Insanity workout advise plz

hi all

Me and my sister starting Insanity workout on Monday hopefully we get good results has we doing it to lose weight. i was wondering if anyone had any advise on stage 1: meal ideas and snakes. Also what else can i have for recovery after exercising has i cant afford the 50-60 pound on protein shakes.

Has anyone had any good/bad results doing this exercise, any advise is welcome big thanks


  • clo92boom
    clo92boom Posts: 20 Member
    I'll be starting month two of insanity today- definitely feel stronger/ fitter and can see more muscle definition but I have not lost weight though from what i have read weight loss tends to come in the second month so shall have to wait and see about that. As for diet, I did not stick to the nutrition guide that comes with the program so i can't comment on that but you do need to make sure you're eating enough (the body needs fuel for weight loss and muscle repair) so I'd recommend using the formula in the nutrition guide to calculate the calories you require and sticking with that.
  • miamiink89
    miamiink89 Posts: 103 Member
    I also started insanity on Monday. Feel free to add me so we can support each other :)
  • Hello guys! just started insanity workout and it is my 22nd day today. Still a pretty long way to go. I am gaining some muscles which is why when I weigh in, I lose pounds slowly. Muscles weigh heavier than fats. But it is the inches I have noticed that I shed quickly especially in my waist. and buttocks. I need to push some more since this program is for 60 days. It is challenging because my calorie intake for the day must be 1,200 only.

    We can do this guys. Have a great day everyone.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    There's no need to spend the money on those shakes. When I did Insanity I only needed a protein shake in the second month just to make sure I was getting enough. Like another poster I did not follow the meal plan, just made smart choices. I made all my snacks fruit. Unless there is a medical reason don't try to do this on 1200, you run a great risk of making yourself sick, I speak from experience.

    Teenyweeny23 - I'm not sure how you can do this on 1200 a day!! I give you all the credit in the world. I tried it for 2 weeks and ended up in the bed with exhaustion for a week!
  • evt84
    evt84 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm on day 51 of Insanity and when I first started I was limiting myself to 1200 calories. BAD IDEA. That wasn't enough. After some research and advice from fellow MFP'ers I bumped my intake up to 1500 and I've definitely seen excellent results!

    1200 is not enough when you're doing something as strenuous as Insanity. I know it sounds crazy that you should up your intake, but trust me--it works!
  • jkay2244
    jkay2244 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all, I am also dong insanity and just finished day 23 today 26/08/13 and have only lost an inch on my waist and no weight loss so far but definitely stronger. I am loving my new found strength. Please feel free to add me so we can motivate each other. Thanks guys. I am seriously nervous about month 2 :wink: