count Tea as water to??

Ok so I made a Recipe for Tea in but didnt add the water for it doesnt have calories or anything else for that matter.. So my question is If I drink a glass should I add it to my water intake as well sense tea is like 90% water??? This has been bugging me for a day or so! I cant go cold turkey on my tea thats just not going to happen!!!!


  • rosef17
    I count as a water if I do not add anything to the tea
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    Tea is added to water intake but does your tea have sugar in it or caffeine? Try using splenda or another sweetener and decaf tea. I live on krogers diet caffeine free ice tea. It taste just like real ice tea. Coffee also counts as water to. The only thing you really shouldn't count as water is things like fruit drinks and juices and things. Hope that helps.
  • rfialkiewicz
    rfialkiewicz Posts: 183 Member
    Tea is added to water intake but does your tea have sugar in it or caffeine? Try using splenda or another sweetener and decaf tea. I live on krogers diet caffeine free ice tea. It taste just like real ice tea. Coffee also counts as water to. The only thing you really shouldn't count as water is things like fruit drinks and juices and things. Hope that helps.
    Add sodas to the things that don't count. Even diet sodas have too much sodium to count as water.
  • EQHanks
    EQHanks Posts: 170 Member
    I would count it for sure..its pretty much mostly water.
  • mkpeacock
    Thank you ladies for your input I was wondering this and just didnt know does that mean I can add my Hot Chocolate to water intake to sense I dont do milk in it?? lol I am a Sweet Tea girl I am Born and Raised in the South there isnt any other kind of TEA lol Ok so I on the other had will drink my tea almost any way My Mother was a Yankee... She drank Unsweet or Hot with milk and Honey and Lemon! So I like Tea! Dad was a Southerner and he liked his tea or should I say Syrup,,, I go with a medium I like Light on the sugar and cold sometimes with a splash of milk! I know I should switch but I just havent found the courage and if I did I would have to make it just for me cuz hubby would say it tasted bad even if it didnt cuz he is just that stubborn!!!
  • goohan
    goohan Posts: 155
    green tea rocks xx
  • rainmac80
    rainmac80 Posts: 6 Member
    I had this same question but assuming not, I wouldn't really count the water in tea but would be great if I could!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    If you're drinking green tea (or a tea you can see through), then I think you're safe counting it as water, as long as you're not adding sweetener and such.

    If you're drinking dark tea, like an earl gray, or a tea that has caffeine in it, then I would not log that as water. Same as hot chocolate - even though there's a bunch of water in it, you have to account for the powdered chocolate you're taking in.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Pretty much if you can see through it AND there are no sweeteners AND no caffine you can count it as water. My bf is the sweet tea drinker around here. I just can't take that much sweetener in anything. Never got on the soda bandwagon either. Give me my coffee in the morning and maybe an orange spice tea in the evening and I am good with water throughout the day.
  • LJA1968
    LJA1968 Posts: 516 Member
    I count my cups of green tea as water each day. I drink it plain. Love my green tea!
  • BrewerGeorge
    BrewerGeorge Posts: 397 Member
    OMG, not this again. There needs to be a sticky.

    Anything liquid - except hard alcohol - counts as water. Sodas, coffee, tea, even beer and wine have more water inside the beverage than the caffeine or alcohol's diuretic effect. For instance, the alcohol in a beer causes you to express about 2 oz of water, but you drink 12 oz to get it. Caffeinated drinks have even "better" ratios.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    OMG, not this again. There needs to be a sticky.

    Anything liquid - except hard alcohol - counts as water. Sodas, coffee, tea, even beer and wine have more water inside the beverage than the caffeine or alcohol's diuretic effect. For instance, the alcohol in a beer causes you to express about 2 oz of water, but you drink 12 oz to get it. Caffeinated drinks have even "better" ratios.

    Exactly my thoughts.

    If tea isn't water...what does it mostly contain? Bread?

    The diuretic effect of caffeine is far, far outweighed by the actual water in it. And if you are a regular drinker, your body gets better at extracting the water to the point where there is no difference.

    Hot chocolate again is mostly water. Think about it. It's liquid. If it isn't mostly water, what else is it?
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    Tea is added to water intake but does your tea have sugar in it or caffeine? Try using splenda or another sweetener and decaf tea. I live on krogers diet caffeine free ice tea. It taste just like real ice tea. Coffee also counts as water to. The only thing you really shouldn't count as water is things like fruit drinks and juices and things. Hope that helps.
    Add sodas to the things that don't count. Even diet sodas have too much sodium to count as water.

    One of the more non-sensical posts I've read in a while. First of all, the can of Coke Zero I just had for dinner has only 40mg of sodium, so that blows half your theory out of the *water* right there. The sodium, caffeine and even sugars have NOTHING to do with whether or not something "counts" toward your water intake. Of course the truths behind why these other substances have no impact have been discussed ad nauseum on this forum so I'm not even going to rehash.
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    If you're drinking green tea (or a tea you can see through), then I think you're safe counting it as water, as long as you're not adding sweetener and such.

    If you're drinking dark tea, like an earl gray, or a tea that has caffeine in it, then I would not log that as water. Same as hot chocolate - even though there's a bunch of water in it, you have to account for the powdered chocolate you're taking in.

    Yes you do need to account for the powered mix, but that doesn't then somehow negate the water content. Do you people even think about the things you say on this subject before you say it? Seriously, if you account for the sugars and carbs and everything else added by the mix separately, then you're left with the water content. So why wouldn't you count it. Seriously, your logic here is like saying well I ate a sandwich but I put mayo on it so since i had to account for that mayo on my diary, I didn't count the sandwich. Hello, it's the same logic, does that make any sense to you?