Any aussies doing Lite n Easy?

ajdhut9 Posts: 19 Member
Just wondered if there were any aussies doing the lite n easy food plan? I was wondering if it was worth the money.
The problem with me is that I have no discipline when coming to diet and I thought this could be a great stepping stone to get me in order.


  • choijanro
    choijanro Posts: 754 Member
    i dont know,, ill ask my relatives there living in Perth
  • sandyt_79
    sandyt_79 Posts: 12 Member
    My husband and I have been doing lite n easy now for about 4 weeks or so and we are loving it. He is on the 1,800 cal plan and I am on the 1,500. The first week was hard, really hard. We both had headaches and felt like we were hungry. But we have stuck to it and now its a breeze.

    Hubby has lost about 8kg and me about 4kg. Its convenient and its nice to have someone support you by doing the plan with you. Doing it by my self would have been hard, especially if I had to cook for him. But we are both really loving the convenience. We havent gone shopping now for weeks and overall i would say that we are saving money in the long run. We tended to have a habbit of throwing things in the trolley that we really didnt need and choosing items that were not the best of choices (chips and chocolates).

    I really like that I dont have to think about what's for dinner or what I need to pack for our lunches. We dont buy food now during the week, its saving us a lot in that respect.

    We both are not calling it a diet, we are not dieting, its a lifestyle change. Im not fond of the word diet. Being on Lite n Easy is an eye opener to begin with. We both now realise how much we were both over eating. I am finding that I am sleeping a lot better, I feel I have more energy and now really enjoy going for walks and being outside. Its only been 4 weeks, but its made a huge difference to or lives. I feel more positive. Dont know why, but I feel happier.

    Give it a go. What have you got to loose. If its not for you, then try something else.