Looking for some insight

I have a thought pattern that is really derailing me, so I am hoping someone can say something magic that will fix it. Here's how it goes-

Rebellious me: "That pizza he just had delivered smells really good."
Rational me: "Eating that is a bad idea. There aren't really calories left for pizza today. Plus we aren't hungry."
Rebellious me: "We weren't hungry before, but now that you said I shouldn't eat it, we're starving and that pizza is the most desirable thing I've ever encountered!"
Rational me: "Seriously, have some willpower."
Rebellious me: "If I want pizza, I'll eat pizza! You're not the boss of me!"

My rebellious side wins about half the time. It isn't always bad, ("Screw you, I'll run a 5k if I want!") but I'd really like to move the odds in the favor of my rational side. Anyone else deal with this?


  • emmamc252
    emmamc252 Posts: 56 Member
    it really is just will power. i think being on here helps me. I log everything BEFORE i eat it. so sometimes if that naughty side of my brain is winning, I'll get my phone out and log the calories, then something in me realises that 1 slice of hubbys bbq dominos pizza, whilst delicous, will equate to the 45 run I went for that morning!!
    LOG the calories before you eat.
    that or if its really getting to me I go and brush my teeth. everything tastes rubbish straight after you brish your teeth. or chew gum.
  • Seesawboomerang
    Seesawboomerang Posts: 296 Member
    Either eat half of what you wanted and pat yourself on the back for the half you didn't go for,

    or exercise the calories you need to burn away before you give in.

    Or fill up on water and feel truly righteous.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I have no inner Gollum.
  • rogerbosch
    rogerbosch Posts: 343 Member
    I'd eat the pizza and make up for it later. Which means, honestly log it and see what effect it has (probably not much). Plus, sometimes you just need to re-feed your body to boost that metabolism. As long as it doesn't happen everyday.
  • CompressedCarbon
    CompressedCarbon Posts: 357 Member
    What they said. But sometimes I'll decide to eat it anyway. Except it wouldn't be pizza, it would be chocolate. But perhaps no inner Gollum here either.
  • rogerbosch
    rogerbosch Posts: 343 Member
    And there're great pizza recipes on this site, even paleo ones if you're into that stuff. If you make one yourself you also have control over what you put into it.

    Now I know that isn't exactly the Jeckyll-and-Hide remedy you asked for, but I'm sure there's some good Freudian literature to help yourself explain what's going on inside you.
  • MissAubreyA
    Thanks guys I appreciate it the feedback.

    I'm a little disappointed that it looks like I'm alone with this particular character trait, but it's not a big deal. Gollum will keep me company.