NOT pregnant but stopped having periods

I have stopped having my periods the past couple months. I am not pregnant though. I have had a blood test and numerous pregnancy tests done. I am a little concerned that my weight loss may be causing this. Has anyone other girls noticed this problem?


  • Squash97

    You might want to try to up your calorie intake or try taking a day off/easier with your workouts. I hope that you are able to figure it out!
  • WeightingForSara
    WeightingForSara Posts: 122 Member
    I stopped having periods all together a few years ago and was told it was because I was so overweight. Now that I have lost weight they've started coming but in no particular pattern, which is frusterating. I have heard that women who are really athletic have the same issue.
  • stringcheeze
    The theory is if you expend so many calories and are unable to take in enough balance, you'll develop amenorrheia because your body can't support itself and a menstrual cycle at the same time. Its not so much your weight loss, but being super active and expending more calories than you are consuming. If you're overtraining and not getting enough calories, you can also be at a greater risk of osteoporosis.
  • ErickaJos
    ErickaJos Posts: 43 Member
    I stopped having regular periods about 5 years ago and I am only 35. My amenorrhea is unexplainable, since my ovaries no longer function properly I've had to resort to hormone replacement therapy to induce my periods and stop the menopause symptoms, namely hot flashes and night sweats. You should definitely see a specialist or get a 2nd opinion regarding your missed periods.
  • DG82
    DG82 Posts: 105
    If you ever plan on having children in the future, I would definitely see a doctor about this. I know of someone who was too skinny and now she will never be able to get pregnant and have any children. It's commendable the amount of weight you have been able to lose, but also remember that one extreme or another isn't great either. With that said, I think you look amazing! I hope I can find that deep drive inside of me to really buckle down and try to find MORE time to get in some great workout time. I see all the workouts you log on here and just think, omg when would I find the time to do all that she (you) is/are doing!? Keep up the great work and see a doctor about this if you're really concerned about it. I wish you luck!! :-)
  • Joscelle
    If you are experiencing any stressful events in your life, that could also have an effect on your cycle (or lack thereof). Please go to the doctor and check it out.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I missed a period for my first time since menarche a few months ago. After a diligent search for a baby, the general consensus is that I was overtraining and undereating, which is harder to get away with the lower your body fat gets. At the time I was working out usually 2x a day doing p90x and cardio. I scaled it back as advised and my monthly friend returned. That scared me cause as a medical professional I know that missed periods are a huge red flag for women that are normally regular. Hopefully you will heed your body's warning as well :flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Last month I thought I was pregnant because my period was almost 2 full weeks late and I've NEVER been late EVER before. Ever. Seriously. Ever. And I had pregnancy symptoms that were in no way just in my head (the symptoms started before I even considered that I could be pregnant). :laugh: From what I understand, symptoms of a hormonal imbalance can be identical to symptoms of pregnancy (which makes sense since early symptoms of pregnancy are due to the hormonal changes).

    And not to overshare, but my period did finally come after nearly 6 weeks (I'm normally a 25-27 day cycle kind of girl). And then I spotted for a week (which began only 12 days after the first day of my last period) and then my period started again Monday (which was 19 days from the first day of my last cycle). So... yeah. My body was kind enough to play catch-up to get me where I would have been if I hadn't been so wonky last cycle. Nice. (That's how regular I am.. Even being thrown off cycle can't throw my body off cycle!)

    My theory is that my hormones went nuts for a while trying to adjust to me losing 80 pounds over the last year. I know you've lost significantly more weight than I have, so your body is probably extra nuts. Also, worth noting is that I had a friend in high school who lost her period. Her doctor determined it was because she was overexercising and undereating.
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    I would really talk to your doctor. You have lost a lot of weight, which is amazing! I wish I had your drive! But missing your period is not healthy for a regular woman. It is a huge red flag that something is wrong. Please get this checked out.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i went through menopause at the age of 27 and it wasn't until last year that a doctor finally diagnoised me with pcos (policystic ovarian syndrome); i am currently 32. i have been on a cocktail of drugs and hormone replacements since that time. i have had several blood tests done, but until they actually tested my testosterone/estrogen/pregesterone levels together and did an ultrasound, i remained a medical mystery. if they had thought to test the hormone levels before instead of a general blood test, i may not have had to go through menopause completely. please make sure your doctor is thorough in testing you.
  • sherrilewis
    I lost my period due to extreme weight loss and extreme levels of stress on my emotional and physical self for about 4 years. So it sounds like you need to number one, make sure you are eating enough and check your lifestyle... if it is causing you too much stress, this can hault your period or if you are working out extremely hard, that would do it too. My period came back when my life started getting under control and I was more relaxed emotionally and at a healthier weight. I have very regular periods now.
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    I agree with all the posters who mentioned amenorrhea secondary to weight loss--it's a hallmark symptom of anorexia (although I'm not outright saying you're anorexic), and it happens because you freak your body out so much that it stops concerning itself with "normal" hormone levels. I would 100% recommend seeing a doctor (or at least a dietitian) to sort this out--you don't want to be messing with your hormones too much if you don't have to.