Need Some Advice Please! Any

I'm a 19 year old university student and due to self esteem issues I've decided to lose weight. I'm very tall about 6ft4 and want to lose about 25lbs before I go back to uni for the new semester in late September, I'm currently doing the 30 day shred( on day 3) and I've put myself on a diet, 1200-1500 calories, I usually only use up about 1300 each day. I've cut out all sweets/fizzy drinks and juices and only drink water and green tea. And I try and keep the carbs to a minimum usually get them from my oats in the morning or a potato for dinner/lunch. My question is should I be doing more? If so what? I don't really want to get a gym membership the gym is not for me I've tried it before and never knew what to do and always needed someone to go with. I don't really work so after my 30dayshred workout in the afternoon I pretty much just stay indoors.

Any advice would be helpful, anything you think I should or should not be doing, what worked for you, what foods to stay away from etc



  • Cpulley84
    Cpulley84 Posts: 5 Member
    Good job. Sounds like you're doing pretty good. I would add some high fiber foods in your diet to make you feel more full. WIll also help to keep your intestines clean- try raspberries, apples, bananas, raisens, split peas, lima beans, lentils, oat meal (like you mentioned). These are just some of the things I eat regularly. Hope this helps.
