hello everyone im new

Hey everyone I'm new I would love some advice on foods and exercises this isn't a diet for me it's a lifestyle change


  • sweetadelinebass
    I'm new also. Just trying to venture into this experience hoping I can stay on track to reach my goal.:wink:
  • monica_reinert
    monica_reinert Posts: 99 Member
    Hello friends!

    Welcome! Just remember this is not a diet. It is a lifestyle change! I love myfittnesspal.com because it has taught me that I can eat anything. When I tell people that I still have ice cream, potato chips, can dine out and eat the food I make my family for dinner they are shocked. I have also learned about healthier substitutions. I started my new journey on March 23 and am down 70 lbs. If I can do this anyone can. Portion control, exercise, and friends on MFP have been my key to success. I log almost every day and have an open diary. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • iamihobo
    iamihobo Posts: 232 Member
    You'd be surprised how eating majority veggies with little starch and lower amounts of processed foods will give you a decrease in weight. Food is fuel for your body, if you feed it junk you'll feel like junk.

    And your stomach will actually shrink over time, so it feels hard at first to eat so little calories, but you'll get use to it :)
  • peepandboo
    I'm new today too. :smile:

    Hoping to change my lifestyle to be fitter, more healthy and able to run about with the children - Monica 70lb down is FANTASTIC, would love to hear more about your journey can I add you as a friend please?
  • MrsFoxyGal
    Hello, I'm new to this message board but I've joined myfitnesspal few months ago. I find it useful but I would like to know your tips/advice as I want to losing weight especially baby's weight also like to be heathy and fit.

    Maresia :)
  • sophiejade313
    Hello can you add me as I don't know how to add anyone aha thanks
  • vikramtag
    vikramtag Posts: 67 Member
    Hello everyone..I'm new here..I happened to find myfitnesspal online and joined it..its amazing..ive been working out and dieting for just under 2 months now..i was 198 lbs before and now 183 lbs..i wish to keep my interest alive by constantly motivating myself by conversing and learning from all of u here :) thanks and have a great day