Recommendations for strengthening arms? (Weakling!)

Seriously, arms have seemingly no muscle! :huh:

The rest of my body (especially my legs since I bike a lot) are okay, but my arms are super weak. I can't really even do a knee push up let alone a real one! Anyone know some good ways to begin building up some muscles in my arms? I know push ups are a great way..but uh, you kind of have to be able to even do those in order to start doing them! I haven't tried doing curls, etc. with barbell weights (Those are the right terms? See how clueless I am...) but I can see how those could help. I'd probably end up having to use the itty bitty ones. Are there any easy-ish ways to begin? Someone suggested doing 'wall push ups' once where I'm standing up against a wall instead of on the floor. Would that be a good start?

Anyway! I'm rambling, but any suggestions or tips would be great! It'd be awesome to be able to lift, well, most things without having to use all my body weight! Haha. :heart:


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Start with wall pushups. Try some bench dips. Get some resistance bands or adjustable dumbells and do exercises that use your arms. Bench, rows and over head press would be a good place to start. You could then do isolation exercises such as tricep extensions and bicep curls if you wanted. Google "Progressive bodyweight exercises" or something like that, and you'll like get some good hits on where to start and what to work up to.
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    Do various curls and tricep extensions with the little colored weights. Work your way up to using real weights. Gotta start somewhere. Don't be ashamed of where you are starting. When I started lifting just over 10 months ago, I could only bench press 90 lbs for 3 set of 8. You will get better with time.
  • Juanwi
    Juanwi Posts: 68 Member
    Good question! I was wondering this myself. I can only do like 3 regular push-ups and 10 knee push-ups.
  • skatykaty
    skatykaty Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, as a fellow cyclist I know exactly what you mean! I started swimming to improve my arm muscles and it did help but not enough. So I then started Body Pump classes and they are working!! The advantage with the classes is that I have been taught how to lift properly and what weights I should use and aim for. Also the instructor pushes me more than I would push myself at home! I do 2 classes a week, am trying to fit a third in but may have to invest in some weights for home use.
  • klcalliari
    klcalliari Posts: 60 Member
    The only way to get stronger arms is to lift heavy stuff. If you can't do 5 push ups right now, just do as many as you can, take a rest and do as many more as you can. You have to practice growing muscle, you're never going to be able to lift or do a lot right off of the bat. So just start with whatever you can lift 8-10 times. Bicep curls for the biceps, overhead press for the shoulders, tricep extensions or chair dips for the triceps, pushups for the chest and back. It's a total body approach, all the muscles help each other out at least a little bit so don't neglect any of them
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Do your pushups on stairs. Start with whatever stair you can reasonably get 5-8 good form reps on, and as you get stronger go down a step. Eventually you'll be doing good form pushups on the ground. Don't bother with "modified" or "girl" pushups- stick with this method.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you want to do pushups, start doing them against the wall. After a week or so, switch to a table, then a chair, then try regular pushups. If you have stairs, this is also a good way to work up to the real thing. Just drop one step every few days until you are at the bottom.

    Tricep dips are a great companion to pushups.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Push - Pull will give you great results!

    Push = Push ups - Start simple 3 sets x 10 (or less) Work your way up from there.

    Pull = pull ups - Very hard at the start! If you have no gym access? Put a broom handle across two chairs, lie on the floor, grab the broom handle and pull your self up. Same as above 3 sets x10 (or what ever you can handle). Work up from there.

    As you get stronger, try different hand and foot positions for push ups ie hands very wide with feet up on a chair. And, try doing both over hand and under hand pull up on playground equipment at a local park.