Reprogramming my body image

This is my challenge today, for my Biggest Loser Challenge Group, from a wise competitor. To let go of something that is stressing me out, just for today.

I've had a rough week. Stressful in every area. Feeling like crap about myself, has made the stress that much harder to deal with. I recently gained back 20lbs of the 30lbs hard earned pounds I had lost. I went from seeing people and everyone saying "You look amazing!" to people giving me the up/down and saying "eh..your hair looks nice." or the direct friends "You put back on a little weight, you poor thing, you must be stressed out!" I have been fighting an overwhelming need to hide from everyone, check out of life, until I'm back. I don't have that luxury, so I have to keep moving forward. But, I've been avoiding anything that I don't have to attend. Which sucks, because I actually love life and people! I'm punishing myself for what...not being perfect...for being human? Like my friends can't handle the disgusting sight of seeing me 20lbs heavier (20lbs lighter than my heaviest weight) I realize how crazy, narcissistic, and superficial that attitude is and it irritates me! Despite what I "know"...I still "feel" bad.

For today, I'm going to let go of the body image issue. I'm going to go through my day as though I'm in love with my body. That it's God's gift to the world (haha..that might be overdoing it, but you have to go big or go home) I will appreciate what it does for me...what is great about it feels to move, breath, feel, taste. I thank God for my body and everything it has allowed me to do. It will be interesting to see how people respond, when I'm not internally apologizing for not looking as good as should.

Here we go!

Here is the challenge, if you want to try it yourself...
Thought it was too good to keep to myself! I'm going to use this technique to let go of some stress and the main stressor right now, my body image. Hope you get something out of it too!

"Today's challenge is going to be about mental discipline. Think of one thing in your life that really stresses you out... It could be about work, finances, your weight loss journey, anything that stresses you out every day.... Now, tell yourself that for today, you are not going to let it bother you. You are going to take a day off of stressing from it. Come up with a way to let it go... It could breathing techniques, yoga, stop and read a book, smell some flowers... Whatever will help take your mind off it and bring you back to now... Maybe even get a nice jog in to release that feeling of stress.

Many people eat because of emotional stress... We retain and gain weight because our hearts are heavy and minds overburdened with it. I want each one of us to face the most stressful thing we can think of going on and say... NO! NOT TODAY! I WILL NOT LET YOU GET THE BEST OF ME!

If we can even have one day of less stress, our bodies and minds will thank us. It will then be easier to say no to temptation of bad foods, and the ""I wanna quit." mentality.

This may be the hardest challenge yet. Good luck, and report back! Remember - we are all here for each other, and all have issues to face!



  • yobby1969
    yobby1969 Posts: 80 Member
    I should have named this thread "boobs" or "Are my curves too big" then it would get some attention! lol
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Gotta give it time baby, everyone East coast USA is cooking or eating :laugh:

    I truly hope you take your healthy body out and have fun with it. I spent WAY too much of my healthy young beautiful years worried about my fat butt.

    NO one else was worried about it but me!

    One trick I used to get myself to wear a bathing suit at the beach was to pretend I had been a lot heavier. I mean, I saw a girl on TV who had lost 100 pounds. She was exactly the same size I was at that time, and everyone was oohing and ahhing.

    It was all about attitude!

    I am feeling a bit down, so I will use your suggestion!

    Thanks for posting!:drinker:
  • yobby1969
    yobby1969 Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks for replying! I was starting to hear crickets =)

    Great idea about acting like you've lost a ton of weight, when you're in a swimsuit! I'm stealing that one. I'm going to rock aqua zumba next time! Check me out..I've lost 100lbs (in my head)

    I will take your advice and my is way to short to waste time!