What is that fitbit thing?



  • tameroo2
    tameroo2 Posts: 21
    I want the fitbit zip... BAD!! But my question is this, do you have to have a smart phone for it or can you use it with your desktop or laptop?
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    I have a Fitbit One. It's great. Best pedometer I've ever used, and really does track your activity. You can link it to MFP, and everything gets tracked. I keep it clipped to my bra during the day. You can use it to track your sleep, too (I don't - I find the wristband annoying, and I have a tendency to drop off before I remember to turn it on ... ). All in all, it's a good investment in your future fitness.
  • agdyl
    agdyl Posts: 246 Member
    I had a One and now use a Flex instead. The one has an altimeter too so it tells you how many flights of stairs you climbed. But I kept forgetting to transfer it from one outfit to the other and would get to work and realize it was on my workout clothes, etc. The Flex is a bracelet, which you can shower/sleep/etc. in so it's much easier to remember.

    Both of those models will also track your sleep, if you remember to turn them on for that at night. It is useful info to see if you're tossing and turning and how many hours you actually got in.

    And I do think it encourages me to go for more walks, etc. Sometimes I get to around bedtime and am like - oh, I didn't get enough steps in. I should take the dogs for a quick walk. Or I take a walk during the day at lunch to try to get more in. It's good encouragement.
  • I want the fitbit zip... BAD!! But my question is this, do you have to have a smart phone for it or can you use it with your desktop or laptop?

    Nope, you don't have to have a smart phone. I don't have one. I have a kindle and an ipod and I can check on those as well as on my computer. You can always see your steps, calorie burn etc on the unit itself.
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,078 Member
    I want the fitbit zip... BAD!! But my question is this, do you have to have a smart phone for it or can you use it with your desktop or laptop?

    No smart phone needed. I have mine connected to my desktop.
  • 113IPA
    113IPA Posts: 11 Member
    I've had the Fitbit zip for 3 months now; I bought it to help motivate me to MOVE more...it works.
    Maybe I am a little too obsessed...I was 600 steps below my goal at 11:30 PM last night so I HAD to go out and walk around the block before midnight to meet my daily goal....
  • irunforcookies
    irunforcookies Posts: 111 Member
    One thing I loved about my Fitbit Flex that was unexpected - I went camping last week in the wilderness high mountains (no cell or internet service) - I charged it before I left, and left it on the whole time. I wanted to just make sure I was active enough while camping, but what I didn't expect is that it remembered 6 days of data, and when I got home, all of my activity synced with my computer, and I now knew how active I was during my trip! I would have never known I hiked over 20 miles one day - it was awesome!

    I have also learned a lot about my sleeping habits. I work the graveyard shift 3 nights a week, and I can actually show my husband if I've had crappy sleep because he wakes me up to ask a dumb question :huh: I can show him the little chart, and show that I slept only 5 hours, but was woken up 8 times - what! Proof!
  • tameroo2
    tameroo2 Posts: 21
    :happy: Ok... now I REALLY want one!!
  • tameroo2
    tameroo2 Posts: 21
    Do you have to have a smart phone for the Flex?
  • irunforcookies
    irunforcookies Posts: 111 Member
    Do you have to have a smart phone for the Flex?

    Nope, it comes with an adaptor for your home computer. It will sync every time you go on the internet. Pretty slick!
  • AndrewRe101
    AndrewRe101 Posts: 8 Member
    I use a Fitbit one, it's a fantastic little gadget. It's tough too, even survived a spin in the washing machine!!!!!
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    The Fitbit One has been very motivating for me; I seem to respond well to the challenge of daily goals and check my progress during the day on my device (which I wear 24/7, except when showering). I, too, will go out for another walk or do more floors to ensure I get my Fitbit goals. I've been using mine since November 2012. I kind of like the idea of the Flex bracelet type but it does not have a readout of actual numbers on the device (as I understand it), but a series of lights that you can look at to see progress toward goals. Plus with the One I can hide it under a bra strap, whereas the bracelet is obviously visible all the time. I may upgrade yet; still thinking about it!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I started with the Ultra in May 2012. It cracked & they replaced it with the One. I then bought the Flex, which I don't take off except to charge it. Love it. I have the iPhone 4 and you can't sync it on that model so I have to sync on my computer,but I do still have the app so I can see my stats on it. If you're a data geek the fitbit is for you.
  • ChristineinMA
    ChristineinMA Posts: 312 Member
    I want the fitbit zip... BAD!! But my question is this, do you have to have a smart phone for it or can you use it with your desktop or laptop?

    I used my Fitbit One exclusively with my PC from end of May until this past weekend when I got an iPhone :-)
  • Xtinesky
    Xtinesky Posts: 127 Member
    Thanks for the input, everyone. I too was thinking of buying this, now I've decided this will be my reward for reaching my next five-kilo mini goal.
  • i have the flex and i downloaded the fitbit connect dashboard deal on my desktop. i want to add it on the laptop too incase i'm away overnight can i have it with one device in two different places?
  • Suezyq47
    Suezyq47 Posts: 199 Member
    I agree I just bought the flex and so far it seems to work very well. I have worn it non stop since I bought it and even shower with it. I was going to buy body media but my co-worker suggested this one. I think I prefer it because I wear it on my wrist and I don't think I would like the body media arm band. I also like that it tracks my sleeping patterns and you can set an alarm to make it vibrate to wake you up.
    I LOVE MY FITBIT FLEX. I can wear it day and night and its waterproof so i do shower and wash my hands with it. its a bracelet and usually i charge it once a week, with my phone charger since i can remove the cord and plug in the one they provide. I love that it sync with MFP and my smartphone so I can just check my progress on my phone. Like others have said it just encourages me to get more steps, miles, and burn more calories.Their customer service is so aweome.