Very frustrated.....



  • cadaverousbones
    cadaverousbones Posts: 421 Member
    Your diary looks pretty good, except for the sugar. I would cut out some of the fruit and switch it for veggies. Also it might be more beneficial to have something for breakfast with more protein & fiber, that will keep you full longer. I like to have eggs/toast, fruit and greek yogurt parfaits with granola (home made) and sometimes if I am in a hurry I'll get like an egg white breakfast sandwich from a fast food place. I also noticed that if I cook at home and make healthy meals like chicken & veggies for dinner, and try to eat organic and natural, I feel better and have more energy & feel fuller for longer. Its not just about calories but about the quality of food and the nutrition that you're getting from it. Feel free to add me/message me if you want more support :)
  • RhinestoneRocky
    RhinestoneRocky Posts: 124 Member
    I think you're doing GREAT!!

    Just watch those macros (protein, sugar, salt, carbs etc) and I think you'll do wonderfully! I think 8 lbs in 3 weeks is AMAZING! Remember, it took a while for the weight to come on your body, so give your body that amount of time for it to come off. Just love yourself and stay consistent! You can do this!!
    TINAHUNTER1969 Posts: 219 Member
    I would take measurements from today then once a month measure yourself, not just bust, waist and hips but top of arms, wrist, top of legs, calves and ankles, even your neck because you will be surprised at the difference. I'm doing my measurements tonight for first time since I started this in May so definitely hoping that there is less of me.

    I stay away from scales because I get obsessive about them and they depress me when they don't move quick enough.

    I also try and go walking a couple of miles every night after work and have found that this has helped moved weight from everywhere not just certain parts of my body.

    Don't be frustrated, Rome wasn't built in a day and its a lifestyle change you are doing not just a temporary change so the slower the weight comes off the longer it stays off.

    Congratulations on the weight you have already lost - be positive, your glass is half full not empty :flowerforyou:
  • vikidenn
    vikidenn Posts: 20
    You and I must share the same zodiac sign. Same story here. However, I am sticking with it. Mathematically, we have to lose eventually - right! Numbers in, numbers out - only logical. I did finally figure out that my numbers out were not enough, so I started more movement (whatever that might be for you). That kicks things in gear a bit faster.
  • jewh420
    jewh420 Posts: 12
    I have an office job too. Do you have 15 minute breaks at work? that is when I walk even if it is around the buiding. 15 minutes might take another 100 calories off. I just started last Thursday so I haven't lost any weight yet. (I think my body is in shock) lol. Plug away at getting small amounts of exercise throughout the day and the calories burned will add up!
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    Doh, how thick am I!! Just noticed diary settings, so have just set it to public. So go and take a look.

    Took a quick peek at the last week! Here would be my personal advice.

    - Swap part of your fruits for veggies
    - Keep doing an awesome job on that proteine intake!
    - Try to avoid processed foods such as cake (or anything that you don't recognise!) etc

    Next thing I noticed is that you might be eating at maintenace instead of at a deficit. That may be your problem; your deficit isn't big enough. What is your normal calorie goal set to, and how did you get this number?

    She is losing weight, so she isn't at maintenance. She is also losing at a pretty safe rate, so her deficit seems good (or at least close). Without knowing her height and weight, you can't tell what her calories should be.
  • gr8xpectationz
    gr8xpectationz Posts: 161 Member
    8 pounds in 3 weeks is a decent loss. You might have unrealistic expectations about how fast this is supposed to happen.


    Eight pounds in three weeks is very respectable. It's more than two pounds a week! That's a great loss.
    You didn't put the extra weight on overnight, and you're not going to lose it overnight either.
    The only way to lose it faster is to be more "extreme", and that kind of nonsense inevitably leads to gaining it all back.
    So enjoy your eight pound success. And understand that two pounds a week adds up over time.
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    Doh, how thick am I!! Just noticed diary settings, so have just set it to public. So go and take a look.

    Took a quick peek at the last week! Here would be my personal advice.

    - Swap part of your fruits for veggies
    - Keep doing an awesome job on that proteine intake!
    - Try to avoid processed foods such as cake (or anything that you don't recognise!) etc

    Next thing I noticed is that you might be eating at maintenace instead of at a deficit. That may be your problem; your deficit isn't big enough. What is your normal calorie goal set to, and how did you get this number?

    She is losing weight, so she isn't at maintenance. She is also losing at a pretty safe rate, so her deficit seems good (or at least close). Without knowing her height and weight, you can't tell what her calories should be.

    Thank you sunshine! Did I somewhere mention that I knew what her calories were? Simpel fact is that if your weightloss is stalled, you're probably not on a big enough deficit.

