1-2 sets x 4 reps
    Bench-105lbs 5x5
    Deadlift-155lbs 3x5
    OHP-I maxed out at 75lbs, hate this move.

    Edit to add: I'm 5'2 124lbs
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    I think people aren't giving specific numbers because a lot of people see "lifting heavy" not as an amount of pounds, but lifting as much weight as you can for a smaller number of reps, instead of the proverbial "more reps, less weight"

    Fair enough point. I am just curious to see where other women are. I can't really compare to the other women at my gym because they don't focus on lifting like I do.

    ok, I'll bite

    bear in mind I have somehow neglected to max out for the last year so, these might not be accurate (hoping they haven't gone down at the very least!)

    all in lbs

    DL: 325
    Back squat: 250
    Front Squat: 185
    Shoulder press: 120
    Squat clean: 180
    Squat Snatch: 135

    any others you would like to know? I only work with free weights, no machines.

    lol, nope. I have to go work out so I can match your numbers. :bigsmile: Nice weights. I'm no where near you.
  • jdaley90
    jdaley90 Posts: 259 Member
    everyone varies but for me personally.. i am about 5'5, 120lbs.

    Deadlift: 150lbs x 1 (6/11/13)
    Squats: 130lbs x 6 (1/23/13)
    Bench Press: 65lbs x 6 (6/03/13)
    OHP: 45lbs x 10 (4/30/13)

    I haven't maxed myself out recently but have been working out strength training 5x/week...

    You are right around my weights. Good to see! Keep up the effort! It isn't easy getting up to those weights, but it sure is fun to get higher and higher each week once you get over that threshold of torture/pain after doing the exercises and you can just build up weight!

    keep up the awesome work! world needs more ladies who like to lift :)
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    My heavy would probably be about 15 lbs in free weights right now. I can do a lot better with machines though, I don't know why.