I don't understand why I am not losing weight:(



  • Thanks ajaxe,

    I really appreciate your advice. I will try to add more calories to my diet and see what happens. I really appreciate your help:smile:
  • Thanks for your advice Grace,

    Most folks are telling me I'm not eating enough. I'll try to up my calories to around 1300 to 1500 and see what happens.:smooched:
  • Thanks Julia:)

    Still trying to get used to this fitness pal and congrats on the 48 pound weight loss! Hopefully I will be able to post such remarkable results!:happy:
  • Hey Bonnie,

    I agree with the advice you gave me in regards to eating more salmon. I know salmon is among the healthiest fsh to eat but I really cant stand it. I prefer Tilapia, Seabass, Snapper. Do you think Seabass and Snapper are good sources of omega 3? I know Tilapia isn't the healthiest fish to eat. It has alot of fat I believe. Do you think taking fish oil supplements is a good thing to do? I try to eat fish two times a week, but it has been mostly tilapia and seabass.
  • Hey Pepperworm,

    I'm eating under my BMR because, I was told that 1200 cals is good to lose weight but after hearing from mostly everyone on the forum, I'm eating too little. My roommate who is a Nautropath and Nutritionist suggested I eat 1200 cals. Yes, my BMR is 1821. So I should be eating that much? Can you tell me what calculator you used to get your BMR? Maybe I should try a different one.
  • Ninyou,

    Thanks for your advice!:happy:
  • Pepperworm another question...whats TDEEE?
  • Choobey
    Choobey Posts: 78 Member
    Don't give up! When I started back in March I was eating between 1200-1400 calories a day and burning 350-460 calories about 3-4 times a week running on the treadmill. It took me about two and a half months to start seeing a big difference. I know my own body, I have to lose weight before I start any resistance training or else I never lose. I think a lot of knowing what to do, is understanding how your own body works. Many people will give advice of what works for them, but I know we are all different and you just need to learn what you need to tweak in your daily routine so your body will make the changes you want it to make.

    I have made my first goal and now I am adding weight lifting to my weekly regimine. I honestly only would like to shed a 3-4 more pounds because the rest of my goals are building muscle tone. I also like to switch up the type of cardio exercises I do so my body doesn't get used to doing the same thing. I take Zumba, I run, walk or jog, I ride a bicycle outside, etc. Just don't give up, keep working on it and you will see results very soon!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    You find this post interesting... Please read.

  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Pepperworm another question...whats TDEEE?

    TDEE stands for total daily energy expenditure. It's roughly the number of calories your body burns in a day and also the number of calories you'd need to maintain your current weight. There are plenty of calculators online to get an estimate of your TDEE, like this one: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/
  • Thanks so much Dianne! Is that the same as Daily Caloric Needs? I'm going to still check that website out. Thanks so much again!:smile:
  • Thanks so much Choobey:) Congrats to you on your weight loss! It seems like you're doing the right things for you body. I gotta get my body used to this change. I'm sure eventually I'll see some results. Thanks again for your inspirational words and support:smile:
  • jennarue
    jennarue Posts: 11 Member
    I had been going to a nutritionist for a few months. Every couple weeks I would go back to see how I was doing. She did absolutely nothing for me. I think people put WAY too much stock into the "calories" part of it. My nutritionist I had me adding calories and subtracting, trying to find what would work for me... I think I ended up losing 1 1/2 lbs.

    I took matters in my own hands and simply eliminated a lot of foods. (after a documentary binge on Netflix). Started with the processed.. I was already a vegetarian, but took it a step further and cut out all animal products, and oils.

    Every body is different. A lot of it is finding out what your body can and can't handle.

    For me, this works. I would just stop trying to put so much emphasis on calories. I eat anywhere from 1100 to 1600 a day.. It is just low fat.

    And I stay the same or gain a pound or three when I get bloated too.. but it goes away. Just stick with it. :)
  • Velasca
    Velasca Posts: 81 Member
    After a TON of research I found that I need to consume about 1858 cals to lose weight. This website helped me out a lot, it's a lot of reading but has so much info.

  • Thanks so much Jen,

    I can't believe you went to a nutritionist who wasn't able to help you. My roommate told me to eat 1200 a day. I guess she is wrong as well. Everyone's body is different. I'm going to try to change up some things and see what happens. Hopefully I can see some results soon. I'm glad you have found out things that work for yourself:) Thanks for your support:smile:
  • Velasca,

    Thanks so much for providing me with that website. I'm definitely going to review it!:smile:
  • luvsherhubby
    luvsherhubby Posts: 135 Member
    to get more info on BMR and TDEE check out eat more 2 weigh less forum on here. They have a ton of info on it and can ease your fears of eating more calories to loose weight. They also have a web page.

  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    Hey Bonnie,

    I agree with the advice you gave me in regards to eating more salmon. I know salmon is among the healthiest fsh to eat but I really cant stand it. I prefer Tilapia, Seabass, Snapper. Do you think Seabass and Snapper are good sources of omega 3? I know Tilapia isn't the healthiest fish to eat. It has alot of fat I believe. Do you think taking fish oil supplements is a good thing to do? I try to eat fish two times a week, but it has been mostly tilapia and seabass.

    You misunderstood me there ... Dr. Oz says eat salmon ... I personally would never eat anything that comes from the ocean ever again in my entire life. Mercury is a serious problem in our oceans as well as other things. I know I face pollution everywhere and in the air that I breathe, I have to find a way to limit the impact on my body so that is one of them. The other is to eat organic and fresh ... I also advocate eating local that way the foods I'm eating have come from my area and haven't been trucked across country. Is this a 100%? No it isn't my point is I try to do it as much as is reasonable. Everyone must find their own balance.

    I eat eggs and flax seed to get my Omega-3 fatty acids ... and that is the reason people recommend fish.
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    I read an article recently about how, if your form is bad on the elliptical, you don't burn as many cals as you think. Is the elliptical on 0 resistance? Try adding resistance if so.

    Also, I don't think you're eating enough. I'm 206 and eating 1600 cals per day, at least.
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    This is also a good forum read...:)


    The longer version is as well, but this one is a little easier to understand...:D