    To be exact; Damside, your intake has been 2075 calories on average per day (in the last week). On average you have earned 302 calories from excercise a day. This makes that you have consumed 1772 calories a day on average, in the last week.

    Tha COULD be enough of a deficit for you, but as I've stated earlier, if you read the following thread carefully you will find a lot of answers.
    It's a matter of trial and error. Find out what your TDEE is and consume at about -20% your TDEE.

    Also, how do you measure your calorie burn? Did you use an HRM? For me personally, I found that what MFP and the equipment at my gym gave me was wayyy off. I burned a lot less! This also influences your weightloss.

    The key is to finetune everything. Your macro's, knowing what you burn, your TDEE and BMI.

    Good luck sweety!!
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    Doh, how thick am I!! Just noticed diary settings, so have just set it to public. So go and take a look.

    Took a quick peek at the last week! Here would be my personal advice.

    - Swap part of your fruits for veggies
    - Keep doing an awesome job on that proteine intake!
    - Try to avoid processed foods such as cake (or anything that you don't recognise!) etc

    Next thing I noticed is that you might be eating at maintenace instead of at a deficit. That may be your problem; your deficit isn't big enough. What is your normal calorie goal set to, and how did you get this number?

    She is losing weight, so she isn't at maintenance. She is also losing at a pretty safe rate, so her deficit seems good (or at least close). Without knowing her height and weight, you can't tell what her calories should be.

    Thank you sunshine! Did I somewhere mention that I knew what her calories were? Simpel fact is that if your weightloss is stalled, you're probably not on a big enough deficit.

    To be exact; Damside, your intake has been 2075 calories on average per day (in the last week). On average you have earned 302 calories from excercise a day. This makes that you have consumed 1772 calories a day on average, in the last week.

    Tha COULD be enough of a deficit for you, but as I've stated earlier, if you read the following thread carefully you will find a lot of answers.
    It's a matter of trial and error. Find out what your TDEE is and consume at about -20% your TDEE.

    Also, how do you measure your calorie burn? Did you use an HRM? For me personally, I found that what MFP and the equipment at my gym gave me was wayyy off. I burned a lot less! This also influences your weightloss.

    The key is to finetune everything. Your macro's, knowing what you burn, your TDEE and BMI.

    Good luck sweety!!

    She lost a pound. She is not stalled, just impatient at this point.

    You have given her great info. But she's lost 8 pounds in 3 weeks. She is doing well, and should use the info to make sure she continues to do well.
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    She lost a pound. She is not stalled, just impatient at this point.

    You have given her great info. But she's lost 8 pounds in 3 weeks. She is doing well, and should use the info to make sure she continues to do well.

    I agree, she might just be impatient. However, OP has recently started her journey on MFP and has not had all the information she needs to calulate her TDEE yet. Without knowledge of what you're doing, you will be more likely to have unsatisfying results. This is why I'm suggesting that OP could benefit from researching her TDEE, and staying on a -20% cut of it.

    Also, Damside, your loss is already amazing! Your initial loss might also partially have been because you eat less food (read=MIGHT). Less food weighs less and you will notice this on your scale. It's not always neccesaraly a loss in bodyfat. That might be why it's slowed down in comparancy to the first week.

    In any case, calculate your TDEE and stay at -20% of it. From there you can always finetune. Keep up what you are doing and re-evaluate in 1,5 months. Three weeks really is too soon to tell :).

  • CatAMcC
    CatAMcC Posts: 166 Member
    8 pounds in 3 weeks is a decent loss. You might have unrealistic expectations about how fast this is supposed to happen.

    I guess I am just being guided by what I have lost before at the likes of Slimming World. :o(

    Ive done sworld and lost a lot now doing gym and calories to lose last bit as well as getting fit too. Sworld will give you those expectations - if I go home and eat pasta for whole week 4lbs off instantly. This is slower process but body changes faster with clothers looser and looking better fitted. Like they say in SWorld - take it over a month - and in 3 weeks you lost 8lbs that's great. Even by SWorld's standards
  • Damside
    Damside Posts: 14 Member
    WOW, yet more great replies..........and yes.......I guess I am I want to wake up tomorrow and be 80 kilos and have the figure to die for.........ha ha ha ha. Yeah well nothing wrong with dreams.

    Thanks for all the great tips and information. Need to digest it all.......ha ha ha.....sorry for the pun!

    Like I say, I am new to MFP (having been recommended it and its support forum by a friend on Facebook who has lost over 7 stone), so this is all new to me. And can I say that you guys are very supportive and its only through speaking that us "newbies" are going to get the help.

    I know losing weight is not rocket science, but its more the mental problems of readjusting that takes the time, and getting something that gives you the boost of motivation.

    I WILL be like Beyonce........ha ha ha ha ha. :oD