Foods you eat/don't eat the day before a weigh-in?



  • FutureSkinnyMama03
    FutureSkinnyMama03 Posts: 250 Member
    I don't usually do anything different. But when I have more sleep, I do notice a difference in the scale (for the better!). Getting enough sleep is supposed to really help aid in weightloss. Atleast that's what I've heard. It does seem to be the case for me.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I don't but mainly because I don't think about it. I figure that your most accurate average weight would be after a day of eating your most average types and amounts of food.
  • lh1626
    lh1626 Posts: 241 Member
    Bump...interesting topic!
  • herbalifequeen
    herbalifequeen Posts: 2 Member
    Follow your normal nutrition program through out the week and then the day before drink a TON of water. It helps to keep you from retaining water for the following day. Dont do heavy strength training the day before or the day of because it makes you retain water. Also the day before cut your sodium back. I try to keep mine below 1500mg the day before but if your already consuming less than that normally then cut it back a little bit more. Also eat lighter protein rich foods. I use meal replacements and protein drinks and for dinner proteins that are easy to digest like chicken or fish with a normal amount of veggies. You can still do carbs but make sure that they are not pre-packaged or processed. Stick to low sugar fruits and veggies for your carb sources the day before. For the day of your weigh in (if you are weighing in the evening) drink most of your water by 11am or 12pm and sip on it for the rest of the day. For food eat light food that is nutrient dense that will give you energy, again I do protein / meal replacement shakes for breakfast and lunch. A great snack is dry roasted edamame and fresh berries.. Super light, helps you to feel more full and is low in calories, high in protein and a tiny bit of natural sugar from the fruit will help you have some energy and keep you from feeling fatigued. Sometimes I sip on calorie free drinks with a ton of vitamin c. (I use Herbalife Lift Off or EmergenC Light, both have 1000mg of vitamin C)
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    I weigh every morning. What I have noticed is that I weigh least on Saturdays. I think it is because I sleep in, so there is a longer fast, and more time to process liquids.
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