Ketosis and CrossFit

Hi- I have just begun ketosis and I would like an unbiased ( not a trainer trying to get me to join their "box") opinion on the pros vs cons of starting crossfit while doing ketosis. I have read articles about the glycogen being depleted and I have mixed theories on whether I should start something as intense as crossfit right now or just keep my exercise reg I have currently and add in crossfit when I will be consuming more carbs?


  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    On here, you'd be more inclined to get people telling you not to do crossfit then a coach trying toget you to join their box (expect a warning email from a certain user).

    I can't really answer but I have done lower carb, not ketosis, and at first I was pretty drained. Can't imagine doing crossfit during that part.
  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    I've tried this and I just couldn't cope. I could technically "do" the workouts, but my performance dropped, I was exhausted, unmotivated and even found it difficult to jog past 400m.

    Personally, I need the carbs when training. Even if it's just an apple and a banana (which would take me out of ketosis).

    I think ketosis can be a great tool, but perhaps not when twinned with a program as intense and demanding as crossfit.
  • cadaverousbones
    cadaverousbones Posts: 421 Member
    Funny you should ask this question. I just read this article last night

    Hope this helps.
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    Mmmm personally, messing with my body like that really makes me nervous. The biggest concern to me would be the combination of nutrient deficiencies with high intensity/high impact exercises. To me that's just begging for an overuse injury. This is all IMO so you can take this or leave it.

    I guess my biggest advice would be to make sure you pay very close attention to how your body is reacting to everything and give it what it needs. Me personally, I do not do well on low carb anything, I do a lot of endurance activites (running long distance etc.) and I find when I don't have enough carbs I run out of steam, my form gets sloppy, and I just don't feel good. But every person is different, I know my cousin does better with higher protein and she's a runner too so try and see what works best for your body.
  • Ckelley1311
    Yes I share most of the same thoughts you all have given. I do believe that when doing Keto you are already loosing weight at a quicker pase and your body is set into "hyperdrive" with just lower HIT activities. I know I wouldn't have the full strength or see the best results with Crossfit without carbing up or having a way to put glycogen back into my body, just one of those things you can't force.
  • velezdina
    velezdina Posts: 31 Member
    I've been doing CrossFit for 2 years with a balanced diet. Earlier this year I changed my diet to Paleo with VERY low carbs intake, the results were decreased performance doing the WODs So from my personal experience the cons would be reduced or impared performance but among the pros of starting CrossFit right now would be still getting a great workout with a variety of movements (you can scale down weight/movements) and if you are new to CF you can learn the proper form/techqnique (It takes time to master each movement).

    Hope this helps, god luck!
  • jarrodsmith1426
    I don't think this a good idea.

    I have run the gamut of fitness and diet combinations, and ketosis is not compatible with short, intense exercise forms.

    Before I started a keto diet I did EXTREMELY intense workouts. Sample workout would be: run a mile in under 7 minutes, then 3 rounds of 100 double unders, 10 burpees, and 10 pullups, all repeated 4 times. I was an absolute monster and crushed these workouts like a champion, but I was eating 4000+ calories a day to fuel my performance in the gym.

    I started a STRICT ketogenic diet (1800 cals/day, under 30 g of carbs). As soon as I started this diet I needed to scale down my workouts. There is no way around it -- ketosis will kick your *kitten* and leave you super tired. That being said, you will burn fat like you never have before.

    You need to evaluate your goals. If you want to lose weight, burn fat, and get shredded, do a strict keto diet and scale down your workouts. If you want to become a beast, perform in the gym, get in fantastic overall condition, and probably still get shredded, do crossfit and eat more.