Decided to change up my exercise regime...

I've been making good progress, if slow and steady, for the past 6 months. finally cracked that 50lbs barrier.

I recently bought a bike to travel to work. it's a 16 mile trip in total there and back, and well, how do i put this... i have what can only be described as "saddle butt" :blushing:

i want to keep going with the cycling because i felt like i was in a rut with running and walking for my steady state cardio exercise.

are there any people out there who can offer some advice or words of wisdom about how to combat a saddle butt onset? or maybe just an idea of how long it will take me to get used to cycling so i dont get this sensation when i sit on the bike seat? it's mildly painful, in all honesty! :brokenheart:

oh, a slight "NSV"... i felt slim and fit when i was riding my bike. i have lost 50lbs-ish so far, and this is the first time i have felt this. nice :drinker:


  • panda_shinigami
    nudge :smile:
  • coppertop_4
    coppertop_4 Posts: 258 Member
    Wait til you are all healed up, and then ride the bike again. You can try shorter distances at first if you don't want the pain/soreness again. It won't take long until you can do the 16 miles easily! If it's not better in two weeks, you could look into a different seat!
  • clbortiz
    clbortiz Posts: 98 Member
    I bought a gel seat cover that helped a lot. Also, there are shorts specifically made for cyclers that have padding in strategic areas to help. I haven't purchased any for myself but I have a friend who bikes 25 miles plus on the weekends and he and his cycling friends (male and female) all wear them and swear by them.
  • Birdiebull
    Sounds like the beginning of a saddle sore, which is an umbrella term for a variety of irritations "down there" caused by cycling. They're inevitable but you can reduce your risk...

    Your best bet is identifying the problem. Your saddle might be too high or low, or it could be crooked causing friction on one side more than another. Your saddle might also be too narrow. You should be sitting on your sit bones not soft tissue.

    I always wear bike shorts and highly recommend them to friends who start cycling more regularly. Mine are the kind with a big ol' pad on the butt, called a chamois, not just spandex tights. They can be expensive, but they make long rides heavenly, and you can find them online for much less than a specialty cycling store. You do NOT wear undies with them.

    Just some warnings: Getting a softer saddle might actually be the WORST thing. Especially if you're going to be cycling for fitness and logging 16mi/day. Most serious cyclists have very hard saddles that are properly fit to their anatomy. Also, there are special creams that reduce friction, but if you need to use them on a regular basis, it means you're just slapping a bandaid on a larger problem (probably improper bike/saddle fit). You shouldn't need creams for rides under 100mi.
  • panda_shinigami
    This is great guys. good to know that there are potential solutions, and also that it's not just me :laugh:

    thanks very much!