Anyone else here need to lose 100+ pounds?



  • hamminit
    hamminit Posts: 184 Member
    I have over a 100 to lose - feel free to add me- I am in for the long haul lol
  • I have about 110 pounds to lose. My goals are 25 at a time. I need small goals right now. I just started using my fitness pal today. I am trying to walk more. I do need accountability partners. So I am going to make this work this time.
  • Wen716
    Wen716 Posts: 1
    Hey ! I can understand! I've had my weight go up and down for years, especially after I started having kids. My first husband was abusive, and the last thing he told me when we separated was, "You're fat and have 4 kids. No one will want you." At that point, I weighed 270, and pretty much stayed there. I put myself through massage school and started working in that field. I soon met someone else...and made a liar out of my ex!

    The constant physical activity was great! I lost about 30 pounds! But I still hung on to my craving for sweets and coffee. (And by coffee, I mean Lattes, and caramel macchiatos. )

    I had a child with the 2nd man. He struggled with manic depression and decided he really didn't want to be a father and left. He's had little contact with his child in over 4 years. Guess what I did? I was sad...and I found comfort in mom's home cooking. In candy. In Maple bars! In my precious fattening coffee drinks!

    A while later, I met and married a great guy! Soon after we married, I lost my job as a full time Massage Therapist. Luckily, my son's daycare had an opening, so I took it. I made a pittance, but, I was walking to and from work every day. They weight started to fall off...pretty soon...I was down to 235 and fitting into a size 16.

    I'm 5'9, so I'm not short by any means. I'm also large frame, so my doctor has told me that a healthy target weight range for my build is 150-170. Right now, I'm shooting for 170.

    Two weeks ago, I changed my nutrition plan in accordance with the Insanity workout. I weighed in at 286. I now weigh 267!! I've lost inches all over and I'm plugging away! This is, by far, the hardest workout I've ever done...but I see it changing my body and I'm eating clean and feeling amazing. What's better is, my two older sons are doing this with me, alone with their girlfriend and fiance.

    I completely cut out junk, and believe it or not, I don't miss it. I don't crave it. Most surprising to me, is that 4 days in, I realized that I hadn't had any coffee. I didn't consciously cut it just happened!

    I'm looking forward to having some friends on this journey!!
  • hrbo
    hrbo Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Amanda. I have 113 lbs to lose if I am to hit my doctors goal weight for me. I find 113 lbs a little overwhelming to tackle so I have knocked it down to 10 lb. losses. I am 5'7" and as of mid-July was 278.4 at the doctors office. This morning I was down 8.2 lbs....that is enough to keep me motivated.
    I am starting a new job with new people on September 3 and I want to go being as healthy as I can be. I know that this is going to be a work in progress and that to achieve this 113 loss goal I am going to have to be at this journey for the next 12-18 months.
    I have to try and remember that I didn't get this way in a couple of months so i can't expect results at the snap of a finger.
    I had a double knee replacement in December 2008 and my surgeon told me that the life expectancy of these new knees would be 20 years ONLY if I was at a healthy weight. The more weight I carry on my frame, the faster the knees break down. Seeing as you can only have 2 knee replacements in a lifetime, I have to make these knees work as long as possible. You think that would be enough to make me get the weight off, but that was 4 1/2 years ago and I was up 40 lbs as of mid-July.
    I have a new attitude and I will not fail in the long run this time.
    Good luck to all of us.
  • misterwah
    misterwah Posts: 61 Member
    That's awesome!!! Good for you!

    This is my first week on the site and 100 is exactly my goal. But once I hit it I'm just gonna keep on being healthy... this will NOT be all for naught! :)

    Cheers and good luck to you!
  • ItismeZ
    ItismeZ Posts: 1
    Hi Amanda. I am truly moved by your story. It's amazing that you've undertaken this with all of the other changes in your life right now. I'm sure you've had some hard moments but,as you can read, there is a great support system here.

    I just joined MFP today. I gave up coke on New Years Day last year. Of course, then I subbed all those wonderful Starbucks concoctions but then about this time last year, I started making other small changes but not really committing to losing weight. The small changes have set me up to really losing the weight. I have lost 10 lbs in the last 3 months without giving it my all. Now I have 100-110 lbs left to lose but I am kicking my effort into high gear.

