Ideal Protein Diet



  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    Man, I need to start a diet company.

    No need to do any fad diet to lose weight, just a caloric deficit with adequate protein intake. Resistance training highly recommended. 1.5g protein/pound lean body mass/day if resistance training, 1g if not. That is all you need to lose weight. People like to make things over-complicated so that they can excuse their failure more easily in their minds. Eat less, move more/calories in minus calories out is 90% weight loss. The other stuff (protein/resistance training) is to help ensure that the weight lost is primarily fat (pure cardio and/or inadequate protein intake means you will lose a lot of muscle as well, which results in slower metabolism and poor aesthetic outcome).

    Hope this helps.
  • This is a great diet. It is 800 cal. a day, not 500. You are not hungry (truly). It is a very strict high protein diet. Sugar is the culprit and carbs convert to sugar. I highly recommend this diet.
  • Incorrect, no sweet potatoes in Phase 1 and you are given protein foods, shakes, drinks, bars, soups, pudding. This is a great diet.
  • hi all
    i am also on a protein diet at the moment after being on a healthy diet for 18 months i lost 48kg's, the moment /instant i went of the kg's piled back on, the amazing thing about the protein diet is that it is absolutely true that carbs is the main reason for all the cravings and hunger whilst on a normal healthy eating plan.
    when only consuming protein after about a week the hunger subsides so much so that you go a day without eating and normally all i could think of is food , food , food. now its definately not in my mind, i eat when i am hungry.
    i have lost 6.9kg's for this month alone so far (with 3 "off" days in between)
  • Furbzzz
    Furbzzz Posts: 3 Member
    I think people who are not on the diet or have never done the diet should stop doling out their facts on what the program is. Sarcastic bull is not what people come here to read.

    First of all, it is not a high protein diet. It is based on an ideal amount of protein to maintain lean muscle mass, and the packets exist because they are low calorie, highly absorbable protein. Someone here has already said that 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of mean body mass is optimal. THAT IS WHAT THIS DIET PROVIDES. It is a low calorie diet but you are not told that you have to stay within a particular range, and it CERTAINLY is not 500 calories per day. In fact, after tracking, I found it was more along the lines of 1000 calories a day. None of these calories are empty calories. It is pretty low fat, and low carb enough to keep you in ketosis. This state of ketosis is where your body gets the fuel to function. On top of the food you eat, you are using the calories released as you are burning fat. Not a foreign concept to the diet world. Not gimmicky. And for those of you claiming it is SOOOOOO EXPENSIVE WHAT A RIP OFF.... Total BS. if you look at the total amount of money you spend on food in a week, which includes what you buy at your clinic in ideal protein products, you would find that you are, in fact, spending less money on food than you did before the diet. Vegetables are cheap. You eat a lot of them. Chicken is cheap. A staple of mine - low in fat and a nice amount of protein. You can also select from a variety of other meats or eat eggs. Phase one is strict. Phases two through four are designed to gradually add more fats and carbohydrates back into your diet and aid in resetting or retraining your pancreas' response to what you eat.

    Although I see there are a lot of you that clearly think you know everything, and feel the need to criticize something that is actually helping a great number of people retrain their brains and bodies to make better choices when it comes to eating, not everyone is as perfect as you may be in their food choices. If it was so easy to eat chicken broccoli and sweet potato all day every day its as simple as that crap, everyone would be walking around fit and healthy. The reality is, not everyone has the education on nutrition, or the willpower to not hit that drivethru etc.... this plan gives you someone to be accountable to. That, and having that person point out where you have been going wrong is half the battle. Not depending on refined carbohydrates to get through your day is a real eye opening experience. You start not only reading food labels, but actually understanding what they mean. There are many things you will choose not to put into your body anymore. You are satisfied with less fat, less sugar, less salt. Your body, your brain, your tastebuds begin to actually taste real food and appreciate that it doesnt need that giant glob of butter to taste good, you dont need to pour salt and dressings or sauces on food to enjoy it.

    Now, as I get ready to post this, I hope those of you that are critical, sarcastic, snobby, mean, perfect, etc.... Will just go start their own negative thread somewhere to behave like that. When someone asks for advice or information they arent asking for your negative mean opinion. Maybe, just maybe these people are trying to make a positive change for their health, and have no idea where to start. Maybe this quest for information is a good thing so they can make their own informed decision and not be made to feel like an idiot for asking. You should never talk down on someone who is seeking help.
  • Furbzzz
    Furbzzz Posts: 3 Member
    Do you ever drink protein shakes as a snack or as part of a meal?

    If so you are buying someones magic shake too if you think that this company claims their shakes to be magic. They do not claim anything outlandish about them, just that they provide you with X amount of protein if you should chose to have one. They are not mandatory, they are one of the many options you can choose. Many people choose to use protein shakes.
  • My family (three of us ... male, female, teenager) has lost 49 pounds (some of it water weight which they told us to fully expect). Yes .. the body starts to burn fat stores. We have had three weigh ins and they also measure chest, waist, hips thigh, arm. All of us lose multiple inches each week. All of us have lost an inch at the waist each week. We are taught how to consume food .... the American diet is a carbohydrate bomb and if you are going to carb up your body you are going to get fat. Once one loses the weight ... the only way you'll put it back on is if you go back to overeating in general .. especially carbs (carbs are re-introduced at end of diet. Don't listen to naysayers ... I know many successes on this diet. About the expense .... it's about $90 plus some meat and veggies at the grocery store. You are not buying junk at the store so there is some offset. For us we are not buying chips, crackers, cheese, juice, or alcoholic beverages. We are also not bothering to eat out while we get this done so we are ahead financially ... no stops for breakfast ... not stops for lunch ... dinner home.. We just want to get this done and stop talking about being fat. In four more weeks we won't be ... end of story. Best part is that we were able to help our teenager realize her dream of a normal weight....totally our responsibility to do so.
  • No .. there are no "magic shakes". Just good science.
  • xoneketa
    xoneketa Posts: 1
    I've done this diet twice and both time had amazing success. I did NOT feel hungry (except the first 1-2 days of course, as normal) and I definitely did NOT feel that I was being deprived of food. I actually enjoyed this diet the most out of anything I've ever done (I did Dr. Bernstein and on that I did feel starved). Personally to me, the food tastes amazing, their snacks are VERY satisfying whether you have a sweet tooth or salty, and honestly the snacks/desserts are what make it easier to cope with. It is a bit pricey, not sure how the price varies from place to place, but I paid about 200$ for 2 weeks worth of food (this included 14 snacks/desserts, 24 packs of drinks/whatever to have in the AM and either lunch/dinner). I'm not 100% sure if the weight would've stayed off with it, as unfortunately after the 2nd time around, I developed very bad eating habits post-weight loss, which is 110% why I gained my weight back.

    The only Con I would have about this diet is that yes - you cannot exercise. My doctor told me I can do any exercise, as long as I am able to keep a moderate conversation (so basically nothing intense). I also do weight lifting, so it was a bummer to see some of my progress go away (not all of it though, as you are getting lots of protein ! ) But yes, and of course the price. I didn't mind the price, because the results were AMAZING for me.