30 Lbs Lost! Struggled for Years. Now It's A Lifestyle.

rleath Posts: 35 Member
I've been a yo-yo for years. It's been 4 years since I've been below 210 lbs. I never did a diet or exercise plan for more than a month because I was always disheartened and frustrated.

Beginning of May was the start of my journey. With the support of my friends and family I have been going strong for a little over 4 months and it's now become my lifestyle. I now run 5Ks and I'm training for a 10K right now and hopefully working my way up to a Half Marathon by next year!

I've lost 30 lbs so far and I have another 30 or so to lose. I'm taking it one meal at a time, one workout at a time, and just making good choices. I've also learned that healthy food doesn't have to be boring! (I'm a hardcore foodie and now I've become quite the at home cook!)

It's always a struggle to start something new. I had to realize it's not just about being smaller for me, it's about being strong and healthy!

(below is the before and after picture from May 2013 - August 2013)


Instagram: @retrorunnergirl
Blog: http://retrorunnergirl.wordpress.com/


  • swisseler
    swisseler Posts: 119 Member
    Congratulations! You look so healthy and happy.

    I too am a big foodie and home cook. One of the things I love about MFP is that I can still cook fun things and not feel guilty about eating them, so long as they fit into my daily calorie allotment. It's great to find a new healthy lifestyle that still fits in with what you want in life. WAY TO GO!
  • wow
  • kshanika
    kshanika Posts: 42 Member
    Congrats your doing well on your journey!
  • ecismotivated
    ecismotivated Posts: 15 Member
    That's awesome that you've changed your lifestyle! I'm just starting out - I have been on MFP for probably a year but this is my first week of seriously trying to change my lifestyle. You mentioned that in the past you would get frustrated and give up, what made you keep going this time? How quickly did you start seeing change?
  • kdmervin
    kdmervin Posts: 42
    Great job, I can definitely see the difference. Keep up the good work!
  • millionairesstv
    millionairesstv Posts: 55 Member
    Fantastic Job , a true inspirationxx
  • rleath
    rleath Posts: 35 Member
    That's awesome that you've changed your lifestyle! I'm just starting out - I have been on MFP for probably a year but this is my first week of seriously trying to change my lifestyle. You mentioned that in the past you would get frustrated and give up, what made you keep going this time? How quickly did you start seeing change?

    I have a little nephew that just turned 2 and he's talking and you know kids say the darndest things, I didn't want to give him a chance to have me be the fat aunt. Also, I turn 30 next year and I was making all these excuses as to why I couldn't do it and this was just the body I was supposed to have. Which is definitely not true!

    It took me a while to personally see the change. But friends and family noticed it within the first couple weeks!
  • msjames1999
    msjames1999 Posts: 528 Member
    Well done!!

  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    You look fantastic! Great job!
  • iluvutu
    iluvutu Posts: 2 Member
    Awesome! You go girl!!
  • looking good hotstuff:)
  • You are AWESOME! Great going!
  • Bravo!
  • jennygeo1
    jennygeo1 Posts: 133 Member
    Wow! big difference! you look wonderful and so healthy! Great job!

    I think the biggest thing I've learned from being on MFP and from reading the forums/blogs is that any success takes time and patience. There is no quick fix or magic pill. Just eat well, be consistent, and health will soon follow.

    I've cut out a lot of processed foods since I've started and I feel great - I don't even crave them anymore. Now I really only want non-processed whole foods. I feel less tired and just better overall.

    Thank you for your post! I have a long way to go but am taking it one pound at a time - thank you for the motivation. Congrats on the success!
  • wannabpiper
    wannabpiper Posts: 402 Member
    You look wonderful! And you're right; it's a lifestyle change.
  • hmseals77
    hmseals77 Posts: 77 Member
    Congratulations!! You look great!!
  • wapan
    wapan Posts: 219 Member
    I am not a foodie but I admire those that are. You guys are artists! Great job with the weight loss. 30 lbs is amazing!
  • hunterpie
    hunterpie Posts: 2 Member
    awesome! great job!!
  • stahlhaus
    stahlhaus Posts: 23 Member
    Congratulations! Sounds like a real attitude shift. I envy people who have taken up running; I have tried many times but either I don't know how to do it correctly or need to get stronger first. But I've found lots of other activities that DO agree with me.

    So happy for you. Keep us posted on how the 10K goes! :happy:
  • Awesome job.. you look wonderful!!!!!!
  • Fatlorenzo
    Fatlorenzo Posts: 101 Member
    Excellent work you look fab
  • nicnicbell78
    nicnicbell78 Posts: 14 Member
    Good JOb!! Keep up the hard work!
  • Girl you look amazing!
  • Congrats on your amazing journey so far. I have also lost about 30 lbs on MFP but 60 total in the last year and a half. A girlfriend who has lost a total of 130 lbs turned me on to this and I thanks her every day. It's just getting your head wrapped around the fact that you can do this. Hope for your continued success.
  • marleniap
    marleniap Posts: 120 Member
    Great story, I'm happy for you. I would like to add you as a friend and follow your progress. Maybe you can help me; I feel as you do, losing weight is a lifestyle.
  • KristyHumphrey
    KristyHumphrey Posts: 248 Member
    Way to go!!!!! You look fabulous! Keep up the good work :flowerforyou:
  • maggiecamilo
    maggiecamilo Posts: 22 Member
    WTG tha's a great progress..I wish I could lose 30!! Don't give up
  • rleath
    rleath Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks everyone for the kind words and support. I found that it wasn't a matter of me just physically being in a place to do this, my head has to be in the right place too.

    I try to stay on point as much as I can, but if I have a slip up (unlike before) I don't let it completely derail my journey. One day at a time, one more good choice I'm making in my life. I've always been a very happy person, but now I can be happy and healthy!

    I'd love to connect with people who I can motivate and who can motivate me as well!
  • rleath
    rleath Posts: 35 Member
    @maggiecamilo You can definitely do it! Whatever support I can give you let me know!
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