Returning to MFP, New to the Community

Hi Everyone! I have struggled with weight since elementary school, but recently finally felt like I was in a good place emotionally to address it. My problem is that I always start off great, always eat clean in the first two weeks, moderate exercise, feeling great about myself. Then, inevitably, there will be some event or party where I'll indulge, with the intention of getting right back on the horse the following day. Unfortunately, that bounce back never happens. It's like my body gets a taste of the forbidden food and refuses to leave that sanctuary. I know that it's all mental and I'm working on it, but it's sooooo frustrating.

I'm hoping that by joining this community and being inspired by some of your stories, I can finally get over this hurdle and continue my weight loss progress (with very minor interruptions in the journey).


  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I'm so there with you right now!
  • lighteningjeanne855
    lighteningjeanne855 Posts: 566 Member
    My new motto is: Don't let the Perfect overshadow the Good.
    You have already lost weight.
    Forgive yourself, but research some strategies for social events, such as eating beforehand.
    Best wishes!
  • teenyweeny23
    Hello! I am also new to MFP community. Just joined last week. I am encouraged by my friend who had been successful in her weight loss program. Currently, i weigh 135 lbs and I am just 5'2 in height. The ideal weight for my height is 110-112 lbs and that is what I am working on right now. I just started the insanity workout and I am on my 22nd day. Still a pretty long way to go.

    You are not alone Tahgo. I have been overweight too since grade school. But I know we can do this. We just have to be focused and disciplined as we go along in this fitness journey.
  • maritsa88
    maritsa88 Posts: 62 Member
    I loved the words you used about yourself! The real thing is that forbidden food always seems to be more tastefull and maybe it is because it is forbidden and that makes it special to ourselves! I do the diet for a couple weeks and the i give up, i get bored really easily.
  • tahgo2014
    tahgo2014 Posts: 5 Member
    mockchoc, ::holds your hand:: Thank you! We can do this.

    jeanne855, great advice. I go in thinking I'll just load up on salad and just sample here and there. It never works! Researching I go.

    teenyweeny23, thanks. It's always nice to know that you're not walking alone.

    maritsa88, we WILL do it this time. If only to improve our quality of life. It's possible as all these wonderful and inspiring people have demonstrated. We just have to believe! I