Did anyone lost 11 lbs on 1400 kcal diet and exercising

Hi, I am following this 1400 kcal diet and i exercise (between 200-300 kcal a day gets off these so Net is around 1100-1200 kcal.).

I do not plan to weigh myself but 1 x a month (as I get demotivated when i see gain around periods time).

I weigh 138 lbs and need to get down to 127 lbs.

Do you think there is a chance to loose it in 2-3 months?


  • lallaloolly
    lallaloolly Posts: 228 Member
    In April I was 12 lbs from my goal, and my settings are pretty close to yours, although I usually exercise off 275 - 625 kcal, 5 days per week and usually net between 1300-1400.
    I have lost an average of 2 pounds per month.
  • Cynnie20012
    Cynnie20012 Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks! And do you weigh yourself daily/weekly?

    I am affraid to get demotivated if I do not see any progress and how can you see progress quickly.

    So i decided to check weight 1x month.

    Also - do you measure your body fat? I am not sure how adequate my scale is.. perhaps these calipers are better?
  • lallaloolly
    lallaloolly Posts: 228 Member
    i weigh every morning, but i only record new losses, i don't record upwards fluctuations. fluctuations happen all week long and i'm not someone who gets demotivated by them. i don't measure body fat. i just try to judge what's happening there with the way my clothes fit.

    i don't know how tall you are or what your build is, but keep in mind that getting down to 127 if you are above 5'6" is going to be tough and take some time because your weight is already pretty low, and your body slows down weight loss the trimmer you get. the general rule of thumb for a fit/trim body weight (that i've always been told by my doctor) is to add 5lbs to 100 for every inch you are over 5 feet. So if you are 5'2", general consensus is 110. If you are 5'6", general consensus is 130.

    if you are above 5'6 and you are already down to 138, your best option might be to incorporate weights into your routine. i used to be wary of bulking up with weights, but the pics on the success stories (on the MFP forums) of people who incorporated weights have turned me into a believer. it's the fastest way to burn fat and get a trim, toned body, and it doesn't create added bulk. and also, since muscle is denser than fat, people who are toned tend to weigh a little more than people the same size who aren't toned, but the toned people usually fit into much smaller clothes.
  • Cynnie20012
    Cynnie20012 Posts: 33 Member
    First and foremost a big thanks!! I am 5,55 (169 cm) and i feel comfortable around 59-60 kg (130-132 Lbs).

    Yes, I am a big fan of muscles training, that's what I usually do in autumn, winter cause now in summer here it's too hot inside. I have quite some routines (each 45-50 min) which comprise dynamic exercises using body as weight. These exercises are on varied tempo (interval training mixed with more static strength exercises) and they enhance stamina greatly. I never really worked out regularly with dumbbells but also consider that.

    For now, as it's too hot inside my house I prefer outdoor exercises so I stick to running (3-4 times a week 5 km, usually 30 min sessions) and +-30 km biking in the weekend.

    I've been counting calories for 7 days now, and (eventhough I always tried to be conscientious about eating healthy) I already realised that 1400 kcal is not a lot and I would normally eat a bit more (which I compensate by exercising).

    A year ago I did a stupid diet, pure calorie counting. I ate anything i wanted (cake, cookies etc) but did not exceed 1500 kcal. I did not move a bit, no sport, nothing. In 4 weeks I went down from 61 kg to 58.6 kg (134 lbs to 129 lbs) and was head over heels... until i just re-gained these back (and additional 1 kg) in about 1 month again. Pure yo yo. Sometimes its good to experience this on yourself to realize how stupid that is. Since then i told myself - no diet again unless based on healthy food and regular exercising.

    How about yourself! You seem to be pretty on track! Congrats! I hope i can be as successful as you :)