I'm new!

Hi, I just found this site on theknot.com. I'm trying to lose 50-60 pounds by my wedding a year (or more) away. I have a metabolic disorder which prevents my body from turning fatty acids into energy, so I have to stick to a high-carb, low-fat diet. I'm taking enzyme suppliments to help with this.

I've tried losing weight before. For the past 3 years, I've been saying: "This is the year I lose 50 pounds!" And I've only gained. But, hopefully, this is the last year I say that. Next year, I'll say: "I did it."

I'm Brittany, and I'm 22 years old. I weigh 215, and I love my body, but I need to be healthier.


  • ItsTime2010
    Welcome Brittany. you will find a lot of encouraging people here to help you stay on track. So let's do this. Congrats to you as well!!!
  • dapolesello
    dapolesello Posts: 2 Member
    Im new as well. Actually I signed on 2 months ago and never used it . Two months went by and another 10 lbs went on. So time to get started.

    Looking forward to meeting some people on this journey . I have 60 lbs to lose at least if not 85.
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Welcome to MFP! It's a great place with lots of good people.

    Good luck!

    Katie (aka Kekibird)
  • LuckySue333
    Good Luck to all of you who are new to MFP... I am new to started last week. I hope to say this will be my last weight loss to. I want to maintain once I lose and hold it there...
  • amapp
    amapp Posts: 12 Member
    I agree they the people here are my motivation.
  • mila1287
    mila1287 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I've just started today and "I'm a little concerned thatwithout the right support I won't be able to achieve my goals. Im really hoping that I can get results from this experience. Now I have to lose 5lbs by Oct. 28 hope I can make it. Hope all goes well and good luck to all of you
  • amapp
    amapp Posts: 12 Member
    Welcome Mila,

    The support here on MFP is awsome, it has made me more accountable and I hope it works out for you as well.

    Good Luck!!!!