binge last night

ok.... so i did really good yesterday, but i started my day hours earlier than i usually do, and ate more calories early in the day than normal. i got home last night around 7, ate dinner, which is early for me, and met my calorie goal. after this... i went on a total binge. i feel sick, like i've just undone all of my hard work. i probably consumed 1600 calories over my calorie goal last night.... peanut butter, a few oreos, some chips, a couple biscuits, and a diet coke. anyways, i know i messed up and today is a new day, but i'm getting ready to go on vacation next week, and i need some advice on recovering from this episode? lots of water? cutting more calories the rest of the week? more exercise? what would you guys do? thank you for your help. i really need some encouragement right now!


  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    You know last night wasn't the greatest, that's the first step. Just remember it's just one day of binging and you can bounce back from it. Kick up your workout routine and flush your body with water is what I would reccomend.

    Also I find that when I get the late night cravings that start calling out to me, I grab a piece of gum or paint my finger nails or brush my teeth. Those help curb or smash my cravings, if all else fails, go to bed early.

    You can do this!

  • i should have just gone to bed last night.... but it was so early. i think i was so tired from starting my day some much earlier than normal my cravings were crazy! thank you for that!
  • spetersen
    Well first and foremost you're right. Today is a new day and you have to move forward with making the right decisions from here on. Having said that, you shouldn't have any of those things in the house for you to binge on. I know that if I had cookies, chips, and soda in my house I would be tempted to binge as well. It's within anyones power to slim down and make healthy decisions. Just don't make it more difficult on yourself by having unhealthy food within your reach. You can do it girl! Work out extra hard today (cardio) and burn a few extra calories. Good luck!
  • dore0021
    You need to get rid of those extra calories. So if you think you ate 1000 extra (or whatever) yesterday, you can work them off or eat a little less over the next couple of days to even yourself out. (work off 500 and eat 250 less for the next 2 days) .
    You can forget it happened and today is a new day :-)
  • amylouisem
    amylouisem Posts: 38 Member
    sometimes its good to have a 'blowout' ive had one this week and weighed 2 days later losing 2lbs!

    its good that you know its not good to do it, and thats definatly the good thing about it!!

    Just dont worry about it too much and carry on with your plan :)

    Good Luck xx
  • Brittany_Kayy
    Brittany_Kayy Posts: 262 Member
    You know last night wasn't the greatest, that's the first step. Just remember it's just one day of binging and you can bounce back from it. Kick up your workout routine and flush your body with water is what I would reccomend.

    Also I find that when I get the late night cravings that start calling out to me, I grab a piece of gum or paint my finger nails or brush my teeth. Those help curb or smash my cravings, if all else fails, go to bed early.

    You can do this!


    DiTTO!! This is exactly what I would say :-)
  • i know! live with my family, and usually i can do really good resisting by making sure that i have healthy options in the house... but, i didn't last night... any advice on shaving off that 1600 calories this week? extra exercise? cutting more calories the rest of the week?
  • you may be right... i have read that if you do this every ONCE in a while, it can sometimes boost your metabolism because it's not used to having to process that many calories. this could be totally wrong, but i believe i have read this before. and this is something i rarely do...
  • i think i'm going to work out harder over the next couple of days and shave off a couple hundred calories...
  • rofrewin
    Love the nail painting idea! Any kind of thing that makes you focus on looking and feeling good - pluck your eyebrows, sort out your wardrobe - anything but sitting in front of the TV eating.
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Do you have a gym that you go to? Sometimes you can take a class like a kick boxking or step that will burn a lot of calories and it's something you've never done before.
  • i do have a 24 hour gym i go to, but unfortunately they don't offer classes
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    i do have a 24 hour gym i go to, but unfortunately they don't offer classes

    Maybe try a different machine you've never tried a spnning bike, or get in the pool and swim a bit (if they have a pool). You might be surprised how many calories you could burn doing an exercise you've never tried before. :smile:
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    I would say that a binge is never a good thing and wont boost anything but we are all human and we all make mistakes. So keep the food clean clean clean workout maybe push yourself a little harder. ALso dont let being on vaction an excuse to binge. People do it all the time. You can make good choice and still endulge with in limits. So lost of water with some pure lemon juice that will help flush the body. Hopefull this helps
  • that is helpful! thank you!
  • Iwillxceed
    Iwillxceed Posts: 20 Member
    I totally agree with you about keeping away unhealthy snacks in the house. Even if you have kids you should try to keep healthy snacks at home. My kids don't miss want they don't ever have, they just got used to not having junk in the house. Now they want to eat all of my healthy don't drink soda, instead they love Chrystal light....instead of oreos they will eat wheat thins or some kind of healthy crackers.
  • i just feel so disappointed!!!!!!!!! ugh! and i thought that last night when i was stuffing my face too. man... i'm gonna hate myself for this tomorrow!
  • i dd write down on paper what i need to do to shave these calories off over the next few days!
  • angie0184
    angie0184 Posts: 14 Member
    It must have been something in the air...I did the same thing last night...I bought those 100 calorie snack packs so i could still indulge with my love of salty snacks and chocolate every once in a while...and I sat there and ate waaaay more of those than just 1. I'm starting to realize I can't have even those in the house because there's no point in buying the snack size if you're going to sit there and eat them one after the other. I'm going to try to portion out the few I have left and then just not replace them. Only get healthy snacks in the house from now on...I'm just going to start today with the attitude that it's a new day, and don't do that again!!
  • Dencrossgirl
    Dencrossgirl Posts: 501 Member
    I wouldn't cut back too far the next day after a binge, maybe only drop 1 snack or something. If you drop too many calories for the next day you might not be able to help yourself and binge again because you are so hungry. The other day my daughter ate five french fries and she thought she should skip supper to compensate. Your body needs so and so many nutrients to survive and I think that is why we binge sometimes, your body needed something, but we grab whatever is handy and keep eating because it wasn't what the body ordered so the brain keeps eating.