    I'll be checking in often to keep myself accountable and inspired. I look forward to hearing more about your own successes and challanges.

    My tip: when you buy something that has multiple servings in a package, bag it into 1 serving size baggies/containers as soon as you get home. This worked for cereal, which I love but have now cut out, for snacks too: nuts or dried fruit. It's sometimes for economical to buy a bigger container, of yogurt for example, and then pack it into ready to go snacks. That way you're not tempted to eat more than 1 serving.

    Good luck everyone!

  • amandaruff13
    amandaruff13 Posts: 19 Member
    I am stunned!! You all are such amazing people! The support is fantastic and Ive had more friend requests since writing this post than I have the entire time Ive been on MFP!!! WOW...JUST WOW!!

    So today has been super rough. Thursday I had to place my son in a psychiatric unit for negative behaviors and being violent towards others and even himself. Then to top it off I landed myself in the ER due to severe pain in my left leg, swelling and just this weirdness in my left leg. Turns out all the stress over the last two weeks has caused massive muscle tension in my left leg/hip, which caused my nerves in my leg to go into over drive and that made my leg swell and retain water big time. So meds & pain killers...... the med is a steroid which makes me wanna snack...ugh!....and the other makes me tired and loopy......

    Today physically has been rough, still trying to heal....and then my son "Monster Man"...has been very angry & violent towards staff so he has to be placed in the quiet room and other physical restraints because of his behavior........ Sooooo guess who dove into two packages of ramen noodles??!!! Not to mention the fact that when I got done having a family visit with my son my SIL decided we needed cheese burgers and a fry....oh and a diet coke...UGH...

    So tomorrow, clean slate and better day!! Anyone else have a day like that? Just wanna throw in the towel and find every excuse to have that pity party for one & say **** it???

    My excuses I battled today were:
    No one else will know....
    Its not like Im hurting anything but eating this.....
    If I don't log it no one else will know.....

    GIVE ME A BREAK AMANDA!!!.....Ugh...I finally said that to myself when after Eating that nasty cheeseburger and fry....I found myself back in the kitchen when she left wanting something else to eat....So I did a mental smack in the face and grabbed a cold bottle of water...... :D
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    Amanda, you really had some rough times there with your son and your health. It's hard to go through both of those things separately, not to mention back to back like you just had to experience. Hang in there and stay on your meds for your leg. Know that your son is in a safer place where he will be monitored closely. It might lead to him getting help that he needs very badly.

    When we get ready and change out mind set, attitude, and desires for food, others aren't fully aware of all we are doing, or all that it took us to get to that point of change. So, we have to be the one to speak up for ourselves around others concerning food, b/c they only know the "old" us. I'm proud of you for catching things in the kitchen tonight!! That was major!! Also, you were very brave to come back on here tonight and share your thoughts about all this and how you felt. That helps too. You are focused in the right direction!
  • amandaruff13
    amandaruff13 Posts: 19 Member
    I must say that admitting my almost kitchen issue was a big thing for me. I am normally a closet binge eater. I use to have NO SHAME IN MY I sat in the car after weight watchers meetings and eat two double cheese burgers & a French fry!!

    WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND DOES THAT???!! NO ONE!!..... Food addiction is tough because unlike cigs, alcohol or drugs we HAVE to have it to survive! Its so hard when ice cream, chips, cookies, soda and all these "tasty" places like McD's, Arby's, Subway....are around every corner! Just $1.00 they about it eventually adds up to obesity, breathing issues, health complications and more....

    Tomorrow I am also cleaning out my car....Why? you I have no change, credit card, debit card, wrappers,....NOTHING to give me a want or a way out of this darn diet! Honestly how many of us have eaten something in the car & thrown away the receipt or hid the trash under the seat so it doesn't look bad? I had my SIL get in my car today and my front floor board was filled just wrappers, bags, cups...ALL FAST FOOD! The look on her skinny face was more than disgusted with me & I wanted to curl up and cry! I cant even express how it feels to be the token fat girl every where I go.....

    I might be one of the few to admit it but dam* it I am a food addict, Im 374lbs and I battle depression, the wants and needs of a special needs son, currently going thru a divorce and then a full time job working with teens just like my son! That's ALOT on one persons plate but NONE of that is worth killing myself slowing with a cheeseburger! French Fry! or a dang DONUT!!

