So what do you log for food on pig-out days?

Ngolden1 Posts: 58 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Been using MFP since Monday and it's been great at keeping me accountable. However, the weekend is fast approaching. Normally I try to be very good Monday through Friday and then the weekend I let go a little (or a lot). So if you are at parties, taking bites of this and that, or going out to eat, what do you log for food? Wild guesses or just blow it off?


  • kendra1976
    kendra1976 Posts: 90 Member
    I don't blow it off on the weekends. For me it would ruin all my hard work, plus for me it's a lifestyle change. I don't look at it as a Mon-Fri diet. I look at is a Monday - Friday life change. I still enjoy myself when out on the weekends, but there is no point anymore in eating/drinking so much. I have worked so hard to get where I am.

    I suggest still enjoying yourself, but get a smaller plate and only fill it up once.

    good luck.
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    Have seriously considered creating a "food" item for these days, labeling it "pig out" and making it equal about 4,000 calories with 80 grams of fat. Haven't done it yet....I still log, even on my "cheat" days before a long run and day of a long run.
  • not everyone if a fan of 'pig out days' the only thing i can suggest is log everything and i mean every bite every lick. you can make sure you dont go too nuts in that case, i find if you are going to go over only do it by 200 calories
    ive had a few friends who have done what your doing and they are back to square one...dont go ordering a giant pizza and eating the lot just pig out moderately
  • I log it as best I can and then don't worry too much.

    I've found that since I've been watching what I eat more closely, days when I think I've pigged out, I've only sort of pigged out. I also usually try to make sure I hit the gym on weekends for a super workout because I EAT my exercise calories. (the debate - eat or don't eat. I've been loosing weight on schedule and I've been eating them.)
  • suzikelley
    suzikelley Posts: 210 Member
    I really log EVERYTHING.. and if I can't figure out the calories to log it, I don't eat it. It's taken me over a month to lose 9 lbs. and I KNOW I could EASILY put it back on in a weekend! lol I'd be so mad at myself if I wasted all of my hard work and effort! Good luck! :-)
  • If I Do Have An Off Day I Log What I Eat Anyway. I Find That Seeing The Amount Of Calories I Consume Helps Keep Me In Line And Lets Me Know How Much I Really Am Eating Instead Of Just Ball Parking It. For Instance I Have A Weakness For Pizza But Once I Logged That Eating A Digiornio Pizza By Itself [As In Nothing Else For The Day] Was More Than 2000 Calories, It Deterred Me From Wanting To Constantly Eat It Because I Know What The Consequences Are.
  • Log it all! Having to look at a day with 3,000 calories and no exercise will make you really think before you do it again. It's a great way to be sure that the weekends do not cost you all of the progress you made during the week :-)
  • Ngolden1
    Ngolden1 Posts: 58 Member
    Haha that's not a bad idea to just create a general "cheat day" item. I agree, moderation is best, even on weekends. I have found though, that cheat days work for me as long as I don't get too out of control, and I've been able to maintain weight loss doing it this way. I want to enjoy this time of my life where I don't have kids yet and can still go out with friends and let go. Eventually that may change.

    Edited to say - I would like to log it all, but how do you remember "I had a bit of a cookie, or half of something" etc...How would you record that?
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I tend to eat more on weekends--we are usually out and about and we eat out and I find myself snacking more. I still hold myself accountable for it, though, and try to keep tabs on what I eat and how much. I can't weigh my food to be exact, so I guestimate it and I feel I'm usually pretty accurate. I try to still make smart choices, but I don't beat up myself for going over. I usually allow myself one day a week where I eat as if I were trying to maintain rather than lose, but try not to go over my BMR calories, no sense in gaining!, as long as I continue to exercise.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    When I don't hold myself accountable on the weekends, I stop losing weight. I allow myself to pretty much have anything I want at any time, just in moderation. I try to log everything I eat, even if I just mentally estimate & enter the calories. Also, on the weekends, I make sure I'm more active so it's okay for me to splurge a little more than usual. :smile:
  • sallysavage
    sallysavage Posts: 1 Member
    I try to log everything down, even if it is a nightmare of a day. Sunday I ate 3750 calories, but have pulled it back this week with extra exercise knowing what I had done.
    I lost 64lb from June 09 - October -09, and have now maintained for nearly a year. I am now back on it to lose my final 3 stone, so far 6lb down and I feel in control, even when I'm not always with my food, I do just because I am logging everything.

