HRM in New Zealand. Anyone?

I am in the market for a heart rate monitor. I live in New Zealand. So not all models or brands are avaliable here.
I have never used or even played with one so I have no idea where to start. But I do know I want one that has a chest strap. That I can use, cycling, running and weight training. and possibly swimming. maybe.
Anyway. What do all you kiwis use and why.
Am on a budget so nothing over $200 plz


  • GoGoGadgetMum
    GoGoGadgetMum Posts: 292 Member
    I have a polar f4 and it is basic but does everything I need and looks nice as a watch. I have used it for over 4 years with no problems. Yes it has a chest strap but unsure about swimming. I got it on torpedo7 for about $100. My husband bought me a mega expensive fancy one and I returned it. I also have a fitbit which I love. Check out trademe too :)
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Can you not get 1 shipped from somewhere? I guess you have to factor in postage as well. I've got a Polar FT60. I ordered it directly from Polar Australia, including postage it was under $200 (I think it was $170 all up)
  • drop_it_like_a_squat
    drop_it_like_a_squat Posts: 377 Member
    Not in NZ, but anyways:

    The Polar ones are pretty good, I've used my FT7 for nearly 8 months now and am totally happy with it. Cost me around 100€, so it might be a bit more pricey in $, not sure though. If you want to use it in the water I think you'll have to look after something that's especially made for that purpose.

    Other than that, a heart rate monitor is actually meant to estimate your calorie burn while doing steady state cardio, so you shouldn't take it's estimates for weight lifting too serious.
  • Nico_the_enabler
    Nico_the_enabler Posts: 123 Member
    hmm steady state cardio only? i tend to follow the body for life cardio.. up and down and all over the place. So still worth it to have one?
  • Nico_the_enabler
    Nico_the_enabler Posts: 123 Member
  • rakufire
    rakufire Posts: 21 Member
    I got an Alpha Sports Heart Rate Monitor from 1-day a few months ago. Was dubious as it was REALLY cheap ($30), but it seems fine. Has chest strap and watch - the watch wasn't the easiest thing to set up, but the manual is actually very helpful. Once it seemed to reset itself randomly, but that was probably the buttons being pressed while banging around in my gym bag!
  • GenF32
    GenF32 Posts: 184 Member
    hmm steady state cardio only? i tend to follow the body for life cardio.. up and down and all over the place. So still worth it to have one?

    Definitely worth it. I tend to do more interval training than steady state cardio and it does a great job. I can watch my heartrate drop and then know when it's time for another sprint of whatever exercise I'm doing.

    I'm in Aus and I'd be very surprised if you can't get the Polar HRMs at some of the sports shops in NZ, or order online. I got my FT4 online for about $110AUD including postage.
  • Nico_the_enabler
    Nico_the_enabler Posts: 123 Member
    @GenF32 yeah we can get them here. Rebel sport has them. But they are just expensive as. And as I have never had one before.. Wanted to see what I should be looking at. :) Thankyou all for your responses. Am going to go have a look in store and then on trademe. :P Cause you know. If i can get it cheaper. I will :P
  • Nico_the_enabler
    Nico_the_enabler Posts: 123 Member
    I got an Alpha Sports Heart Rate Monitor from 1-day a few months ago. Was dubious as it was REALLY cheap ($30), but it seems fine. Has chest strap and watch - the watch wasn't the easiest thing to set up, but the manual is actually very helpful. Once it seemed to reset itself randomly, but that was probably the buttons being pressed while banging around in my gym bag!

    Not heard of that brand? But yeah am gonna go check out the sport stores. :) TY
  • jamesguidera
    jamesguidera Posts: 14 Member
    If your on a budget there is a number of phone that do of ANT+ or Bluetooth 4. Ant+ is the sudo industry standard for sports/gym equipment with Bluetooth 4 only recently (last 6 months) hitting the market. If you get a Ant+ strap it will most likely work with gym equipment. Best to check your gym about what equipment they use. Manufactures like polar, garmin, & nike all sell chest straps separately.

    If your a Apple user you can get a chest strap & adapter from most good sports stores.

    All depends how serious and portable you want to be. ie, I use a sony active mobile with my garmin chest strap when out doing long walks and hikes, when cycling a garmin 305 etc...

    And if you go with using a phone, programs like Endomondo will auto load your exercise into MFP.
  • Nico_the_enabler
    Nico_the_enabler Posts: 123 Member
    If your on a budget there is a number of phone that do of ANT+ or Bluetooth 4. Ant+ is the sudo industry standard for sports/gym equipment with Bluetooth 4 only recently (last 6 months) hitting the market. If you get a Ant+ strap it will most likely work with gym equipment. Best to check your gym about what equipment they use. Manufactures like polar, garmin, & nike all sell chest straps separately.

    And if you go with using a phone, programs like Endomondo will auto load your exercise into MFP.

    Good to know about the Ant+ and I have a gym at home complete with treadmill and such that connects to standard hrm. and I have nike+ but it doesnt meet my needs. As far as Endomondo goes. been using it for months and as of a week ago it no longer updates to mfp.. me and a few hundred other ppl. But thanks for the info. Have been saving my pennies.. am about ready to go on the sale hunt. :)
  • mummyjoynz
    mummyjoynz Posts: 22 Member
    What about TradeMe? I have been looking (just browsing) and I have seen a few good ones - I am only looking for the Polar Brand and there has been a few come up. Let me know how you get on.:smile:
  • xcmum
    xcmum Posts: 136
    I got a 2nd hand Garmin Forerunner 410 off trademe (came with the HRM) it's been awesome. I do both cycling and running so you can change sport modes on it to suit :)
  • kjannan
    kjannan Posts: 248 Member
    I bought a Bios one from 1-Day a couple of years ago for $30. It was great but now I think it's done it's dash, it seems to stop working during a workout & I don't trust the readings it's giving me. Am saving for a decent one now.