"Eating back" your exercise calories

miadances Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Who does this?

I have been doing the "eating back" thing since I started adding cardio and have found that the weight is coming off slower than when I didn't exercise at all.

I went on vacation recently and for 4 days didn't exercise or count calories. That week I lost 2 pounds. That was with cheesy pizza and coconut ice cream. ?????

Now I am back, counting calories and trying to eat back only 1/2 of what I burn and the scale hasn't moved.

Is there some magical formula or do we all just have to figure out what our bodies will respond to?

I want t lose 2 pounds a week and have done this in the past when on Nurtisystem with zero cardio.

What is the issue now that I have added cardio and am counting my own calories?? I am burning 400 calories several times a week.

Eat back all of it? Eat back 1/2 of it? Eat back none of it?


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Theoretically if you calculate calories burned correctly and you are set up to lose 2 lbs/week you should lose 2 by eating all exercise calories. That being said it is difficult to estimate caloric burn accurately without using a Heart Rate Monitor and even then you would have to back out the calories you would have burned anyway. That being said in the absence of better estimator I would suggest eating about 75% of exercise caloires.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    The body never follows rules but they are good guidelines. Other things effect your efforts. Lots of medical conditions or medications..... Keep investigating. Remember, even though excess of calories isn't healthy, it does trick the body, and keep it from using calories too efficiantly.
  • I've been struggling with the same thing. Not sure what the answer is. I'm going to attempt a week where I don't "eat" back 100% (will shoot for 50%) and see how that goes.
  • I would have to say that you are not burning as many calories as you think you are with your exercise. I try to not "eat back" any of what I work off, so all exercise is bonus weight loss. Of course, you can't do that if you are burning 600+ calories a day with exercise, but with a few hundred no worries.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Yes, you should be eating these back. I aim for 50-75% of them, to leave some room for error. If you are eating them back and find that it slows/stops your weight loss, then chances are you are either overesimating your exercise calories (which is very likely if you use the gym machines or MFP to estimate) or you're underestimating what you are eating, or both. Here is a longer post I did awhile back about this topic.


    Like I said, I eat most of mine back and have been steadily losing weight. Other things could be stalling your progress (other than the overestimating that I mentioned above), such as too much sodium, not enough water, not enough sleep, and eating too much processed food, too much sugar, etc. If things aren't going well right now, you need to look at all of this - I find I lose weight best when I drink LOTS of water and eat very little to no processed food, which keeps my sugar and salt intake under control by default.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I have always had better luck eating some of my exercise calories
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    I'm trying to make it my rule to eat at least 1/2 my exercise calories back so my metabolism doesn't get all messed up. I've had good success with this.
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I try not to eat my exercise calories (try being the key word, since I am rarely sucessful) and when I do eat them, I never eat more than half--I'm trying to lose 3 lb/week, which you can't factor in for your calories here, so I try to have an excess in exercise calories at the end of the day. Sometimes it takes a bit of tweaking to find what's right for you!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I eat 'em! 75-100% of them! 1400-1500 NET calories/day these days.

    I did NOT eat them when I started. 1200 cals a day & tons of exercise. I. Majorly. Effed. My. Metaoblism. and have been struggling to get it back up to par for 8 (yes, eight) months. After a month of being satisfied with maintaining my weight with how many calories I was eating, I'm back to losing mode. I lost 55 pounds my first ~4.5 months with MFP. Then, screech, my metabolism died. I've lost 25 in the last ~8 months while steadily increasing the amount I eat to maintenance & (in the last 1.5 weeks) back down to ~1500 net..

