Les Mills Combat

Is anyone currently doing (or thinking about starting) les mills combat? I plan on starting on Monday 5th, and thought it would be good if there were a few others so we could support each other?

I've tried searching the groups but they all seem abandoned now :(


  • Jackie218
    Jackie218 Posts: 116 Member
    HI!! I just started it on Aug 1st, so far Im loving every minute of it :) Add me as a friend if you d like :-)
  • littlesprite11
    littlesprite11 Posts: 106 Member
    Im going on my 6th week and I love it!
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    Out of all the programs I currently cycle through, Combat is by far one of my favorite, and one of the most fun ones I do.
    Not really interested in joining a group, but you are more than welcome to friend me if you have any questions about any of the routines.
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    I do 1/2 Combat 1/2 Body Pump - Lots of fun :bigsmile: Feel free to add me if you like.
  • Symonep
    Symonep Posts: 181 Member
    I do Combat and Pump :wink:
  • Jennyd1314
    Jennyd1314 Posts: 61 Member
    At moment do combat class twice a week & just brought combat DVD from.ebay to do at home
  • nickijo2003
    nickijo2003 Posts: 19 Member
    I do body combat twice a week, love it, its hard work but soooo much fun, feel great after i finish a class :-)
  • I started doing Combat years ago and after a long break I now do it once a week. You can tone it up or tone it down depending on whether you are a newbie or not, or even if you feel kind of tired that day. A good instructor should give you high and low options and you could always talk to them before class to ask them to point these out. Just take it slow in the beginning or you could be really sore the next few days! Good for cardio but also it really helps define your arm muscles :)
  • anaanti
    anaanti Posts: 31 Member
    Im also doing it. Today is my day 8. I hope that this time i will stick with a whole program.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I do it once or twice a week (in addition to other types of exercise), and I think it's a lot of fun and great for toning my arms.
  • kcvest
    kcvest Posts: 2 Member
    Yep, I started Les Mills Combat today actually. I really enjoyed it.
  • My husband and I are on week 3 right now and love it!
  • ranz9
    ranz9 Posts: 14 Member
    hope im not to late i just took my first les mills class body step. it kicked my *kitten*. im going to start body combat body pump and body attack im also thinking about doing rpm.
  • Hi, I have been taking Les Mills classes for a while now. I take Combat, Pump & Attack & love them all. My instructors are awesome and make it fun. Attack is a killer but when I'm finished I feel great and ready to take on the world. :)
  • jchwhiskey
    jchwhiskey Posts: 11 Member
    I got the DVDs last week and just started on Monday. After stumbling through 2 workouts, I'm all sore and stiff now.