Very frustrated.....

Am so damm frustrated today. Weighed myself and only down 1 pound. God knows what I have to do to get this weight off. Below my daily calorie amount 99.9% of the time and still nothing happening. So soul destroying...dont know what on earth I am doing wrong. :o(

Have been doing this for three weeks now and lost 8 pounds in total. Was so hoping to have lost much more considering what I weight and what I am eating, compared to what I am eating now. This week have only lost a mere 1 pound and I lost 4 in the first week and I have not changed anything.


  • SusanaLdn
    SusanaLdn Posts: 121 Member
    I suspect you need to do a forum search of 'eat more to weight less'. You're probably not eating enough - get your head around this very real fact before you feel that desperate. And bear in mind all the years you've been that heavy - too long to get on, may take more than 4 weeks to come off. Best of luck.
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    Hi Damside, if you open up your diary then we can have a look and maybe give you helpful advice! Are you also working out? Did you take your measurements? Just so you know, the scale tends to lie...

    Be patient hun, it's a lifestyle change!
  • kiddoc88
    kiddoc88 Posts: 244 Member
    have patience.. sometimes it comes off in chunks.. could also depend on your macros as well ( excess sodium=water weight) It also helps to keep weighing consistent ( same time of day, clothes, scale, etc)

    It is much more about a change in composition and inches than the number on the scale
  • Damside
    Damside Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for the replies. How do I open up my diary? Am so new to this.

    I know it will take time, was just hoping it would happen a little quicker.

    I never took measurements, but perhaps that is something I need to do.

    I have 25 horses at home, so do a good 30 mins exercise before going to work. Am just away to start walking during my lunch hour as well (as I have an office job).
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    8 pounds in 3 weeks is a decent loss. You might have unrealistic expectations about how fast this is supposed to happen.
  • Damside
    Damside Posts: 14 Member
    have patience.. sometimes it comes off in chunks.. could also depend on your macros as well ( excess sodium=water weight) It also helps to keep weighing consistent ( same time of day, clothes, scale, etc)

    It is much more about a change in composition and inches than the number on the scale

    OK, being dim, whats a macro?
  • Damside
    Damside Posts: 14 Member
    8 pounds in 3 weeks is a decent loss. You might have unrealistic expectations about how fast this is supposed to happen.

    I guess I am just being guided by what I have lost before at the likes of Slimming World. :o(
  • LarryDUk
    LarryDUk Posts: 279 Member
    You have lost 8 pounds in three weeks are you are frustrated? Seriously? Do you know how much you would lose in a year if you continue like that? 139 pounds, that is how much!
  • Panda_Rolls
    Panda_Rolls Posts: 101 Member
    Eight pounds in 3 weeks sounds like you are doing pretty well to me. I'm only losing about 1/2 pound each week so it's super slow going, but a loss is a loss. Don't give up!
    ALLENFLO Posts: 61 Member
    OMG. Those numbers are really good. You are doing SO good. Just keep it up and it will be gone before you know it.

    Just know that even your great loss now is not sustainable. It's going to slowly go down. Don't be discouraged.

    Keep it up! You are doing really good!

    Take Care!!!!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    8 pounds in 3 weeks is a decent loss. You might have unrealistic expectations about how fast this is supposed to happen.

    I guess I am just being guided by what I have lost before at the likes of Slimming World. :o(

    It won't happen the same way every week though.
    and it can get slower the older you get too. I lost much faster 10 years ago than I seem to now.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Am so damm frustrated today. Weighed myself and only down 1 pound. God knows what I have to do to get this weight off. Below my daily calorie amount 99.9% of the time and still nothing happening. So soul destroying...dont know what on earth I am doing wrong. :o(

    Have been doing this for three weeks now and lost 8 pounds in total. Was so hoping to have lost much more considering what I weight and what I am eating, compared to what I am eating now. This week have only lost a mere 1 pound and I lost 4 in the first week and I have not changed anything.

    you have ONLY lost a pound this week? and ONLY lost 8 lbs is 3 weeks...

