Looking for OTR Semi Truck Drivers

I am preparing to return to the road soon, and was wondering how many Semi Truck Drivers are out there logging here on myfitnesspal . I know what truck stop food and lack of exercise can do to any human body, so I could use some guidance from fellow truckers on how you stay healthy and any tips you might have for me.



  • mate I'm not a trucky but Ive seen what truck stop food is like and I recon you have your work cut out for you

    Are you using a smart phone app? the little scanner thingo is a huge help for me when I'm away from my normal food haunts

    I found myself the scanning somthing at a servo the other day and realising that the inocent looking "apricot muesli bar" clocked up a whapping 411 Cal's that was just going to be a snack so I put that bugga down and found somthing better.

    perhaps this may help you??
  • thanks bro, never thought about the scanner thing for my smart phone. Will have to try that.
  • miconn69
    miconn69 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a 44 yr old trucker, 288 lbs. I just started this app last week. The calorie counter has really helped open my eyes to what I've been eating. I'm going to be experimenting for awhile and see how things go. I do plan on doing the Dennys's fit slam in the mornings, 390 calories plus OJ. I did just buy a lot of canned chicken and tuna to keep in the truck. I know, sodium issues there, but options are limited. I also quit soda awhile back due to High Fructose Corn Syrup (that mess is in EVERYTHING) and diet drinks are bad as well due to Aspertame. So, its water, BLACK coffee, unsweetened tea, and the occasional vitamin water. Good luck to you!
  • gypsytrkr
    gypsytrkr Posts: 14 Member
    I'm a little late to the party on this post as I can't get on the forums via the Android app, but I'm also an OTR trucker... I pull a flatbed, but even found I'm not getting as much exercise as I thought doing it. I primarily cook in my truck - a cooler keeps about a weeks worth of perishables just fine and I have a microwave and a small Burton butane cook stove I can set up on my table (with the windows cracked for ventilation!)

    Any other drivers, please feel free to friend me on here... I'm needing some people who understand our lifestyle challenges to keep me motivated!
  • MandMAbraham
    MandMAbraham Posts: 2 Member
    My wife and I are OTR Truck Drivers, I'll see if I can figure out how to add you as a friend. Although trucking does add a challenge to dieting it should not make it impossible. We can continue to discuss those challenges and more importantly solutions, here.
    The truck stop food does offer what the market demands of it, but it does offer a few healthy choices as the market demands, also. Those healthy choices are available in the sit down restaurants, when you have time. Flying J often has Denny's, I love the fit fare menu there. Soup and Salad is usually offered. Often times we grab something on the run, not making money if the wheels are not rolling. Subway is an option many times, however it can be messy. Let what falls be. It will still be there for you to clean up after you set the brakes.
    WalMart or most any grocery store is an option. My wife and I have a microwave and a small, but expensive, 12v freezer, allowing us to keep lean cuisine, healthy choice, etc. frozen meals available. On a perfect diet day I do a protein diet type shake or bar for breakfast, V8 Fusion drinks offer a serving of vegetable and fruit, and a frozen healthy meal heated in the microwave. Granted it is a lot of processed food but we don't have a big roomy kitchen to work with.
  • gypsytrkr
    gypsytrkr Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for the add MandM, I'm honestly surprised there are not more OTR folks on MFP...I've always felt like an odd one out on here.
  • I'm the other half of MandMAbraham. I was a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom) for many years. Our daughter is grown now and I am on the road with my Hubby. We mostly use the smart phone app, but get on here occasionally.
  • I started MFP on my Android phone just over a year ago. Took a 1 month vacation while my truck was getting repainted/made over, and almost got to 200 pounds from 187 or so. When I first started driving about 10 years ago, I weighed 185 at the DOT physical. I usually stayed right around that, but after that month off lounging around at the in laws and eating whatever and glued to MeTV, I was digusted at the weight. I was REAL good with eating the calories MFP told me too. I was surprised by what I used to eat. I always read labels and stayed away from hydrogenated oils and HFCS, which is probably why I stayed around 185 for so long. I think the lowest I got was to 167 or so and got stuck there for a month or so and got discouraged and started eating like normal. I got back up to 180, and decided about 2 months ago that I'm not doing that again.

    My bunk is little. I have a bed and cubbies along the back wall. That's it. It's the smallest integral sleeper Freightliner makes. I have a drawer refridgerator under the bunk that opens out and lately I have been cooking chicken and veggies at home and microwaving them on the road. I just throw the microwave under the bed and pull it out when I need it. I pretty much have fajitas without all the fixings. Oatmeal for breakfast by using a "hotpot express" which plugs in and boils water in about a minute. Cheese sticks, yogurt, good granola bars/protein bars, some low sugar dry cereal, sandwich ready tuna fish packets with Hungry Gurl wraps. SO good. Everything can be had at WalMart. It's way better than truckstop offerings, and a load cheaper too.

    I am gone M-F from IA to WI twice a week. I DON'T get enough sleep, which doesn't help weight loss at all, but I have been doing a 30 arm challenge workout I saw on Facebook with pushups, dips, bicep curls and punches and it is helping me lose quicker. I am back down to ~176 depending on what time I weigh. I just got Insanity, and will do it on days I am home. I load Monday evening at home, and Wednesday evening at home so I can usually be home at least 4 days a week long enough to do SOMETHING.

    I always told everyone I have my dad's job, I DON'T want his body.