Join the challenge! Lose a pound a week in August!



  • teresa1121
    teresa1121 Posts: 113 Member
    I am making a attempt to exersize in some form every day I have joined 2 other challenges also squats which are a killer and crunches I will let you know after the 30 days if I am stil able to move lol.. all in all a good week .. I usually weigh in weekly at my Tops meeting (take off pounds sensibly) but since I am going to a concert tonight I weighed in at gym this morning... the scale is almost identicall to the tops scale I weigh in at gym every wed and com-pare to tops anyway.. after that explaination I weighed in at

    229.8 on August 7 Yeah !
  • 125by125
    125by125 Posts: 30 Member
    Shari - Great to hear from you! I've definitely been suffering from lack of motivation as well. Since I'm new here and my fiancee is attending school we are working on getting a spouse card for me so I can use the University gym for free. It's been a bit of a pain so it's been almost a week since I've had some good exercise. Never fear though! I think we've figured out the bureaucracy and should have a gym card in hand tomorrow. If it works, I'm totally doing my cardio at the pool!

    Teresa - Congrats lady! What kind of challenge are you doing with squats and crunches? Maybe I'll attempt it in the coming week as a weekly challenge to see if I can keep up ;-).

    Alright everyone, make sure you send me your weights by 10:00 PM ET tomorrow night! Until them, keep up the good work and check in so we all know what's going on in your weight loss lives!
  • shelbyj72
    shelbyj72 Posts: 184 Member
    Weight today 198.0

    3 pound weight loss (not sure why it is not showing up as 3 pounds but oh well)
  • Shari325
    Shari325 Posts: 196 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    I didn't make it to the gym this week, partly due to financial reasons. As I stated earlier, I had been doing physical therapy. They will allow me to continue to come workout on their equipment, but now I have to pay a monthly fee. I have some equipment at home, so justifying spending money is hard. I can't justify that right now. Maybe next week...

    I am also interested in hearing about the squat and crunch challenges. I've been doing cardio work at home (less than I would like...) I need to add some strength and toning items.

    Hubby took me for Mexican after Bible Study last night. I expected I would be retaining water this morning, but apparently not - weigh-in 262. (I'll weigh-in on Thursday for this group, however, I'm going to keep my official weigh-in day as Friday - if you wonder why my ticker hasn't changed.)
  • kare5625
    kare5625 Posts: 21 Member
    The last two weeks have been hard for me. Last Monday I got into a car accident then this week I have been sick all week. I belong to curves so I have not been able to go. I have been excersing at home. My starting weight was 302. My weight now is 298. I lost 4 pounds this week.
  • Shari325
    Shari325 Posts: 196 Member
    I'm sorry to hear you are having such a hard time. I hope you weren't injured and that you are feeling better soon.

    Congratulations on your loss.
  • Hello everyone. As I read down through your posts, I am already inspired and encouraged by the positive approach so many are taking to battling this beast we all are facing. I am going to work hard to join in with you. I bought a new set of scales this past weekend, and as I faced judgment, I knew it was time to stop *****footing around and get serious. I will need support, but I also know I can do this... without going under the knife to do it. My goal weight is 165!
  • milkmaid1980
    milkmaid1980 Posts: 11 Member
    Is it too late for me to join?

    Name: Rebecca
    Starting weight THURS. a.m.: 180.2
  • Way to go! Although you found challenging circumstances in your past week, you still accomplished losing lbs. Hope you are feeling better and that you are able to get back at it soon.
  • Rosie - 159 pds. :-)
  • Axioml
    Axioml Posts: 29
    Sounds good however I weigh myself on Friday's. Albert 279 LBS.
  • 125by125
    125by125 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    Thanks to all who have made an effort to update your weight with me! I'm only waiting on Karen and Rachel right now and they have all night so the chart should go up on time tonight! I will post a link to a brand new thread for the week here and the updated chart will be the first post on that thread. Throughout the week feel free to check that thread and update everyone on how things are going!

    To the newbies, welcome! I'll close the group in the next thread so we don't get too big. Make sure you update your weights with me via private massage or the weekly thread every Thursday night by 10:00 pm EST. Also, check in and write on the thread as much as you'd like! I'll friend you all as soon as I get you on the chart so look for that too! Yay!

    You guys all rock!

  • kare5625
    kare5625 Posts: 21 Member
    My new weight is 298
  • 125by125
    125by125 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm so sorry Karen, I meant to say that I was waiting on Janet, I saw your weight above :-)

    Congrats on the big loss by the way! And also so sorry that your week was so terrible. I hope your feeling ok. Things will turn around for you soon, I'm sure of it! Stay positive, we're here for you
  • kare5625
    kare5625 Posts: 21 Member
    Oh lol. Thanks I did not get injured we were only going about 5 miles an hour and our brakes gave out
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    Is it TOO late to start?
    Anyways hello Im Dez

    My starting weight this year was: 155

    My current weight is: 145

    My goal weight for this month is: 140

    Official weight goal of: 125-135

    add me to the group to if theres room :)
  • 125by125
    125by125 Posts: 30 Member
    Alright everyone, the results are in!!

    Who lost the most weight?

    Who was dropped the highest % of body weight?


    (Starting now all inquiries, chit chat, and challenge discussion will happen on the week two thread so don't post here! Post there!)