Too depressed to care anymore?



  • TLynn0568
    Depression is the very reason I said "screw it" to everything and gained 17 lb. over the course of this year. All I wanted to do was NOT move. I'd eat whatever, however much of whatever I wanted, make sure my daughter was taken care of, and lay in bed and watch TV. Every morning I'd set my alarm for 5:30am with the promise that I was going to workout that next day, and each day I'd hit snooze until 7am and "promise" myself I'd start "tomorrow." And with every milkshake I pushed into my mouth and every bad food decision I made I'd go back to that "tomorrow" promise of starting.

    Even when my jeans were getting ridiculously, can't even ignore it anymore tight, I still didn't care enough.

    Until one day I just DID. Of the other things in my life that stress me out (personal, financial), I had to compartmentalize and separate my weight from the other issues, and focus on attacking this one issue. My own domino effect. I can't take on changing EVERYTHING at one time so take on what I want to change the most - getting back into shape - into even better shape than I was a year ago.

    And I've noticed that by breaking the cycle and focusing on this, my mood has improved. I realize that the other issues that stress me out/depress me still exist, my mood toward everything is more even, less depressed. Because I plucked out ONE issue and am tacking it HEAD ON.

    And like a juggler, once I feel secure with jugging this, I'll add the next thing I want to change into the mix, juggle that with diet/exercise, and add in another, and another, until I've got everything where I want it to be.

    But it's just one step at a time. Pick what you want to change - just ONE thing - and focus on that first and foremost!
  • Sandytoes71
    Sandytoes71 Posts: 463 Member
    Wow, all great comments! Im having troubles of my own as many are, so u r not alone by any means! Im glad u posted this because everyone's responses have made me think. I will add u to my prayers. It is all gonna be ok :-)
  • Zaniejane
    Zaniejane Posts: 329 Member
    That is tough to overcome. At least you are aware of what is going on in the moment and how you are feeling. Some people aren't even able to do that.
    I haven't suffered with this in many decades, however what usually works for me is to try different approaches such as:

    - allowing myself to feel grumpy and acknowledging that it is coming from within, rather than any outside influences.
    - meditation
    - mixiing things up! ie. volunteering, trying a new hobby, going for a run, signing up for a class, watching comedy on t.v. etc.
    - this year I had chronic pain for about 6 or 7 months and I sat beside a light box every single day in the gloomy winter. I think it made a difference in my mood.
    - talking to someone.
    - good friendships. These need cultivation and commitment and they are so worth it
    - I can not emphasize the importance of good women friendships. They are like medicine!!
    - walking, running or deadlifting :)
    - if I gain 2 pounds or 10 pounds, just taking it off again. Everything will be alright. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I'm glad you made this thread.
  • lovejulez03
    lovejulez03 Posts: 139 Member
    I feel for you. I have actually just been in a really rough situation (not AS rough as yours) and I also battle with major depression, for which I refuse to take meds for, anxiety, and constantly being broke. What I can say is that you can find ways to keeping track of your eating and exercising, even if you are completely broke. The hardest part is getting out there and DOING it - once you finish, you'll feel accomplished. I've OFTEN had times when I didn't want to exercise or eat right , but I've NEVER Had a time when I finished a workout/walk and said "I regret that"..

    I agree with most everything that others have said in this post. We can't fix your problems but there is support here. I also know that your mindset (which is hard to overcome at times) will pave the way for you day after day. Hugs for you and I hope all your situations work out for you! One day at a time hun :)
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    Exercise is a great anti-depressant.
  • emjean76
    emjean76 Posts: 116 Member
    My husband fell off of a machine 5 weeks ago and broke his ankle and leg. He can't work until at least mid-October. So I completely understand the financial stress you are going through. Logically you know that cooking a meal at home is cheaper than getting drive-thru. I know it's not as convenient, but you need to do this to save money. Maybe there are other areas you could cut back too....reduce the number of channels in your cable/satellite TV package, change your cell phone plan to fewer minutes, we actually dropped our home phone and saved $26/month, grocery shop for a week at a time and pre-plan your meals. These are just some ideas and probably ones you've already thought of. Best of luck to you with your current situation, but know that you are not alone.
  • SergeantG
    What a football coach would tell you: Quit feeling sorry for yourself and win this thing!
    What a yoga teacher would tell you: Just close your eyes and feel the life-giving oxygen flow in and out of you until you find peace.
    What Chuck Norris would tell you: Just give me an address and a name; it will be fixed in ten minutes.
    What Darth Vader would tell you: Perhaps I can find new ways to motivate you.
    What my pastor would tell you: Be still and know that he is God. This is temporary and you will come out of this stronger.
    What Beaker from The Muppets would tell you: Me me me me me meeeee me meeeemeememe me me!

    Hope that helps!

    That was awesome!!
  • rainydays5
    rainydays5 Posts: 217 Member
    I am sorry you are having a rough time. My only advice is to push yourself to exercise. I feel so much better and in such a better mood after I do. So when I get down, I walk/run a few miles and feel so much better.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Everyone has issues, adding your weight to yours is only going to make your life worse and make an excuse to indulge on junk..sorry but that's just how I had to sum up my own life. Without going into my sad details too much..after my father died in 09 I was left with little to no family and support system and 4yrs later know I have to really just cry it out and do what needs to be done..I understand depression and there is a time when medicine is needed however if your making a decision to just give up then I will then say sometimes..things are not cured by meds but by straight talk....get it together can do it because you need to get yourself healthy because you have one life..please realize many people have it way worse of than you or the news....that's what I do when I think my life is at its worse...then I suck it up and put my game face on and say "my life is cake and I need to pray for someone and it isn't myself".
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    It is tough, and it does suck, but you basically said it yourself, being overweight and out of shape won't make it any easier. Try hard to get back on track because you can deal with the problems better with a healthy body and a clear mind.

    I wish you luck!
  • jewh420
    jewh420 Posts: 12
    I too battle depression. Some days are worse than others. But you have to battle through each day. My mother used to say "Fake it till you make it". In other words, smile til you feel like smiling!