Trying to Los3 30, before age 30....attempt #4

Hello!! I am a past MFP member, but have had a lot of set backs, no internet, no smartphone with apps, moving, financial on and on and on and so forth! BUT I am back and hopefully to finally accomplish my goal this time. Id like to lose 20-30 lbs by my birthday, my 30th birthday! Which falls on December 19th. I have some great MFP friends that kept me on their friends list dispite my absences, but of course, many did not as I wouldnt expect them to! I find the logging my food is a wonderful, wonderful tool that helps so much. As I am reintroducing myself my question is, is there anyone in the same boat as me? Anyone who is struggling with set backs and stalls on their journey? It is so frustrating and I see my goal timeline is flying by.....I honestly don't know if I will make it....but I hope I can at least come close!


  • jenncalifornia
    jenncalifornia Posts: 3 Member
    Just signed up today for the first time. 30 came and went for me the past Feb. but its better to start now. Same goal here, 30lbs. Here we go!
  • Hi Kristin

    I'm similar to you - have been using the app multiple times before and have always lost a few pounds.. but for some reason or another I ended up falling off the wagon.

    I'm 5ft4 and looking to lose about 30lb too - ideally by November. Planning to stick to 1000-1200 cals and go to the gym at least 3 times a week.
    What is your approach? Very happy to motivate you along the way!!!

    I have a new screensaver on my computer - it says 'A year from now you'll have wished you started today' .. its a great piece of motivation!!

    Alicia x
  • YellowNightingale
    YellowNightingale Posts: 440 Member
    My birthday is December 10th and I'd love to have lost 20 lbs by then :) We can do this! Add me if you'd like :)
  • Yay! People like me!!! haha. Definitely add me, my routine right now is sort of to just track and see where I am with my current eating habits as far as calories, when I get that under control I am going to try to see what exercise I can fit in my schedule and go from there! crossing my figures that adding one new habit at a time and controling one aspect at a time will help me be more successful this time around!
  • MissLeighLee
    MissLeighLee Posts: 2 Member
    I'm also getting ready to face the big three- oh! I would LOVE to be down 30 pounds by my birthday but that may be a little too optimistic for an October birthday... but I'm trying anyway! I've tried this before and life seems to get in the way, but things have settled in a good way and it seems like a good time to start again! I'm aiming for 1200 calories a day, and after I see what happens I'll add exercise. Baby steps!!
  • lcoelho84
    lcoelho84 Posts: 16 Member
    I also want to lose some pounds.. I turn 30 in April. Once I hit 29, it freaked me out and I decided it was time to get in shape and take care of myself! I cant say any longer I Just had a baby.. or im in grad school.. or i have no money/time/etc. NO more excuses!!
  • xeno8604
    xeno8604 Posts: 193 Member
    As dedicated and motivated as you are, you can do this, just stay on track and take it one day at a time!!! We all get set backs, but since you are back it shows that you want this badly, best of luck.
  • optimisticShark
    optimisticShark Posts: 136 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am looking for more friends to share motivation.
  • Yayyyy for the almost 30's trying to change things around, pretty exciting! Best of luck to you all....please feel free to add me!
  • I am in the same boat...that is, I keep attempting to lose weight and something always seems to slow me down or get in the way. I would like to lose 50 lbs by my 50th birthday! I will be 49 in December, the 16th, so we are both Sagittarians! My hubby and I have just RE-started "COUCH TO 5K". Were doing well, got to week 6, and had a setback... so here we are 2 months later starting over. He is my fitness pal! But this keeps me more honest about the food I eat. I am more conscious of all the little nibbles and tastes when I use a food diary, plus you can't beat the price! FREE! I was on WW and did the online version too, but it is too expensive in addition to Curves which is over $40 a month. So that's me in a nutshell. Nice to meet you and I wish you luck and success on your journey!!
  • Violetta86
    Violetta86 Posts: 150 Member
    My birthday is Dec 21 and I'd love to loose 20 by then! Let's do this girl.
  • CarlaNeverGivenUp
    CarlaNeverGivenUp Posts: 108 Member
    Feel free to friend me. I applaud you for wanting to make your goal at 30! You can do it. I've fallen off the wagon many's the getting back up that counts! You can do it!
  • brianc410
    brianc410 Posts: 13 Member
    Do yourself a favor and set short term goals with the the long-term goal in mind. I take my food intake one day at a time and my weight one week at a time.
  • cedarblack
    cedarblack Posts: 63 Member
    Turned 28 last week and am determined to be in the best shape of my life before I reach 30! I also have about 30lbs to lose, anyone feel free to add me :-)
  • Hey Kristin! Like you, I'm almost 30 (well, actually it's like 6 months away)... but I have a lot more than 30 pounds to lose! I too have fallen off the wagon several times, in fact just recently when I was on vacation. The food and exercise log really helped to put me back on track!
  • I'm a bit younger (turned 21 a few weeks ago), but I want to lose 30/35lbs by december, because I'm leaving for Spain for five months in January. I've started this journey a few times before, but I weigh the same as I did when I first started.

    Time to get it right this time! I started a new running schedule today, I will start an internship in three weeks and I hope that the structure it brings will help me in my journey. (Also, there's a gym almost next door that I'm planning to go to three times a week after work).

    I hope it's okay that I add/posted, since we have the same goal at around the same time!