Question for those who run..

slimmingsiobhan Posts: 54
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I recently started running/jogging, last week. I'm doing around a mile a session at the minute and running for around 10 minutes, I'm also under calorie goal and have remained that way for two weeks solid, so I decided that I'd stop doing the whole weighing every day thing as that wasnt helping or encouraging me - come to get weighed this morning & after two fantastic weeks I'm 2lb heavier - How is that so!?

Gutted :(

Another thing I do not understand is I got measured yesterday after 2.5weeks and I'd lost at least an inch off everywhere, soo confused as to what I've done wrong :(


  • Inches are FAR more important than pounds. It sounds as though you are burning fat, loosing water weight, and gaining muscle. Muscle is good because the more you have the better your metabolism and the healthier you are. Muscle takes up less room than fat so muscle occupying the same area as the fat once did will actually weigh more because it is more dense. I assure you that if you are eating right and working out/running then you will burn fat. Sometimes you loose more fat than is replaced by muscle thus lowering you overall weight sometimes the fat you loose is replaced by muscle. Either way it is all good and DO NOT stop or become discouraged. If you go for another two weeks of staying under your calories and working out without ANY weight loss, try to tweak your diet or exercise a little. What I mean by this is reduce your calorie intake by 150 or increase the amount you work out by 30 min for the whole weak. Try to change things up and keep your body guessing so that the fat keeps leaving and the muscle keeps coming. It is amazing how good our bodies are at adapting in order to store fat. Our genetics do not care that we are overweight, the body's only goal is to store as much fat as possible to keep us alive in case of a famine. Unfortunately the human body has not evolved much past the hunter/gatherer days ; )
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    If you are shrinking how can you think you are doing something wrong? Enjoy your success and keep up the good work!
  • Thanks guys..

    I hate the scales, they make me feel so discouraged and **** about myself (excuse the language!)
    I think I'm gonna stay away from them for a couple more weeks see if this all balances itself out xx
  • Hi there Siobhan - I have had the same thing happen. I first joint here a while ao and didn't keep up with it at all, however did have my measurements at the time stored on here. I have since returned - and have started running about 4 times a week, with some swimming, biking, zumba or elliptical training thrown in on other days to mix things up a bit. I happen to run past my mother's house on my runs, and stopped in the other morning to weigh myself, only to find that my weight had not changed. I felt a bit let down because I don't have scales at home (have always hated them lol!) and had hoped to get a nice surprise. However on getting home and measuring, the results were great compared to the measurements that I had previously stored, so that has made me feel good. I also found a great article in the section for newbies, talking about how the body works in the first week of weight loss etc - made for interesting reading.

    Keep it up, measurements are way more important. I've always said weight is just a number (granted I want that number to be smaller) but it's how i feel and look that makes the difference. I know after 2 kids, that having my gymnast body back that i had at age 17 is quite unlikely, but I love how exercising feels so for me it's spurring me on anyway.

    Think of it as some "me time" , enjoy feeling great afterwards, and stay away from the nasty scales for a few weeks.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    'No don't be discouraged at all!!! My weight on my scales doesn't budge much at all, but my scales do also measure muscle and fat, and that is budging! Don't give up the running, take on others advice thats been posted already and keep going. Running is one of the biggest calorie burners going and its free :happy:
  • Thankyou mum2paris your post really spurred me on :) and its great know I'm not alone when battling a stubborn scale! Hate em so much hehe. I'm defo gonna keep up with the running as its kept me focused made me feel better than I have in FOREVER.

    Will keep you guys posted. :) xx
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I recently started running/jogging, last week. I'm doing around a mile a session at the minute and running for around 10 minutes, I'm also under calorie goal and have remained that way for two weeks solid, so I decided that I'd stop doing the whole weighing every day thing as that wasnt helping or encouraging me - come to get weighed this morning & after two fantastic weeks I'm 2lb heavier - How is that so!?

    Gutted :(

    Another thing I do not understand is I got measured yesterday after 2.5weeks and I'd lost at least an inch off everywhere, soo confused as to what I've done wrong :(

    When did you weigh yourself? Was it straight after your run? If so, disregard the scales completely because, personally, I find my weight ALWAYS rises at least 2lbs for a few hours after running.

    Don't forget blood is coursing around your body and this makes you pump up a bit (even cardio will do this), water retention is also another factor ESPECIALLY if you are running everyday. Are you having rest days? If not, ensure you do, this will give your muscles a chance to calm down and repair any tiny tears in your muscles fibres, which happen all the time to everybody during exercise.

    You are getting smaller, guaranteed, the tape measure is testimony to this and WTG I say. An inch off everywhere is excellent in two and a half weeks.

    The trick now is, do not give up :wink: :flowerforyou:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You're probably retaining some water in your muscles as they get used to the new routine.

    If you lost inches, I wouldn't even worry about the scale. Try googling the term: "Why the scale lies."
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    Another rthing about scales...make sure you always use the same one in the same place. some scales are sensitive to being moved and jostled. Some are set differently. The only one that matters to me is the one at the gym...I will hope on other scales occasionally out of curiousity but I don't trust the #. Don't weigh in at home then at the gym and get discouraged if the one says you are is a loss thing not a number thing
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