    If you're calculating your calorie intake correctly, you should be able to eat roughly what MFP recommends (including exercise calories, if those are calculated correctly) and lose the amount you elected to lose when you set up your MFP account. If you're not losing an **average** of that much weight (obviously certain factors will affect your loss from week to week, so take the average over as many weeks as possible) then something is off somewhere either with your calorie intake, exercise calories, or your metabolism.
  • flattsfan22
    flattsfan22 Posts: 86 Member
    I have another question about this....I work out in the evening the majority of the time. I use a HRM to monitor my calories burnt. By the time I finish working out it is past 8pm most nights. I've heard the rule about not eating past a certain time, so I'm stuck in this dilemma of do I eat back some calories because my body might be in starvation mode or do I not eat for fear of my body packing that all into fat. I try to incorporate more calories throughout the day because I know i'll be working out in the evening but most nights I still need to eat more. Last night I played softball and burnt over 1000 calories in two games. I didn't get home till about 10pm but felt I HAD to eat something because I had dipped well below 1200 cals for the day.
  • MizzFitness
    MizzFitness Posts: 76 Member
    I've found since joining and seeing I'm allowed 1200 calories plus whatever I work out in order to lose weight, I've actually gained about 4lbs. Before that I was doing around 1500 calories a day, over a little or under didn't matter, & just working out. No special diet or anything, just following 1500 calories. Another site recommends I eat 1700 a day. I'm frustrated beyond words today.
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    I've heard the rule about not eating past a certain time, so I'm stuck in this dilemma of do I eat back some calories because my body might be in starvation mode or do I not eat for fear of my body packing that all into fat.

    This is a wive's tale. I followed this one for a while too and with busy lives, you sometimes have to eat late. I've steadily lost the weight while eating at midnight, right before my head hits the pillow. Just my opinion, but I don't think you should have to worry about this. :)
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I have another question about this....I work out in the evening the majority of the time. I use a HRM to monitor my calories burnt. By the time I finish working out it is past 8pm most nights. I've heard the rule about not eating past a certain time, so I'm stuck in this dilemma of do I eat back some calories because my body might be in starvation mode or do I not eat for fear of my body packing that all into fat. I try to incorporate more calories throughout the day because I know i'll be working out in the evening but most nights I still need to eat more. Last night I played softball and burnt over 1000 calories in two games. I didn't get home till about 10pm but felt I HAD to eat something because I had dipped well below 1200 cals for the day.

    It sounds like you already know the answer - incorporating more foods throughout the day in anticipation of your workout. On softball nights, make sure you eat a very good breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. It takes work to train yourself to do this - but it's worth working on. Don't stress over not eating ALL of your exercise calories - I aim for 50-75% of mine, since most people overesimate exercise calories anyways. Also, I've heard that the "eating at night" thing is a myth. Personally I have no problem eating at night - granted, I don't usually eat huge meals, but I frequently snack before bed and it doesn't cause discomfort/problems sleeping or stall my weight loss.
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    I've found since joining and seeing I'm allowed 1200 calories plus whatever I work out in order to lose weight, I've actually gained about 4lbs. Before that I was doing around 1500 calories a day, over a little or under didn't matter, & just working out. No special diet or anything, just following 1500 calories. Another site recommends I eat 1700 a day. I'm frustrated beyond words today.

    I'm sure that's frustrating for you. Maybe it could be that your metabolism is trying to recover from too few of calories before? Just my opinion again, but if I were you, I would give it another couple of weeks and then see how things are going. I definitely wouldn't dip below consuming 50% of your exercise calories though. Again, just my opinion. :)
  • I have another question about this....I work out in the evening the majority of the time. I use a HRM to monitor my calories burnt. By the time I finish working out it is past 8pm most nights. I've heard the rule about not eating past a certain time, so I'm stuck in this dilemma of do I eat back some calories because my body might be in starvation mode or do I not eat for fear of my body packing that all into fat. I try to incorporate more calories throughout the day because I know i'll be working out in the evening but most nights I still need to eat more. Last night I played softball and burnt over 1000 calories in two games. I didn't get home till about 10pm but felt I HAD to eat something because I had dipped well below 1200 cals for the day.

    That rule is a complete myth so no worries :)
    I would just watch WHAT you eat at night .. some of us crave sweets or other junk food at night so be careful
  • I've found since joining and seeing I'm allowed 1200 calories plus whatever I work out in order to lose weight, I've actually gained about 4lbs. Before that I was doing around 1500 calories a day, over a little or under didn't matter, & just working out. No special diet or anything, just following 1500 calories. Another site recommends I eat 1700 a day. I'm frustrated beyond words today.

    Please and thank you! I seriously feel like nixing the cardio for 5 minutes until I can get my body to respond with just the caloric reduction. I was better off with no exercise.
    Other things effect your efforts. Lots of medical conditions or medications..... Keep investigating.

    No conditions and no meds. None. Zero. Zilch.

    Do the pre-programmd exercise machines yield false totals for calories burned? I am doing 40 minutes on an elliptical with decent resistance. It is telling me 400 calories. Maybe it is that I am burning less than it indicates. I do not have a HRM.
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