Not giving up!

Hey! I'm Ashton I am 26 and a mother of 3 2 boys and a little girl! I have always struggled with maintaining my weight. I stand a whooping 5'0" tall I know, I know watch out I'm a giant! :laugh: but seriously a pound on and average 5'5 female looks like 10lbs on my short self. The past 6 years have been an uphill battle. In 2008 I lost my HS sweet heart and husband of 2 years to a motorcycle accident. In 2011 I was hit head on at 70mph after dropping my children at school and heading to work. 2 years later I am now wolverine only my trauma and orthopedic surgeon jipped me and left out the retractable claws :angry: whatever it is what it is I guess. As you can imagine that has left me with several restrictions physically and I have decided I'm tired of just being skinny I want tone and definition so now begins my journey to become the 2014 NPC Women's Physique Overall Champion :noway: JK..i just want a nice back side:wink:


  • Never give up! I love it.
    But I cant help but to picture you more of a X-23 character than a Wolverine, since your a female... Look it up... Sorry its the nerd in me lol

    Anyway. Hopefully what I am about to say helps and you learn a thing or two. If its a reiteration, then take it as a good sign that your on the good road.

    1) Nutrition
    -Try to stick to a 40% Protein, 30% Carbs, 30% GOOD FATS diet.
    -Try to make everything you eat at home as best as you can. But always stay away from frozen and packaged foods. Avoid processed foods.
    -Limit your salt intake, limit your sugar add ons. If you need either or, limit it. And when you do try to stick to unprocessed sea salt and unprocessed sugar on the raw. Fruit is not the same type of sugar, eat as much as you want/can.
    - Limit red meat intake. Try to have once, twice a week. White meat like chicken is far healthier.
    - All (natural) foods have benefits so that is important to keep a well-balanced diet. Mix it up. Try different cultures too. But this doesnt mean go to your neighboring fast food Chinese store to get some Asian lol. For example, most of the meat you find there is cheap and not good for you smothered in high sugary and high salty sauces.

    This goes for anyone. What you eat can affect your moods, your health, your performance (in studies, in daily tasks, in job, raising kids, in the gym and etc). For some one who appears to be a superhero, you should look into super foods. Eating foods like Sweet Potato, Blueberries, Kale and many more have huge benefits.

    If you need to watch your calories. Find eat, everything should be in some moderation anyway. But I am more focused on your activity levels rather than how much you eat. I am more focused on what you eat.

    2) Your activity levels
    - You dont need the gym or weights to do a work out. You can do a simple work out at home, in your yard, at the beach, at a park... anywhere. A proper workout is simply a challenging physical exercise or activity.
    -You should basically try to be active every where you are. Everyday. Try to do real challenging workouts or hit the gym at least 4x a week.
    - I would seriously consider studying crossfit methodology. Nothing too unique but it is creative. A full body workout that incorporates several forms of fitness and focuses on form and balance.

    Now I dont know your true capabilities with your injuries but I have heard of people of all different ages and disabilities doing crossfit successfully because they incorporate scale factors. Ive seen old grandmothers with a replaced hip do squats and deadlifts. I have seen kids as young as eight and ten do shoulder presses and push ups. Probably sounds CRAZY but it really isnt. Doing these simple but challenging exercises incorporates daily tasks and many people will claim things like...

    "Oh I have bad knees, I cant do squats." When in reality, squats are a basic position and movement of sitting in a chair. Your really not suppose to use your knees lol. But so many people are shown doing it wrong. There are hundreds of examples like this.

    But you seem to be a differ case. Though I would doubt your as limited as you think you are. Just consult a few professional on your case before you start something new.

    -Overall, challenge yourself and be active. Try to be on your feet as much as possible. Go for walks. Bike rides. Try differ things or join classes like yoga. Take the stairs when you can rather than esclaators or elevators.. These small things you decide to do make a big difference.

    -If you are watching television while riding a bike. Your probably no where finding real results anytime soon. Ive seen it all. Women reading magazine, guys marking up tests. Cmon

    **** Just remember. all you need is an hour or so a day. 10-15 minute solid warm up of Dynamic movements and stretches. 40-60 minutes of a serious workout. 10-15 minutes of cool down and static stretching. Aim for full body exercises on most days. Like crossfit, p90x, insanity, marine fitness stuff. Studies show full body is more effective and efficient. You can do isolated movements during other times when you feel you can go to the gym again, or one day a week or something.

    And your rest days dont mean sitting on the couch lol. It means do something small impact and be active. Walk a lot, stretch, maybe a hike or a small bike ride.

    Other important factors
    - Sleep- You need between 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Sleep is HUGE and underrated by many. And its not as simple as having 3 nights of 4-5 hours of sleep and saying one day your gonna catch it all up. Doesnt work like that.

    - Nutrition. - See what you lack in vitamins and nutrition. The diet above should do its best to even it all out but sometimes you need more focus in certain areas. I believe it is said that nearly 70% of America is not getting the amount of proper vitamins we need. Very sad. Cuz it leads to a lot of issues short and long term. Check it out and change accordingly. If you have problems sleeping (for anyone) it cna very well be a problem in your vitamin D or E.

    - Try to stay away from supplements. Supplements were meant to be for the people who needed it due to allergies of a certain food and lack vitamins and were there to fill the voids of peple who needed. Well... you dont need it.. Unless your constantly doing insane workouts and possibly two a days... there is nothing that food couldnt provide you.

    If your deficient in something, then it is okay. Again, consult your doctor or a professional. Though, be weary. Because most doctors are quick to prescribe medicine and pills or give you supplements because its easy and the norm nowadays but when you start asking questions is when they tell you the truth. In how healthier it is to eat naturally and be active.

    Good luck.
  • LOVE THIS!!!! Thank you so much!!