Ok, I have posted this before and got no replies. I am going to Vegas the 2nd week of October and I want to tone up. I was trying to lose weight when I realized that its not my weight I hate, its the flabbiness I have and my lack of strength. I have researched some but different websites say different things! I dont have alot of money so joining a gym isn't possible yet. Maybe next month but not right now. I want to exercise at home. I have 20lb weights, a stability ball, an ab roller, and a perfect push up thing. I am also trying to eat better but money has been tight so I have had to eat cheap (mcdonalds, etc.) I do plan to hit up the Farmer's Market Saturday after work!
So my question is: how can I go about this? I am new to trying to tone up, i usually focus on losing weight. If anyone has any advice or could get me started that would be great!!

here are my stats:
age: 22
height: 5'1"
weight: 121lbs
hips: 40in
size 9 jeans
arms: 9.5in


  • luckyladybug24
    luckyladybug24 Posts: 32 Member
    My advice would be to work out with low weights and do more reps to develop lean muscle....if you want to bulk up then use heavier weights and do fewer reps. =)
  • danapenguin
    so what is considered "low weights"? under 10lbs?
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    My advice would be to work out with low weights and do more reps to develop lean muscle....if you want to bulk up then use heavier weights and do fewer reps. =)

    Not this. ^

    Heavier weights with lower reps will NOT make you bulk up. It will get your the results you're looking for. Check craigslist & garage sales and get yourself a barbell & maybe a cheap bench.
  • mssteel90
    mssteel90 Posts: 124 Member
    I agree with heavy weights and lower reps.
    I also do pop Pilates from YouTube and its helping me get some results.
    ETA: ive only been doing the pop Pilates for like a week and a bit and I already see some results.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    My advice would be to work out with low weights and do more reps to develop lean muscle....if you want to bulk up then use heavier weights and do fewer reps. =)

    I'd say the opposite. As a woman it will be virtually impossible for you to 'bulk' unless you are taking steroids. To lose weight, all you have to do is create a calorie deficit. To get the look you are going for, lifting and strength training are your friends.

    Heavy lifting will build muscle and give you the look you want. The 20lb weights should be fine to start with. Maybe some others can suggest good beginning lifts, but with free weights I would look into modified bench press or overhead press, single leg deadlifts, and squats. Bodyweight exercises like planks, pushups, and lunges are great as well.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    My advice would be to work out with low weights and do more reps to develop lean muscle....if you want to bulk up then use heavier weights and do fewer reps. =)

    NO, NO, NO! Using heavier weights will not bulk you up. Lower weight/more reps only builds muscle endurance. If you want to look good, keep working on losing fat and lift heavy. It will change your body like you won't believe.
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    My advice would be to work out with low weights and do more reps to develop lean muscle....if you want to bulk up then use heavier weights and do fewer reps. =)

    Not this. ^

    Heavier weights with lower reps will NOT make you bulk up. It will get your the results you're looking for. Check craigslist & garage sales and get yourself a barbell & maybe a cheap bench.

    See the following threads for many many many examples of what can happen when women lift heavy weights:
  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    Eating cheap can't be McDonald's anymore unless you're eating smoothies and salads. Depending who you follow, you will probably go high-protein, low-carb to get lean muscle or protein, complex carbs, fruits and veg.. For cheap, that means eggs (or egg whites) and tuna, and whatever fruit or veg is available --- this may mean eating defrosted frozen fruit/vegetables and salad greens. You can make a cheap and easy vinaigrette.. Good carbs aren't cheap, but you can get some multigrain pasta (about one cup per serving) or brown rice and supplement the rest of the meal with salad, fruit or vegetables.

    I'd say $12 might get you through a week depending what you already have on hand. Of course, the more money you have, the more variety you will have to eat.
  • EmmiDahling
    EmmiDahling Posts: 104 Member
    My advice would be to work out with low weights and do more reps to develop lean muscle....if you want to bulk up then use heavier weights and do fewer reps. =)

    Ummmm . . . no. Low weights and more reps develop *endurance*. Heavy weights at lower reps will build and tighten your muscle. Unless you're taking testosterone pills, women don't have the hormones to bulk like men do. How do I know this? It's what worked for me. I've eaten at maitenance this summer, lost virtually no pounds (except for 3 recent ones), and definitely have lost inches and look smaller and more toned. Lift heavy and eat lots of protein.
  • KathleenMurry
    KathleenMurry Posts: 448 Member
    Also....McDonald's is not the only option when on a budget. It's a lot cheaper to buy good groceries and prep your meals at home. There are also healthier fast food alternatives. Look into it.
  • EmmiDahling
    EmmiDahling Posts: 104 Member
    About food: I love this blog for affordable recipies . I do skip the pasta based dishes and tend to substitute a can of black beans (cheaper) for anything that calls for a lb of ground beef. If I go for the low fat and lower calorie versions (when available) of her ingredients I stay well within my calorie budget.
  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    There are women who can bulk up. I'm one of them. I gain weight relatively easily and it stays on -- either as fat or muscle. You used to see some body builders who are like this -- although there's fewer of them now that it's filled with steroids -- they still have female voices and their faces are still relatively feminine, but they are big girls. Not freakishly big, but significantly more so than the average woman.

    I think it's genetics -- like the way some people have six-pack abs with little effort and others do everything they can to get them but can't.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    My advice would be to work out with low weights and do more reps to develop lean muscle....if you want to bulk up then use heavier weights and do fewer reps. =)

    That is some bad advice.
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    My advice would be to work out with low weights and do more reps to develop lean muscle....if you want to bulk up then use heavier weights and do fewer reps. =)

  • danapenguin
    thanks for advice guys!! i will look up the pilates pronto and drag out the 20 pound weights! I did have subway today instead of mcdonalds! also thanks for the food advice! i think we have some whole wheat noodles in the cabinets from when me and my finace went on a whole wheat binge. also, would i benefit from cardio as well. i just did a 10 min jog around the block and i love to ride my bicycle
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    what exactly does "lift heavy" mean? how heavy are we talking and how many reps?
  • danapenguin
    im so jealous at the 41 year old woman in that first thread! holy crap ! she is awesome!

    so.. eat protein... low carb.... lift heavy/ low reps...
    seems easy enough!

    any good websites for how tos on some strength training workouts?
  • danapenguin
    what exactly does "lift heavy" mean? how heavy are we talking and how many reps?

    another good question!!
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    what exactly does "lift heavy" mean? how heavy are we talking and how many reps?

    another good question!!

    "heavy" will be a different number for different people. It should be a lift you can do about 5 times with good form, but not beyond. Others may say 8, or 10 reps. the "with good form" thing is key.
  • r_balogh
    r_balogh Posts: 42 Member
    Try fitness buddy it's a free app that you can use to find options for exercise without weights. You might also look at c25k or something like it to help tone and lean out your body