
Hello I am curious, does anyone do Atkins anymore? Or something along those lines? I did it 10 years ago and lost 30lbs in 2 months. I'm almost 40 now and having a real hard time starting up the weight loss. I am considering just doing the induction 2 week period just to get myself going.
BTW no such thing as too many friends here for support. So add away!


  • SirBonerFart
    SirBonerFart Posts: 1,185 Member
    Atkins is out, paleo is in
  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    I am doing Atkins ,, Going STRONG too, I stared 3 months ago at 380, I am down 62 pounds now 318 lbs, I continue to do induction phase, I am also off all diabeties meds now too
  • truckdriverjeremy
    truckdriverjeremy Posts: 28 Member
    Did atkins a few years ago, lost a little over 100 lbs. Then it just stopped working. Started counting calories and was able to eat a lot of foods I couldn't before. Then lost 100 more.
  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    Truck Driver, love the before and after pictures, I have known many people who platue on atkins really bad, for sure on the narrow scope of the foods you can eat, for me, my diabetes is so under control while on atkins
  • MishelW
    MishelW Posts: 24 Member
    In asking around about this I found "Metabolic Type" dieting. Sounds like my "type" is why Atkins worked so well for me before. So I think I'm going to try a kind of combination of the two and see what happens. Thanks Guys!
  • mrmagee3
    mrmagee3 Posts: 518 Member
    Atkins is out, paleo is in

    Paleo and Atkins aren't anywhere near synonymous. Paleo is a dietary philosophy, not a macronutrient prescription.
  • sean_d33
    sean_d33 Posts: 40 Member
    Keto diet is pretty similiar.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I did Atkins a long time ago and it was successful for me. However, for me, it is not something I could keep up long term because I like my carbs too much. I could do it short term or in intervals but that was not a lifestyle change and in order for me to lose it and keep it off, it had to be a lifestyle change.

    My aunt, on the other hand, has done Atkins or variations thereof for many years and it has been successful for her and she is able to keep it up long term.
  • SouperDuck
    SouperDuck Posts: 57 Member
    I do a keto diet. I feel better on a ketogenic diet. I am a former type 2 diabetic and I don't handle carbs well.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Atkins is out, paleo is in

    Paleo and Atkins aren't anywhere near synonymous. Paleo is a dietary philosophy, not a macronutrient prescription.

    How do you pronounce Potato? I'm a fan of Po- tah - to
  • Jenny_Ren1
    Jenny_Ren1 Posts: 65 Member
    There is a low carb group on mfp. There are people doing various forms of low carb, including Atkins.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    I lost all of my weight on it once. IMO its a great diet if you can do it forever but it doesn't set you up for long term success. Maybe it does if you actually follow the four phases, But i mainly stayed way lower carb. It's also built on false premises regarding hormones instead of focusing on calorie content and talking about some of the benefits that come from low carb that people might enjoy (more satiety, less choices equals less focus on diet, etc.).

    Anyways if you are interested this girl had a great site I would reference when i was doing it.

    Just don't forget calories are king and low carb or not you still need a deficit to lose weight.
  • mrmagee3
    mrmagee3 Posts: 518 Member
    Atkins is out, paleo is in

    Paleo and Atkins aren't anywhere near synonymous. Paleo is a dietary philosophy, not a macronutrient prescription.

    How do you pronounce Potato? I'm a fan of Po- tah - to

    Atkins is a low-carb dietary philosophy. Paleo runs the gamut from very low carb, very high carb, and everything in between:

    Paleo: "One should eat whole foods, as close to natural as possible, and eschew processed foods, including processed grain products."
    Atkins: "Eat very few carbs, moderate protein, and high fat."

    Because one can fit Atkins into a paleo lifestyle do not make the two synonymous.
  • ds1007
    ds1007 Posts: 67 Member
    I do Ketogenic, which is stage 1 Atkins. Down 18.5 pounds since starting in May - it works!
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Atkins is out, paleo is in

    Paleo and Atkins aren't anywhere near synonymous. Paleo is a dietary philosophy, not a macronutrient prescription.

    How do you pronounce Potato? I'm a fan of Po- tah - to

    Atkins is a low-carb dietary philosophy. Paleo runs the gamut from very low carb, very high carb, and everything in between:

    Paleo: "One should eat whole foods, as close to natural as possible, and eschew processed foods, including processed grain products."
    Atkins: "Eat very few carbs, moderate protein, and high fat."

    Because one can fit Atkins into a paleo lifestyle do not make the two synonymous.

    I agree I'm just messing with you. I think the individual you were quoting is just referring to the popularity shift from Atkins to Paleo. It seems like certain diets or dietary philosophies come into vogue and everyone is doing (south beach, atkins, Zone, etc.) and right now Paleo is the fad to jump on.

    Two years from now it will be the Jurassic Diet and everyone will be running around saying Baby Back Raptor Ribs and Tyranosaurus T_Bone is the key to a healthy life.
  • mrmagee3
    mrmagee3 Posts: 518 Member
    Atkins is out, paleo is in

    Paleo and Atkins aren't anywhere near synonymous. Paleo is a dietary philosophy, not a macronutrient prescription.

    How do you pronounce Potato? I'm a fan of Po- tah - to

    Atkins is a low-carb dietary philosophy. Paleo runs the gamut from very low carb, very high carb, and everything in between:

    Paleo: "One should eat whole foods, as close to natural as possible, and eschew processed foods, including processed grain products."
    Atkins: "Eat very few carbs, moderate protein, and high fat."

    Because one can fit Atkins into a paleo lifestyle do not make the two synonymous.

    I agree I'm just messing with you. I think the individual you were quoting is just referring to the popularity shift from Atkins to Paleo. It seems like certain diets or dietary philosophies come into vogue and everyone is doing (south beach, atkins, Zone, etc.) and right now Paleo is the fad to jump on.

    Two years from now it will be the Jurassic Diet and everyone will be running around saying Baby Back Raptor Ribs and Tyranosaurus T_Bone is the key to a healthy life.

    I'd totally eat those.

    Sorry for misreading your post. :happy:
  • 22dream
    22dream Posts: 60 Member
    Would 1200 calories 20NC work for great success??
  • mrmagee3
    mrmagee3 Posts: 518 Member
    A lot of that depends on how the rest of the calories you're taking in are made up.

    Also, 1200 is likely low.
  • ngyoung
    ngyoung Posts: 311 Member
    My opinion is that it is successful if you actually do it as intended vs many people just assuming you only eat big slabs of meat all day. The reason Pale gets lumped in is because it is a grain free diet and can be naturally easy to eat low carb with it. The induction phase is pretty much the same as a keto diet, both are to get into nutritional ketosis.

    If you want to maintain long term weight loss you will need to develop your daily diet into one that you can live with once you're in maintenance. In the later stages of an Atkins style diet you will still want to moderate carbs but you should be able to eat reasonable portion just not basing your diet on them like the typical SAD diet.
  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    very well said, but I do enjoy huge slabs of meat,, lol