Weight Fustration

Hey All,
So I have a very big goal of losing 60 pounds! I was doing well, but I got thrown off by not being able to work out for a week and soon that turned into 3 weeks and so on. I find it very challenging now to get back to were I was in working out. I am having a tough time getting motivated again. Does anyone have any tips on how to become motivated again? Has anyone been through that time when you get frustrated with the weight not coming off as quickly or just something goes wrong and it's like forget this. What motivates you to keep going?


  • neilshane
    neilshane Posts: 17 Member
    I've been unmotivated for years myself! I hope you get some good answers!
  • notnikkisixx
    notnikkisixx Posts: 375 Member
    The biggest thing is to just force yourself to get back at it! As soon as I made exercise part of my routine, it became something I felt empty without. I would suggest joining a website like mapmyride.com to track your exercises so you can have a visual of the calories you're burning, minutes you're exercising, and an overall idea of your progress.

    My motivation comes from seeing the progress I've made and from seeing how my body has changed. Stick with it and you'll get there....no more excuses :)
  • mylildeva
    My motivation is knowing that if I don't continue to eat right and exercise is knowing I will be right back where I started. I too have lost 60lbs and have been using this website to maintain. I have lost motivation many times during the past two years, and am not seeing results like I used to. But once I start working out that good feeling overwhelms me. I see a difference in my personality, my energy, self esteem etc. Its like not wanting to wake up and get in the shower in the morning, but once your in there you don't want to get out! Find the motivation that works for you! Best Wishes!
  • LillyWillow
    You have to just make yourself workout until it becomes a habit again. Do you have anyone to work out with? Having someone to help with accountability is always useful. Perhaps you could join a challenge on a MFP that will help motivate you. Good luck!
  • Christinebell65
    I agree. Motivation has always been a problem for me. I make other things the priority, I want food NOW, or want to skip exercise NOW, instead of being able to choose with long-term rewards in mind. In the marshmallow studies, where kids were told they could eat one marshmallow now or WAIT and get two marshmallows later, I would have been one of the kids to ate the first one NOW.

    Bring on the advice! I'd love to hear from people who moved from immediate gratification to long-term satisfaction.

    Great topic! Thanks for introducing it.
  • danarandallreed
    danarandallreed Posts: 132 Member
    I try to remind myself there is so much I have to ask God to do for me that I can't do for myself (i.e. faith); so, if I can remember that when I think of not working out, I realize God cannot help me stay on track if I don't do my part. I have to get on the track before I can get the strength to stay on it.
  • jonisteenhoek
    jonisteenhoek Posts: 92 Member
    I think that you have to stop relying on motivation to get you there. Just start doing it, even if you don't feel incredibly motivated or excited. Even if it starts out by going on a five minute walk around the block. Dedicate a few minutes to it and soon you'll get back into the habit and not really need the "motivation."
  • kimmers722
    I stay motivated simply because of the tremendous feeling of pride I have when I work out, eat right and live a healthy lifestyle. I sleep great at night, my clothes fit perfectly, my blood pressure is low, and my energy level is always high. To put it simply, this is the life I have chosen for myself - and I can't imagine living any other way.
  • bsmithmia
    bsmithmia Posts: 41 Member
    Look in the mirror naked...that's my motivation. It doesn't get any simpler than that.
  • christianladybug
    christianladybug Posts: 41 Member
    this is what I do when similiar things happen to me. Put a post-um on your computer or something that you for sure look at 5 to 6 times a day, that says "Will start am work outs on Monday." And every time I see the message I read it and tell myself the plan to make sure that happens. After the day comes and goes and you have started the workout replace with a message like "I loved my workout today and tomorrow is just going to be even better."

    It is becoming more and more evident that we believe what we tell outself more than what other people tell us. So spend a few days getting mentally ready and reminding yourself what your plan is.

    I have been successful in the workout arena doing just that.
  • Ribbon35
    Ribbon35 Posts: 12
    Great tip! I do this!!
  • A_Warrior_Princess
    A_Warrior_Princess Posts: 344 Member
    For me I gotta remember why I started exercising and eating better to begin with. My family has a lot of health problems and some of them have some weight problems. My doctor said I can't prevent the problems but I can certainly reduce the risks by eating better, exercising to lose some of the weight. I have lost over 10 sizes and almost 100 pounds, I love my new body and I really love that I have a lot of new friends that are like-minded - wanting to be healthy, exercise more, try new things etc..so when I have a day where I don't feel like doing something I kick my own butt and get to it because I know if I don't I could be right back where I started and I have worked too hard and come too far to go back to the beginning! Hope it helps!
  • blc1971
    blc1971 Posts: 170 Member
    I had about 3 weeks a while back where I didn't workout due to a variety of excuses. I got sick, my son got sick, I got sick again, I was out of town.....the list goes on! Anyway, one morning I finally just made a commitment to myself to exercise that afternoon, after work, no matter what. I forced myself to keep that promise and have been exercising steadily since then. I think getting started (or re-started) is the hardest part of the journey but it seems like once you get going the momentum carries you forward and it gets easier to keep your promises to yourself.

    Oh, another thing I do is distract myself by trying on either old clothes that I've shrunk out of or something new that finally fits. Knowing the hard work so far has allowed me to get into a much smaller size pushes me to do more.

    Good luck as you go forward!!
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    I was medically off exercise for a year following a car accident and spinal surgery. When I was finally cleared to run again by my surgeon, I was terribly unmotivated. It took me a few weeks to get started. But that's all I had to do: get started. The 1st workout is the hardest. Just do it!
  • earvizu92
    earvizu92 Posts: 320 Member
    Looking at my before pic!!! :noway:
  • irakrishna1
    irakrishna1 Posts: 106 Member
    Nice topic!
  • irakrishna1
    irakrishna1 Posts: 106 Member
    I think that you have to stop relying on motivation to get you there. Just start doing it, even if you don't feel incredibly motivated or excited. Even if it starts out by going on a five minute walk around the block. Dedicate a few minutes to it and soon you'll get back into the habit and not really need the "motivation."

    Totally agree with you jonisteenhoek!!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I motivate me. It is that simple.
  • mancgolfer
    mancgolfer Posts: 12 Member
    I always find that the early I do the workout in the week, the better week I have. It's a case of forcing yourself to work out on Monday, you'll feel so much better for doing it.

    If you don't fancy going to the gym, just get in your car and drive there just to walk on the treadmill. More often than not you'll be fine once you get there and will do a full session.

    As human beings, the one thing that gives us satisfaction in life is progress and the same goes for exercise. Use a running program like C25K or a weight program like stronglifts. each time you exercise you're running a little bit further, or longer or lifting something slightly heavier.

    Essentially you are breaking your previous record every time and hitting personal bests every time you work out. That's pretty motivating and if you do it for long enough, working out will become habit.

    Keep a chart of how much weight you've lost and congratulate yourself for it, you've earned it, have small attainable goals that you want to hit so you can drive hard towards them, the small victories soon become larger ones. have a pair of jeans or dress that you want to fit into.

    Trying on clothes that were far too small for me 3 months before, only to realise they were now too big, was a fantastic moment for me! :-)
  • Krista916
    Krista916 Posts: 258
    You just have to do it. That simple. There is nothing that we are going to tell you that's going to make you get up and do it. You have to find it in yourself and just do it. After a while, it will just become second nature. As soon as it clicks for you, you won't be able to stop yourself.

    Good luck!