  • HealthyVitamins
    HealthyVitamins Posts: 432 Member
    8 pounds in 3 weeks is a decent loss. You might have unrealistic expectations about how fast this is supposed to happen.

    I guess I am just being guided by what I have lost before at the likes of Slimming World. :o(

    Did you gain the weight you lost with slimming world back?
  • cainie19
    cainie19 Posts: 126
    8 lbs in 3 weeks is amazing, i dont know why you're upset!? dont worry! you're on track! just keep up the good work
  • Damside
    Damside Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks guys for all your posts and taking the time to reply. So much appreciated.

    Yeah I gained the weight back on once I stopped Slimming World. I also lost 4 stone via a Dietician and Doctor a few years back, but my sweet tooth got in the way!!

    I kinda call myself a "fit fatty".....ha ha ha. In that I am very much obese but spend a lot of time outdoors as I have 25 horses and a 2.5 year old daughter. I have to say that most my weight piled back on after having my daughter and the fact I had post natal depression and loved chocolate!! Thats my downfall.

    I also need to lose a minimum of 15-20kg to have a minor operation on one of my toes, as I passed the pre op medical with flying colours albeit for my weight. So this is really my reason for wanting the weight loss quicker I guess, so that I can show the Consultant that I am able to lose weight!
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    The one thing I have gained through MY weight loss and fitness programe is patience. It has taken me 8 months to lose 15lb....some months I lose nothing, but I know I am gaining muscle, strength and stamina....

    If you are in this for the long haul you should feel proud of your progress so far......
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    I also need to lose a minimum of 15-20kg to have a minor operation on one of my toes, as I passed the pre op medical with flying colours albeit for my weight. So this is really my reason for wanting the weight loss quicker I guess, so that I can show the Consultant that I am able to lose weight!

    You can do it, just be consistent. A pound a week is a good steady loss, and you're much less likely to put it back on than if you're doing a fad diet.
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    Thanks for the replies. How do I open up my diary? Am so new to this.

    I know it will take time, was just hoping it would happen a little quicker.

    I never took measurements, but perhaps that is something I need to do.

    I have 25 horses at home, so do a good 30 mins exercise before going to work. Am just away to start walking during my lunch hour as well (as I have an office job).

    Home -> Settings -> Profile Privacy Settings -> make ik viewable for MyFitnessPal members!

    If I were you, I'd take measurements because sometimes the scale will tell you you haven't lost any weight, but your clothes fit better and you've lost inches.. It's possible you ARE losing more weight. Even then, a pound in a week is excellent.

    Taking care of the horses is definately a nice workout, so is walking. I've found that doing a more intensive workout also brings better results. It's not necessary to lose weight, but it definatley speeds it up.
    have patience.. sometimes it comes off in chunks.. could also depend on your macros as well ( excess sodium=water weight) It also helps to keep weighing consistent ( same time of day, clothes, scale, etc)

    It is much more about a change in composition and inches than the number on the scale

    OK, being dim, whats a macro?

    Your macro's are found in your food diary. For example I track my protein, carbs, fats, sugar and fiber. The three most important macro's are protein (nr 1!), carbs and fats. I keep my macro's set at 40/30/30. Eating a lot of protein keeps me full longer and helps preserve musclemass while losing weight. Definately track macro's !!
  • lisasumner14
    lisasumner14 Posts: 16 Member
    The one thing I have gained through MY weight loss and fitness programe is patience. It has taken me 8 months to lose 15lb....some months I lose nothing, but I know I am gaining muscle, strength and stamina....

    If you are in this for the long haul you should feel proud of your progress so far......

    This thread and advice has really helped me this morning. I broke my leg in march and it has changed my life. I now want to lose weight to be lighter on my leg and stronger. Been on 1400 calories a day for 5 weeks and I've lost 10lbs. Been exercising like crazy. This week I've actually gained a pound or two. Keep telling myself that it's a life change and I can take all the time I need. Being fit and healthy is the most important thing. Hopefully the weight will follow. Having a bit of a down day today though!
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    I found everything I ever needed to know right here :happy:

    Take the time to read it and understand it, because it really makes all the difference!