Will you all take me back??? I have been BAD and STUPID!!

loza1985 Posts: 15
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi all

I was on here quite religiously everyday upto recently and I was doing ok but not REALLY being as careful as someone should when they are 'dieting'.

Anyway, I was lured into doing aTotal Food Replacement program and I can honestly say it was HORRENDOUS!! I have never been so miserable, cranky and to a large extent, hungry and unfulfillef food wise in a LONG time.

I had a minor breakdown in the shop yesterday while we were shopping for my other half....I had my wonderful shakes at home, and it made me realise I do not want to do this! I DO want to lose weight...but not in that way!

The TFR would have 'only' lasted 12 weeks and I would have lost 3 stones in that time apparantly, but I was so unhappy after a mere 3 days that I knew this is something I shouldnt be doing and didnt WANT to do so I quit and immediately felt sooooo much better :)

I have started my day of 'normal' food with a yogurt filled with blueberries and raspberries (yummy). I have a lovely wholemeal sandwich for lunch and a burger with a large salad for dinner. So I am still keeping the foods I like....and should still lose weight (according to the food tracker anyway)

I just wanted to see if you would all accept me back ;) and also to let you know these TFR plans are soooooo not worth it! They need a level of determination that I do not think most people could hack!

Stick to your food people :D

Laura xxxx


  • Welcome back! Real food is so much better than meal replacements. TFR diets work in the short term for some people, and if there's a medical reason for one to lose weight rapidly then they are useful. But as you've discovered, they don't work for everyone and a lot of people give up - it doesn't make you bad or stupid, just human!:flowerforyou:
  • renewed
    renewed Posts: 19 Member
    Welcome Back! Us "Maggie's" have to stick together. I too recently got back on. Nothing beats a fresh start.
  • Just happy your back :). To bad it didn't work but you tried it.
    Now you know and you can move on and do what will work for you
    And we are here to take to you and help you out in anyway we can :)
  • Steelytop
    Steelytop Posts: 145 Member
    Accept you back? I'm quite sure you'll have no issues there. :)

    I had to look up what TFR meant. I didn't know. Back on June 30th I started on the Opti-fast program (Expensive!!) I was having the 4 shakes and 1 meal in the evening for 1200 calories version. By the 4th day I was so physically ill I couldn't stand it anymore. I had shakes before on Atkins diet too and had no issues and lost plenty of weight but.....gained it all back and then some when I stopped eating that way.

    Isn't that always the way? If we actually go on a "diet" eventually we go off the "diet". Well, I was already eating a healthy dinner on that Opti-fast program so I ditched that (They were very nice about me quitting) and just applied the same logic from dinner to breakfast and lunch. And I decided to call it a lifestyle change instead of a "diet". I stopped eating and drinking the things that got me there in the first place such as fast food and sodas. And in a short time it's working out well. I am exercising several days per week also. My exercise of choice to lose weight is the Precor Elliptical Crosstrainers at the Y. (Low impact, lots of sweat). I'm doing stuff like avoiding alcohol 97% of the time too. I feel great!! And people are making comments as if I'd already lost most of the weight. I have not. 42/143 to go. Best of luck to you!! There is lots of support to be had here.
  • Welcome back! Real food is so much better than meal replacements. TFR diets work in the short term for some people, and if there's a medical reason for one to lose weight rapidly then they are useful. But as you've discovered, they don't work for everyone and a lot of people give up - it doesn't make you bad or stupid, just human!:flowerforyou:

    Thank you hun :)

    Thnk you for the flower too!

    Laura xxx
  • Welcome Back! Us "Maggie's" have to stick together. I too recently got back on. Nothing beats a fresh start.

    Hiya :)

    Thank you hun :)

    Indeed, fresh starts are always good and that awful diet helped me to realise I do want to lose the weight, but not in that way!

    Laura xx
  • Just happy your back :). To bad it didn't work but you tried it.
    Now you know and you can move on and do what will work for you
    And we are here to take to you and help you out in anyway we can :)

    Thank you hun :)

    I have loved this site since the minute I started, its great :D

    Laura xxx
  • Accept you back? I'm quite sure you'll have no issues there. :)

    I had to look up what TFR meant. I didn't know. Back on June 30th I started on the Opti-fast program (Expensive!!) I was having the 4 shakes and 1 meal in the evening for 1200 calories version. By the 4th day I was so physically ill I couldn't stand it anymore. I had shakes before on Atkins diet too and had no issues and lost plenty of weight but.....gained it all back and then some when I stopped eating that way.

    Isn't that always the way? If we actually go on a "diet" eventually we go off the "diet". Well, I was already eating a healthy dinner on that Opti-fast program so I ditched that (They were very nice about me quitting) and just applied the same logic from dinner to breakfast and lunch. And I decided to call it a lifestyle change instead of a "diet". I stopped eating and drinking the things that got me there in the first place such as fast food and sodas. And in a short time it's working out well. I am exercising several days per week also. My exercise of choice to lose weight is the Precor Elliptical Crosstrainers at the Y. (Low impact, lots of sweat). I'm doing stuff like avoiding alcohol 97% of the time too. I feel great!! And people are making comments as if I'd already lost most of the weight. I have not. 42/143 to go. Best of luck to you!! There is lots of support to be had here.

    Hi :)

    Thanks for the kind reply :)

    My friend is actually still doing the diet and will complete it in 12 weeks. She should lose 3 odd stones in that time. I reckon she will make the 12 weeks but I am also certain she will put it back on again as she hasnt sorted her eating (and drinking) habits and I reckon the weight will pile back on :( and it would have been for nothing!!

    I am also seeing this as a change of lifestyle! Still eating the foods I like BUT in a different manner. Lots of salad and veg and all the bad stuff in moderation and upping the exercise an I am predicting great things for all of us :)

    Laura xxx
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