People who actually interact on here?

I've been using this app successfully for quite some time and I'm looking for friends who also use mfp throughout the day and like to talk & comment on everything haha. It doesn't matter what your gaols are but I'm 5"6 and joined with the intention of losing 25 lbs :) but I'm now more bothered about inches and appearance as opposed to what the scales say X


  • Helloooo. I am on here a lot during the day - probably far too much :-) Please add me as a friend if you would like to !
  • Kayden1986
    Kayden1986 Posts: 189 Member
    im on here every day, but normally that's for logging exercise. I do like to interact and talk, but I avoid many posts of the forums because people feel the need to be smart arses and its not nice!! but yeh, im on here too :)
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I'm on all the time because I work at home in front of my computer. So I'll check in when I'm having a break or while I'm procrastinating. There are a lot of people who are on daily.
  • random_sam
    random_sam Posts: 8 Member
    I'm on a lot. Mostly at night though because I work night shift. Add away :)
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    I'm on too much most likely. Feel free to add. :)
  • BunBun85
    BunBun85 Posts: 246 Member
    I'm on here a lot too! Feel free to add me. =)
  • I'm on here mostly recording exercise and food but love to pop in and look at a few posts, now I really want to join in more as I think talking to like minded people has to help!
  • Added you all :)
  • I'm on throughout the day as well
  • SweetTea111104
    SweetTea111104 Posts: 338 Member
    I am on here ALL THE TIME. SMH. Would love some more personal interactions with people. Not just having to peruse the boards. Add me! Anybody who is interested in being a supportive friend can add me too!
  • I almost live on here! Add me! I love the support network.
  • jessitherese
    jessitherese Posts: 22 Member
    I use MFP daily to log, so feel free to add me for an extra supporter :)
  • Hollywoodm55
    Hollywoodm55 Posts: 155 Member
    I'm also on here daily and would like more interactive firends. Feel free to add me :)
  • sealevels
    sealevels Posts: 123
    I am on everyday - I usually leave MFP up while I'm on the computer and refresh every so often so I can comment on people's progress.

    If you'd like to add me, feel free. The more sarcastic and fun-loving, the better.
  • eddie8131
    eddie8131 Posts: 600 Member
    Hi I am very interactive and motivated but not in an annoying way. Please feel free to add me.
  • I am on throughout the day and night and am always up for some fun banter. Anyone looking to have some fun while attaining goals, please feel free to add away! :)
  • auntsammy88
    auntsammy88 Posts: 401 Member
    Yes to more interactive, supportive friends. Anyone who is on regularly and likes to comment/support/motivate can add. =)

    OP: I too am more focused now on measurements and the way I look than the scale.