A new beginning

Hello! My name is Chrissy and i'm hoping this website can help me stay on track with my weight loss. Ever since me and the love of my life broke up (4 months ago), I have had a new outlook on life. I guess it's b/c I have had plenty of time to think. I had my heart shattered, this time it was different, b/c I had never loved anyone as much as I had loved him. I truly thought he was my soulmate. I began not to eat..I went for 3 days without eating until my mom forced me to eat..and even then it was just half a sandwhich. I realized that me and food don't really have a healthy relationship. When I was younger , I dealt with my parents being divorced, getting raped and my father having a stroke; all this by the time I was 13. I used to eat my problems away; consequently, now that i'm older, I starve myself when i'm faced with problems. As I was sitting down outside on my mom's porch, staring down at a piece of chicken, I realized that there has to be a in-between, a healthier way of my realtionship with food. I can't over eat and I can't starve myself. I need to change my habits, how I deal with my stress, with life and how I view myself as a person. I decided to not go on a diet; for one, they don't work. Eventually the weight will come back. What I need is a lifestyle change...change my habits so that I may lead a healthy life and keep the weight off. I eat wheat instead of white, drink water not soda, stay away from sugar and salty snacks. Let me tell you, its harder then it looks, but if I do it gradually, it gets easier and easier. What makes it hard is that my family doesn't support me, I get ridiculed and get called names...even my freinds don't support me..they also trying to lose weight, so when they see me do good, they get jealous and try to get me off course. I know that the path in front of me will be hard, but I am ready. I am focused on forgetting the past and planning for my new life in the future, I just have to take each day as it comes


  • trisha329
    trisha329 Posts: 266 Member
    Hi Chrissy...

    I'm so sorry to hear about your recent break-up, and the fact that you've had it so rough at such an early age. No one should have to go through so much in their life. Hopefully, your experiences will make you stronger.

    It sounds like you're on the right track as you've begun your weight loss journey. This is a wonderful site that will keep you on track. The friends that you make on here are your lifeline -- their support, motivation, and encouragement is priceless. You've come to the right place. I'll send you a friend request -- I'd love to help!

  • bluestar239
    thanks :)
  • ppennington
    Well Chrissy, You just won the MFP friend lottery! Trisha is a wonderful inspiration to many of us here on MFP. She was right on when she said you found the right site. If you need any kind of advice or encouragement, all you have to do is ask. Make as many friends as possible and snoop in their diaries for new food ideas. You have had it rough but I'm sure you've heard the old saying that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. You can do this. Concentrate on yourself now and your needs. Put yourself first and everything else will fall in place. I'm not the inspiration star that Trisha is, but I would love to be your friend and watch your journey to good health too. Good luck!