KT Tape - Worth It?

Just looking for people's thoughts on this stuff - have a lingering foot injury and also saw on their website that it can be used for extra arch support (I'm flat footed).
Seems sort of expensive (I assume it isn't reusable?) and was hoping someone might have some insight :smile:


  • MelissaH0910
    MelissaH0910 Posts: 67 Member
    I used it with good results a few years ago when I was in pt for a knee injury--it definitely helped stabilize my kneecap. That's my only experience with it, though.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I haven't seen any solid data that suggests that there is any real benefit to it (and I'll admit my bias against anything promoted by chiroquackters).

    Having said that there are a number of members of my tri club who swear by it (maybe it's the placebo effect, maybe it really helps)
  • BigBadgerBetty
    BigBadgerBetty Posts: 6 Member
    Skip it if your skin is remotely sensitive. My skin isn't very sensitive, but I ended up with a rash.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Just looking for people's thoughts on this stuff - have a lingering foot injury and also saw on their website that it can be used for extra arch support (I'm flat footed).
    Seems sort of expensive (I assume it isn't reusable?) and was hoping someone might have some insight :smile:

    I've used KT tape for my PF. The strips are not reusable and though I only used 2 strips for my feet if I remember correctly, white tape worked MUCH better. Takes more skill but I'm good at applying casts & bandages (veterinary experience) and a youtube video was all I needed for relief.

    White tape lasted longer too. (porous white tape, 2")
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I haven't seen any solid data that suggests that there is any real benefit to it (and I'll admit my bias against anything promoted by chiroquackters).

    Having said that there are a number of members of my tri club who swear by it (maybe it's the placebo effect, maybe it really helps)

    I agree. I can't for the life of me figure out why but taping DID work. Surprisingly well I might add too. I ended up taping out of desperation cause it hurt so bad. Imagine...a dog walker with PF?!!! :sad:
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I have found it very useful for shoulder and ankle stability, but have had much better luck getting Rocktape brand to stay stuck.
  • hecham
    hecham Posts: 118 Member
    I used it for plantar fascitis and I think it helps. I now only have to use it on my long run days. If you are willing to spend slightly more for the "waterproof" rather than the "water resistant", you can wear it for multiple days, which ultimately saves money if you will be using it frequently. I say give it a try. If it does work for you, it''s a lot cheaper than a doctor's visit.
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    I saw a doctor for a foot injury some years ago, and he took the tape and stuck it to other tape back to back with an arch support cushion between the pieces, and made a cushion for my arch out of it- because it was stretchy, I could then pull it on and off which made it reusable for me. It did work great used that way.
  • southerndream24
    southerndream24 Posts: 303 Member
    It's totally worth it. We call it magic tape in my run club. I use it on my knee and ankles for long training runs and for every half marathon. My physical therapist wrapped my knee in it. I wouldn't dare go without it.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    I used it for a strained soleus muscle and didn't feel like it did anything at all except make my wallet lighter.
  • Thanks everyone!
    I will definitely try out white tape (thanks @hookilau) and maybe grab some KT tape and test out the difference.
    I'm sure, like anything, it works well for some and not others!
  • I used it for a strained soleus muscle and didn't feel like it did anything at all except make my wallet lighter.

    Yeah this is what concerns me :laugh:
  • imdzeus
    imdzeus Posts: 1
    Meh..There are other better options. I am a pitcher and have a busted rotator cuff (not the throwing arm). Used KT a few times (both sport & regular one) but it's not very well constructed and slips off easily. There is this guy on Ebay and his tape is called Lifetape or Lyfetape I believe..AMAZING STUFF and only a 3rd of the price. He sponsored our area's roller derby girls and I had a chance to talk to him. The derby girls buy bucketloads from him and I believe he's planning to start selling these nationally now. I was amazed to see over 125 5-Star reviews on EBay for him but I know there is a good reason for that. Just search SEMOSNAKE KINESIO in search function and you'll find him.
    Please don't forget to let me know how you like it !:smile:
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    i can't for the life of me figure out how it would. re structure: a tensor bandage wrapped super nicely around an ankle only improves stability by something like 7%, that's why people use braces. as for improving blood flow, ridiculous. even if it did that, it would only go to the skin. has to be hype (& therefore placebo). athletes are superstitious.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    I have found it very useful for shoulder and ankle stability, but have had much better luck getting Rocktape brand to stay stuck.

    really? i'd trust your judgement.. but how could it work?
  • Meh..There are other better options. I am a pitcher and have a busted rotator cuff (not the throwing arm). Used KT a few times (both sport & regular one) but it's not very well constructed and slips off easily. There is this guy on Ebay and his tape is called Lifetape or Lyfetape I believe..AMAZING STUFF and only a 3rd of the price. He sponsored our area's roller derby girls and I had a chance to talk to him. The derby girls buy bucketloads from him and I believe he's planning to start selling these nationally now. I was amazed to see over 125 5-Star reviews on EBay for him but I know there is a good reason for that. Just search SEMOSNAKE KINESIO in search function and you'll find him.
    Please don't forget to let me know how you like it !:smile:

    I will definitely look into that and let you know how it goes - thanks so much! :smile:
  • HornedFrogPride
    HornedFrogPride Posts: 283 Member
    KT TAPE: LOVE IT! Use it almost daily. Have tested it running marathons to stabilize knees, have also used with feet, hamstrings, calves, etc. Very helpful. One of my "runner secret weapons" but I'm trying to dispel the secrecy and spread the word. Runner Unleashed has great info on this on Facebook if you need a KT Tape "expert". Wear it during every running race now. Awesome stuff! (Only problem: in 100% humidity, it can peel off.)
  • ktadmin
    ktadmin Posts: 2 Member
    Hey- just saw your post. We would be glad to send you a free sample so you can give it a try first before spending that hard earned money :)

    Fire us an email at marketing@kttape.com with your mailing address and we'll get a sample in the mail for you. We have tons of how- to video's at www.kttape.com that show how to apply the tape- I'd recommend starting with the plantar fasciitis app (http://bit.ly/yEpHoe) for basic arch support. thx!

    KT Tape support team
  • Hey- just saw your post. We would be glad to send you a free sample so you can give it a try first before spending that hard earned money :)

    Fire us an email at marketing@kttape.com with your mailing address and we'll get a sample in the mail for you. We have tons of how- to video's at www.kttape.com that show how to apply the tape- I'd recommend starting with the plantar fasciitis app (http://bit.ly/yEpHoe) for basic arch support. thx!

    KT Tape support team

    Thanks very much Jim, I will do that
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I have found it very useful for shoulder and ankle stability, but have had much better luck getting Rocktape brand to stay stuck.

    really? i'd trust your judgement.. but how could it work?

    No idea. Might be a placebo effect but I swear it does :-)