10 to 15 pounds to lose

Is anyone else out there struggling with 10 or 15 pounds? How do you stay motivated? I sometimes wonder if it's worth trying to lose this weight, or if I will simply regain it, because I feel like I am giving up so much to get rid of that little bit of weight. On the other hand, I am forever struggling with what to wear, because my spare tire spoils the look of all my clothes. My weakness is afternoons. I seem to be strong until 3 o'clock, and then I almost forget I'm trying to lose weight, and dinner is a free-for-all. Next morning, I start eating sensibly again, and by late afternoon the whole cycle repeats itself. Advice?


  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    Sounds like you're flailing because of a lack of motivation. You can't just coast on a wishy washy desire to get something done and think it's going to magically happen. Find some inspiration / motivation. Pictures of strong beautiful women do it for me. So does kicking *kitten* in a sparing session, or looking really hot in a new dress. I know someone who put pictures of herself running a marathon and motivational quotes on her fridge.

    As for hitting 3pm and losing it. I do the same thing. I eat a nice little breakfast and lunch, then by the afternoon, I'm starving and I want to eat everything. I snack through the whole afternoon, then eat a tiny dinner. I think I need to work on eating bigger meals to avoid all that afternoon snacking. Identify your pattern and try different strategies to break it. Just "not eating this or that" or "eating less" is too vague a strategy if you have funky eating habits.
  • chopsuey99
    chopsuey99 Posts: 20 Member
    I had a similar problem, where I ate very little in the morning because I wasn't hungry (partially because my biggest heaviest meal and snacks came later in the day). My personal trainer told me to just eat in the morning, even if I wasn't hungry. She stressed having a good complex carbohydrate like quinoa or oatmeal even AND a protein. She was right. Eating sensibly and correctly for breakfast and lunch made my blood sugar very even and gave me even energy throughout the day so I wasn't prone to lapsing desperation by late afternoon/evening. On days I don't feel like it I just push myself. It really does set me up for success in eating the whole day. It was an a-ha moment during this journey for me. Hope it helps.