Did you get serious?



  • sarscott
    sarscott Posts: 189 Member
    I was just diagnosed with pseudotumor cerebri... after I've been trying to track and lose for years. Guess I have to finally figure it out for good now?

    Anyone looking for another friend feel free to add. I've got a ton to lose
  • twinmoon
    twinmoon Posts: 108 Member
    I got serious when I hit an all time highest weight earlier in 2013. It was a mindset thing for me - all these years of emotional eating, and then something clicked, and with the help of my MFP & other friends, I did it - one day at a time. I had medical issues during the past year, I have kids, and I didn't want to hear that I had to lose weight anymore. I was done, cooked, tired, and ready for a change.
  • kimbtaylor1
    kimbtaylor1 Posts: 210 Member
    After I had my ankle surgery and balloned up well past anything I have ever been before I couldn't stand looking at myself in the mirror. My husband, was less than respoinsive to me and I knew I had to do something. I could no longer accept him only being interested in me when he had beer glasses on. My kids would walk well in front of me to not be seen with me. I couldn't walk up the stairs to my house without getting winded and this is coming from someone who as a teenager marched in a competitive marching band while playing trumpet. I shouldn't have been getting winded. So three summers ago, while walking in a outlet mall I noticed my husband eyeing the little skinny minnies and I announced right then and there in the middle of the mall that I would be someone he could be attracted to again. I honestly never thought I would get as far as I have and I am truely busting my rear to get to the 100lb lost mark.
  • mojoryzn
    mojoryzn Posts: 5 Member
    At 39, i had my first heart attack, I blamed it on stress and anything I could think of other than the fact that I was just lard butted, is that a word...should it be hyphenated? For my 49th birthday and as a college graduation present, in early May, my body decided it was time to have another heart attack. I have two stents in the right coronary artery, one ten years ago and a brand spanking new one. I decided that if I were going to be around for a while then I would need to get into shape. For myself mainly, but I also have a wife, 3 kids and two grandchildren I would love to be able to help along the way, as both mine and my wife's grandparents did for us. As soon as the cardiologist released me, I started working on it. I love this app as a tool to help me along the way. I can put items into it, BEFORE I eat it and see what my daily result will be. Additionally, It helps me PLAN my daily food intake. One more thing, I have a friend, also once a large person, that gave me the best advice I have heard. DO NOT TREAT/REWARD YOURSELF WITH FOOD. YOU ARE NOT A DOG! Food is to fuel your body so you can do the ACTIVITIES that are important to you.
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    Once my dad humiliated me in front of our whole family last Thanksgiving.
    He was saying grace and at the end he was like, "…and also Megan needs to lose weight and I mean she needs to lose it BAD! Because she has gotten really fat since her mother left and looord does she need help!"

    I so was shocked I ran into the bathroom and hid and cried!
    After that I started watching my meals, cut junk food, and do tougher workouts.

    While that was very cruel of your father, I am glad you decided to get healthy. You are very beautiful. I hope he really just wanted what's best for you and that the two of you have a good relationship. I am sorry about your mother whether she left or she passed away (cannot tell which by reading this).
  • RunningForeverMama
    RunningForeverMama Posts: 261 Member
    I did get serious but no event brought it on. I just realized, really realized, that everyday I was making a choice in what my body will look like and if I'm not going to do it know when will I, I'm not getting any younger.:laugh: So I started and started losing, then I began to believe I really can have the body I've always wanted, I can do this and I will.

    This is one of my favorite quotes -
    "I just woke up one day and decided I didn't want to feel this way anymore or ever again, so I changed. Just like that."
  • mailaki
    mailaki Posts: 14 Member
    I really got serious when I joined college. This was the first time when I met a lot of other people and that made me realize that I am the only one this big. This really hurt me and as a result I am here! I will complete my journey before I get a degree..
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    I had a doctors appointment in April '13 and I had to get weighed of course. I hadn't weighed myself in probably 2 or 3 months, but I had always been consistently around 155-156 lbs. For whatever reason, I was horrified when I got on the scale and it read exactly 160 lbs. My mom was with me because we have the same doctor, and she had an appointment scheduled right before me. i have no idea how or why she made it back there with me, but when she looked at the scale, she said (with a look on her face like she'd just seen a UFO) "woooooow".

    Well her reaction pissed me off.

    Prior to that doctors appointment, my fiance and I would workout intermittently, and eat healthy here and there. After my appointment, I kind of continued with the same attitude. Just keep plugging away and it should come off sooner or later...

    Then one day I was doing a bit of research on weight loss, and ran into the MFP website. I called my fiance and told him that I was signing up and losing this weight for real this time, and he can either be with me or against me. Lucky for him, he's with me. That was on 5/20/13.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
  • millionairesstv
    millionairesstv Posts: 55 Member
    Lots of things did it for me , last week at a family gathering seeing all my family who are in good shape it made me realise I have to take action.
    I am currently on my fertility journey and have used my fibroids as an excuse for my expanding stomach.
    No more now i have found you guys on mfp.
  • curly1986
    curly1986 Posts: 98 Member
    Well my last 2 relationships have been with absolute idiots who treated me like rubbish, cheating and lying etc. I came to the conclusion that I must attract these type of men who think they can treat me like crap and I'll put up with it just because I'm fat. It also didnt help I had a car of teenagers shout out "beast" as they drove past me while I was walking :( So thought it was time to sort myself out and become as beautiful on the outside as I feel on the inside, and then hopefully I will feel like I am worth more and deserve better.
  • sticksandtwigs
    sticksandtwigs Posts: 20 Member
    Once my dad humiliated me in front of our whole family last Thanksgiving.
    He was saying grace and at the end he was like, "…and also Megan needs to lose weight and I mean she needs to lose it BAD! Because she has gotten really fat since her mother left and looord does she need help!"

