What should my *net* be?

Long story short, I lost 127 lbs, 2 yrs later got pregnant, gained 70, and now 10 months later, I still have 30 lbs to go.
I've been struggling trying to determine how much to eat. 1200 seems too low, but that's how I lost most of the 127. I used MFP back then too, so I know that that works but is it the best? Back then I also used to work out 6-7 days a week for 45 mi-1 hr. Now days I'm lucky if I get in 4 days a week for 30 mins on the elliptical because of mine and hubbys schedules, someone's gotta stay home with the baby, as our gym doesn't offer childcare.
Can someone help me figure out what the best ideal caloric intake is for me? On a good day I burn 300 cals through exercise. But like I said, I dont get to the gym as often as I'd like.
I use a Polar F4 while working out, so my burn is calculated pretty accurately.
Thanks in advance! I'm desperate to get my body back, but just need a little bit of motivation/information.


  • alwayswinter303
    Your best bet is to google a TDEE calculator and get a starting number to work with. Probably around 1600-2000. If your goal is to lose weight you should be aiming for 1-2 lbs a week which is usually achieved by consuming 20% below your TDEE but this will vary from person to person.

    Going off of the calorie number you get for your TDEE, weigh yourself after a week of following the calorie plan. If you gained weight. Lower your calories! Lost too much weight, raise your calories a little.

    Hope this helps!