Traveling for work advice on eating out.

HELP! I have to travel to Vegas for work in two weeks. Restaurant dining is NOT my friend. What do you guys do when you are out of town for multiple ways and can't cook?


  • MorningWhispers
    Will you have a fridge in your hotel room?

    If possible when you order your meal box up half of it immediately to take home. That way you don't over eat.

    Another thing I do when I eat out is to order the kid's sized portion.
  • sandytoshiko
    sandytoshiko Posts: 67 Member
    Hi. I travel a lot for work, in fact on a trip right now. I started making sure I have lots of healthy snack with me. I have a great big purse my coworkers jokingly call the fruit stand. If its fried, I don't eat it. If its covered in sauce, I ask for no sauce or sauce on the side. Before going out to eat I eat a banana or apple and drink lots of water so I don't over do dinner. I never do desert, and I've discovered how much I love watching a movie or show on my ipad while on the elliptical after a stressful day.

    Friend me, i'll support you!
  • eylia
    eylia Posts: 200 Member
    I prefer to eat Asian based things if I need to depend on eating out. It's easier to find dishes that are high vegetable based, with less hidden nasties like cheese and dressings. You can request things aren't cooked in oil, to have the stirfry sauce on the side. But a braised or poached meat and mixed green vegetables isn't too bad. Get a small soup before hand if you want (a miso or wonton, maybe, a clear broth) and you'll fill up a little with that. Limit rice/noodles. Take half back if you can, and pop in your bar fridge.
  • Cinloykko
    Cinloykko Posts: 117 Member
    I would like to know myself... It's really hard. And I struggle too.

    But my best guess would be to stay mindful of what you are eating. All menus, no matter what restaurant or even fast food, have lower calorie choices. Go for those instead, even though they may not be as satisfying. Also, order more healthy sides .... Even try having a meal of JUST sides????

    But if you dont do this often, look at it as a rare treat. Don't beat yourself up too much if you happen to fall off the wagon. It happens, you're not alone, and tomorrow is always a new day to start over.

    I hope you enjoy your trip!
  • millie916
    I'll be in in Vegas for 4 nights. One of those nights I'll be eating dinner at the airport which doesn't offer many "good" options that I can research before hand and i don't want dinner at 9pm. At least 1 night I'm having dinner with one of the ladies I'm training another night probably with a friend that lives in the area. That leaves one night on my own and 4days of lunches. I usually don't fret if its a one or two day driving trip I make sure i have fruits and veggies from the farmers market grapefruit cups and string cheese to keep me going on the drive or at the location, it just further trips that trip me up and all the sodium!
  • strawberriekt24
    strawberriekt24 Posts: 61 Member
    I live in Vegas. If you have the opportunity, check out Fresh & Easy. It's similar to Trader Joe's, and they have some awesome options for lunch and for fruits and veggies. There's also a Whole Foods at the south end of Las Vegas Blvd if you are staying on the Strip. I don't know if you'll be having dinner in the gates or out of the gates at the airport, but I know there's at least a Chili's to Go and some similar places within the gates; outside the gates there is a Mexican food place and a deli.

    As for restaurants, I research the restaurant most of the time before we go out to eat to see if they have the nutritional info on their website and make choices to fit my day. The kid's size portion is also an excellent idea but be mindful of the portions there as well- I went to sushi today with a friend and she ordered a kid's yakisoba plate for her son. It had a good amount of noodles, salad, a fruit cup, and three pieces of California roll. We could have split the meal and all been satisfied :) Good luck and enjoy your time here!