    I so was shocked I ran into the bathroom and hid and cried!
    After that I started watching my meals, cut junk food, and do tougher workouts.

    My eyes bugged out when I read about your dad. What an awful thing to hear. I think you look pretty and if your dad won't back you up, I will! :flowerforyou:

    I noticed I needed to get stronger when I started panting after climbing an ordinary flight of stairs.
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    It got serious the very moment I decided 1 1/2 years ago that I wanted to get fit. And it was as simple as making a decision.
  • pfgaytriot
    pfgaytriot Posts: 238 Member
    When I started getting new stretch marks on my belly... on top of the ones I already had.
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    I didn't wake up with any of my wake-up calls. I hit snooze. :laugh:

    When my dog got loose and I had to run a couple blocks to fetch him at the park (maybe at most 1/4 mile) and that left me wheezing for hours, it didn't bother me like it should have.

    Losing both my parents bothered me, but didn't make me change my habits. It made me feel like nothing really mattered.

    When I went to my 20th high school reunion weighing 50 pounds heavier than when I graduated, that didn't bother me.

    When I'd throw out my back, knees, hips or ankles several times a year, that didn't bother me.

    When my pants got too tight, that didn't bother me. I blamed drying them in the dryer.

    I wasn't until I saw pictures of the Warrior Dash, and thought, "I wanna be able to do that!" then realized, "Oh, wait. I can't run," that I started doing something about my lack of fitness. That was pushing three years ago, and I haven't looked back.

    I got healthy so I could have more fun. I guess I never got serious. :tongue:

    This is pretty much exactly my story except the details are different. So many what-should-have-been-wake-up-calls did nothing for me. Seeing pictures of the Tough Mudder and not being able to participate is what did it for me.
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    Hmm. Just really woke up one morning in March 2011 and said, I am over this being over weight crap.

    But . . . .

    If I had to say the one thing that pushed me to stick with it was my daughter. She had been struggling with making healthy food choices and had gained more then the typical amount for a child her age, between check ups. We were having a talk about it, and she stated crying and said, "food makes me feel better when I am sad". I realized that I also had been using food in an unhealthy way and that I needed to set a better example for my kids.

    So . . . I did.

    Most importantly, I have been very careful about making it clear that my new habits are not a diet. This is a lifestyle change and I am committed to living a healthier more active life forever. I do not deprive myself of anything!

    Almost 2.5 years later and I am still committed. :smooched:

  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    Once my dad humiliated me in front of our whole family last Thanksgiving.
    He was saying grace and at the end he was like, "…and also Megan needs to lose weight and I mean she needs to lose it BAD! Because she has gotten really fat since her mother left and looord does she need help!"

    I so was shocked I ran into the bathroom and hid and cried!
    After that I started watching my meals, cut junk food, and do tougher workouts.

    What really sickens me about reading this (besides it being a really cruel thing to do), is that this joker will actually credit himself for motivating you to get healthy. What an *kitten*! Sorry. I know it's your dad, but seriously! I swear I have learned more about how to parent my children, but choosing to NOT do what my parents did.

    Good luck to you! You are beautiful!!!

  • SergeantG
    I got serious when I lost my job because of my weight and fitness....

    Yup....that is right, I lost my job....

    Thats what happens when you are in the military and fall out of regulation....
  • SergeantG
    Well my last 2 relationships have been with absolute idiots who treated me like rubbish, cheating and lying etc. I came to the conclusion that I must attract these type of men who think they can treat me like crap and I'll put up with it just because I'm fat. It also didnt help I had a car of teenagers shout out "beast" as they drove past me while I was walking :( So thought it was time to sort myself out and become as beautiful on the outside as I feel on the inside, and then hopefully I will feel like I am worth more and deserve better.

    God, people suck!!!! :mad:

    I am happy to hear that you feel beautiful on the inside....don't let naysayers make you feel as though your worth is less becuase of what they see on the outside....:flowerforyou:
  • timbrom
    timbrom Posts: 303 Member
    For me, I started a new job at a company that emphasizes fitness. There's an on-site gym and you get a discount on your health insurance if you meet certain goals (BP, cholesterol levels, weight), quarterly weigh-ins where you can save even more if you meet certain goals, that sort of thing. I also decided that I was curious what I would look like ripped. One of the big tripping points for me and working out previously is that I hated the prep time, getting packed, driving to a gym, now that there was a gym that was a 2 minute walk from my desk, and I have to get ready for work every day whether I want to or not, that excuse went away.

    So I started exercising, got slightly more fit running on the treadmill and the weight machines, but only lost four pounds in about 5 months. Then one morning I was staring at my morning Honey Nut Cheerios, and noticed that they had as much sugar as a bowl of Lucky Charms. This prompted me to look into my diet, which was the missing part of the equation for me. Cut back on foods with processed sugars and the weight just started falling off.

    Started weight training at home (first stronglifts, then Starting Strength), built a nice little home gym since the gym at work doesn't have much in the way of useful free weights (Smith Machine, ha) and couldn't imagine stopping.

    Now that I am fit, and getting fitter, I am really kicking myself for not doing something sooner. My knees were starting to hurt on stairs, that's pretty much gone, and I am way too young for that at 28. My blood pressure was OK still, but definitely starting to push the envelope and kept trending up each time I had it measured, that's fine now. Like others have said, I've been ignoring the warning signs for a while now, and glad I jumped on it before they became huge problems.