    Maybe try logging this weekend, and see how bad your pig-out days are, they may not actually be as bad as you think.

    Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    take a deep breath and log it.
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    I log everything too! But if I know i'm going to have a "pig out" day I try to up the exercise... I've also found that I'm eating less anyway (which is probably why my boyfriend has put on weight as I've lost it)

    If I do pig out I try to log everything as, or soon after, i eat it... just in case I'd forget something and think I've eaten less than I actually have!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    This is a lifestyle change, not a diet. Every day we should make healthy choices. That being said, I like to calorie cycle & usually have a couple days each week where I get to eat higher calories than normal. Most days I eat 1200-1300 cals, but every so often I pop up to 1500 & 1700. Those are fun days! I do allow myself some indulgences on those days, and enjoy feeling more relaxed and not worrying about cals as much, but otherwise I still make smart choices.
    There are ways to indulge without blowing one's diet.
    EXAMPLE: Eat frozen yogurt instead of ice cream (or even some of the lower cal, lower fat ice creams are good too), make your own pizza, burger & chinese food, choose your very favorite fruits instead of candy & drizzle with dark chocolate, etc.
  • Ngolden1
    Ngolden1 Posts: 58 Member
    Good advice everyone! Logging is the way to go. I do think it will make me so much more conscientious on pig out days, therefore they won't be as bad. A lot of it will be guesses, but I suppose that's okay.
  • Log it all! Having to look at a day with 3,000 calories and no exercise will make you really think before you do it again. It's a great way to be sure that the weekends do not cost you all of the progress you made during the week :-)

    I agree immensely.... I have "cheat" meals occasionally, but not cheat days anymore. I was finding out that 1-2 days of cheating on the weekends made my progress for the week not mean as much, :sick: and I felt sick and also really bugged me:mad: , because than it made me feel like I was dieting...and I am a firm believer in lifestyle change.:happy: I have succeeded WAY more this way! I hope it helps!! Also, i do log in EVERY bite, taste, drink...and dang, those glasses of wine add up in a scary way! Good luck to you!

    OOPS... Darn it! I just realized I answered from my daughter's profile... mine is Jenn97355!!
  • It's a lifestyle change. I got a Droid though so its way easier to log while I'm out. Or I text it to my boyfriend and do it later. :)
  • Jenn97355
    Jenn97355 Posts: 103 Member
    Log it all! Having to look at a day with 3,000 calories and no exercise will make you really think before you do it again. It's a great way to be sure that the weekends do not cost you all of the progress you made during the week :-)

    I agree immensely.... I have "cheat" meals occasionally, but not cheat days anymore. I was finding out that 1-2 days of cheating on the weekends made my progress for the week not mean as much, :sick: and I felt sick and also really bugged me:mad: , because than it made me feel like I was dieting...and I am a firm believer in lifestyle change.:happy: I have succeeded WAY more this way! I hope it helps!! Also, i do log in EVERY bite, taste, drink...and dang, those glasses of wine add up in a scary way! Good luck to you!

    OOPS... Darn it! I just realized I answered from my daughter's profile... mine is Jenn97355!!

    I am such a dork...obviously I need more coffee... I was logging in my daughter's food, and realized after I posted, that I was on her account...So...FYI--It's ME that drinks the wine hahahahahahaha:bigsmile:
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    I think of mine as "treat days". I log everything and try to be good, but allow myself something different that I normally don't eat. I managed to get through a day of snacking at my daughters birthday last weekend with veggies, dips, breads, chips and cake all around, and still stay within my calories. The next day I had a baby shower to go to, but only ate a little piece of each of the "treats" instead of making a meal of them and stayed in again. When I was still hungry, I ate more fruits and veggies and logged every bite. I got to enjoy the squares, cream puffs and cake all weekend, but in small servings. I even got to have a drink of wine both days.

    If I am not near a computer that I can log everything as I eat it, I keep a piece of paper with me and write it all down. That way, I don't forget what I had and can be honest with myself.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    I don't log much on the week-ends, only because we aren't home much. I know this doesn't sound great but I don't want to waste my family time sitting at the computer trying to remember everything I ate, for the most part, I don't eat much different then I do the rest of the week. Most week-ends we spend at Busch Gardens or a water park, and now that the weather is no longer in the 100's we will be out kayaking or biking, so the extra calories burned equal out any extra that I consume.
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