    ******* Side note..... Sorry I sound pissy or cranky...I am just tired of myself & my silly mistakes...oh and another side note...check out my new profile picture!! :D **********
  • I know how all this stuff fells as well. Being 5'9" tall and 350 lns SUCKS. 2 years ago i signed up here and began to work on it and had lost 70lbs. I plateaued and just couldnt figure out how to break thru so what did i do? I gave in and put all that stuff back and then some until i maxed out 2 weeks ago at 351lbs. Six days ago I made the decision to to not just try it on my own so I spoke with a local diet clinic and got some dietary info and advise among other things and will be checking in with them every month to see where i am and how i'm doing and make any changes that need to be made. Turns out that between a doctor visit the week before and my initial meeting with the clinic i had already lost 5 lbs. Due to various appointments last week i was unable to start walking until this past Saturday. I'm discovering that the shoes I have now are not exactly the best choice for walking a few miles a day. They're nice for hiking, but not so much for relatively flat asphalt. so the search is on for a good comfortable AFFORDABLE walking shoe. THis may also hinder my walking efforts because I'm really not into causing stress fractures in my feet.

    As of now, since my clinic visit, I have lost another 5lbs. I have a very long way to go to get where I want to be but I am hopeful that I will get there and stay there this time.

    to ALL who have commented here, I wish you all success in your quests. GO get 'em.
  • amandaruff13
    amandaruff13 Posts: 19 Member
    so the search is on for a good comfortable AFFORDABLE walking shoe.

    I actually bought a nice pair of Nike Tennis shoes...honestly they were the BEST investment I EVER made! Not only do I wear them to walk/workout in BUT I use them for work too......I have a client at work who LOVES to elope from the facility and normally my feet would feel like they were gunna die after chasing after this kid but not anymore, not its just my

    I found mine at a regular shoe store...not a Nike shop or anything in the mall....but in a small town Shoe Dept. store....they were on sale for 59$ and I bought them in January! They still to this day feel brand new and best part is after my work out I don't feel like my knees are hurting as much & my feet feel good too. Might be worth looking into chuckwicker!! :D

    Best of luck shoe shopping!!
  • Thanks for the heads up on that. I'll definitely look into that. I've looking at some ASICS but haven't had the guts to throw down $100 for them yet. I miss my Skechers.
  • maritsa88
    maritsa88 Posts: 62 Member
    Yeah that's me who want to lose 100+ pounds, yeah that's me who want support and give support! U've done a lot of effort so far, just don't think a lot about it and try harder! Feel free adding me anyone.
  • Hi, Im also on a journey to lose weight. I started at 258lbs, and now down to 161lbs. I still need to lose another 25 but im enjoying the journey.

    Keep it up guys you are all going great!!!!!
  • jones092508
    jones092508 Posts: 75 Member
    Add me!
  • elpurple
    elpurple Posts: 46 Member
    Sounds a lot like me too, anyone can feel free to add me and we will make progress together!
  • kem05
    kem05 Posts: 97
    I need to lose 141lbs - 57 down, 84 to go! :sad:

    Always up for new friends :bigsmile:
  • Hi

    I'm bakagaijin , i'm a newbie i have lot of pounds to drop too!!! But we are strong ,we will make it !
  • skyekeeper
    skyekeeper Posts: 286 Member
    I totally understand! I have lost 150 lbs on my own just by tracking and being accountable through MFP. You got this!!! Anyone is welcome to add me if they want as well.
  • goodmans90
    goodmans90 Posts: 45 Member
    HI....I have been on here for almost two years now. My highest that I know of was 413. totally ashamed of that. But, I had a heart scare, which is ok, but that is what started my journey. Having a cardiologist telling me that I couldn't do it on my own, is what did it!! I lost 100 lbs within almost a year! Then things started happening, I had my appendix out, that set me back, then it seemed like I lost motivation! Then two more surgeries for some other things, and I was down almost a complete year, just until this June from last Aug. I couldn't exercise or anything, I have gained about 25 lbs. since my 100lbs. I have bad knees, so that has been giving me trouble also! I seem to be in a rut, and can't seem to find my motivation....I know I can do this, and I know that you can do it also!! Good Luck....Add me if you wish, or anyone else out there, hopefully I will get my motivation back, and get back into this game!!! :happy: